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Posts posted by Crasical

  1. unknown.png


    This is Jungfrau. Natural origin Trick Arrow/Archery Defender, blueside.

    Swiss olympic archer with a grudge against the Council, her left arm is a memory-metal prosthetic than can snap out into a bow to let her fight crime with a variety of gadget arrows.


    I'm not feeling entirely satisfied with her costume and I'm not really sure why. Suggestions, critiques, improvements all welcome.

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  2. Quote

    And introducing...HACKERMAN!


    Look, don't get me wrong. I actually enjoy doing some research for my characters to make them hew closer to factual accuracy. But to really portray my roster, I'd have to be an expert in:


    Prison culture, drug addiction, christian theology, computer programming, Mexican luchador wrestling, foraging and wilderness survival, 'comic book mad science', New York geography, herbalism, roman history, modern arms and armor, volcanology, Gaelic mythology, traditional hand-drawn illustration and cartooning techniques, military culture, and the ability to speak Spanish, Tibetan, Italian, Japanese, and Hawaiian


    It's a bottomless rabbit-hole, and since 'the greatest roleplayer ever to live' isn't a paying gig, you don't have time to research all those things, *ESPECIALLY* to the degree needed to get not break the immersion of an expert in the field, much less impress them with your immersive portrayal of Himalayan basket weaving techniques.



    now gimme my cookie

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  3. 14 hours ago, ZorkNemesis said:

    For the merits, do you have the Vanguard day job effect active?  The Vanguard day job awards 2 Vanguard Merits upon completing any non-AE mission whilr active, not just missions in RWZ.

    That would do it, mystery solved.

  4. Some bugs I noticed doing the reworked seasonal content, 'The Widow in Red'.



    Ritual summoning circle spawns with Council



    Mission vs. Countess Crey rewards vanguard merits for some reason?




    Red widow doesn't despawn after (or before) the cutscene with Lord Recluse and remains on map, but invincible.

  5. Quote


        Doctor Hetzfeld:
            Thank you for showing up, Character!
            Good news! The cyborgs are a success and follow my every command!
            Bad news! I'm going to use them to kill you!
            It's been a pleasure working with you, but now...

        Super Cyborg:

            Understood... master...!


        Doctor Hetzfeld:



        Super Cyborg:

            Master... commands!
            Obey the master...!


        Doctor Hetzfeld:

            No... no no no no no!


        Super Cyborg:

            Orders... received...!


        Doctor Hetzfeld:

            Not you fools! Character is the one who is supposed to DIE!


        Super Cyborg:

            Yes... Master...!


        Doctor Hetzfeld:

            Stop! Stopstopstopstopstop!
            No! Not like this!




        Doctor Hetzfeld:

            Character... about that... betrayal...


        Doctor Hetzfeld:
           ...! I have more ghouls! DIE!



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  6. 4 minutes ago, arcane said:

    I’d be ok with a radius increase on VG I suppose but with an asterisk next to any mention of Time. Time is currently pretty dang overtuned/top tier at the moment and therefore should not be the standard bearer for balanced sets.


    I used it as an example because
    A) It's a close analogue, in being a PBAoE debuff aura, without having to factor in Weirdness like Hurricane's repel.
    B) It's a set I'm also familiar with alongside Poison

    Time is indeed pretty top-tier, but I think that's because it has a lot of very solid, very impactful powers; I wouldn't say Time's Juncture is what comes to mind when people think of Time being really strong. IMO, it's not enough of an outlier to disqualify it as a point of comparison, and that comparison is that it's got some measurable advantages in the mitigation department compared to Venomous Gas, something that is a gameplay-altering capstone that comes online 30 levels later.

  7. Here's my issue:  Time's Juncture.


    Venomous Gas provides (Defender Values)

    -18.75% Damage
    -12.5% ToHit

    Versus Time's Juncture's

    -25% Damage
    -15.625% ToHit


    Now, yes. that's deliberately a lopsided analysis: Venomous gas also does a -12.5% Base Defense debuff and a -25% Resistance debuff, which is *really nice*. That much can't be understated.
    But time controllers get a lot of other mitigation and survival tools (Farsight), their aura is ten feet bigger, and Time's Juncture is available at level four.


    Essentially I wish the safety net was a little wider for Venomous Gas, since it's asking you to jump into the fray like that, and the rest of the set is so bare of personal protection.

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  8. 2 hours ago, MTeague said:

    I still want the ability to grab them in a fireman's carry.

    Particularly for redside kidnappings!  I mean, come on!  Even if I'm forced to put them down before I can use any combat powers.


    However, I suspect the coding work for that would be .... "non-trivial". 

    So yea, having them not get stuck on doorways, or running laps around the room to find you, would be nice.


    I'd very much like to be able to toss a those dang mayhem mission escorts over my shoulder like a sack of potatoes to be hauled to the exit by force.

  9. It should continue to give its benefit when you're not hidden; hide remains active and still gives a small defense boost even if you're revealed and in combat.


    Strictly speaking you're not incorrect, but Hide has a recharge time of two seconds, costs no endurance to run, and is kind of a key stalker power, so the niche case that you're running with it turned off (and can't just toggle it back on for a second once every 2 minutes if you have to escort a hostage or something) seems comically small to me.

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  10. Competitive Mayhem Mission has always been a really cool concept, but balancing them is tricky. How do you integrate the stuff that makes Mayhems and safeguards cool into a PvP environment?

    Though doing a more dangerous bank heist does seem a great way to introduce a long-duration temp boost like the one you get from completing DFB or the Dark Astoria arcs as a reward, maybe as something that villains are trying to steal.

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  11. My personal recommendation is that before you get too deep in the reeds describing your character's steely glare or the powerful divine magical aura they radiate, put some character count towards explaining your character's 'deal'. It doesn't need to be an exhaustive backstory, but just letting people know you're a rogue arachnos operative, a thrillseeking luchador, or a praetorian mad scientist goes a long way. Keep in mind that the reader doesn't know your character, so give them the elevator pitch first.

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  12. 8 hours ago, Clave Dark 5 said:

    The real trick is to rez yourself with your own Howling Twilight cast just before death... and then level!  I haven't managed that one yet either though.


    The timing on Howling Twilight self-rezzes is SO TIGHT, but I keep trying to do it... I've done it once before, and that somehow convinces me that it's repeatable.

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