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Posts posted by Crasical

  1. 8 hours ago, Clave Dark 5 said:

    The real trick is to rez yourself with your own Howling Twilight cast just before death... and then level!  I haven't managed that one yet either though.


    The timing on Howling Twilight self-rezzes is SO TIGHT, but I keep trying to do it... I've done it once before, and that somehow convinces me that it's repeatable.

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  2. 7 minutes ago, The_Warpact said:

    Considering most complaints are not enough challenging content, empty zones, and not enough end game stuff. I'll betcha it will get more folks into them than pvp will ever do.


    See, I'm actually not so sure about that. It's probably impossible to get real numbers, but I wouldn't think that the very hardcore 801/pylon times/Aeon SF on Relentless crowd is much bigger than a single-digit chunk of the playerbase.

  3. I think the closest you're going to get is the /Ninj secondary for blasters, as it gives you a katana and a few attacks to use it with.


    There are a couple major hurdles towards getting this implemented: Katana, Assault Rifle, and Beam Rifle animations all use two hands. They would not play nice with this idea. So we're looking at Broadsword animations; and the handful of left-handed pistol shots where the right arm is reasonably at-rest. If you plunder Dual Pistols and MM/Thugs, you can get 2 that definitely work, 1 that I think is okay, and one that's fairly questionable, so about 4.


    Then the question becomes implementation; and there are two kind of paths that I see here that might be viable:

    A) Sword and Pistol is its own powerset.
    Now, a set integrating melee and ranged attacks should, by all rights, be a Dominator Assault set; but honestly I think a domi set with redraw would be kind of miserable to play. I think you could *just about* squeak it in as a melee set for scrappers, tankers, stalkers and brutes, with the 'set gimmick' being having a few ranged attacks. Spines and Staff both get ranged attacks of some merit, so it's not apocalyptically unheard of. I really don't know if I can see it as a blaster primary, there just aren't enough animations for different ranged attacks.


    B) "AND A GUN!" becomes its own powerset.
    Hear me out: The gun becomes an armor set. Name it CQC or Dueling or something of that nature, and treat the gun in your offhand like the shield from Shield Defense. The pistol becomes less of a damage-dealing tool and more to cow and debuff enemies, like Dark Armor. Upside of this one is that it might with any one-handed weapon like Shield Defense, broadsword, Axe, War-Mace, ect rather than just being with a sword.


    Anyway, it'd take a good deal of work for a semi niche request, but it might be possible. Interesting, at least.

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  4. 5 minutes ago, Rudra said:

    Problem being that confuse stacks. I don't know if WoC itself can be made specifically to not stack, I'm not a dev. Only they can answer that. (If Stun also stacks but Oppressive Gloom ignores that, then I would guess WoC could be configured the same way. I don't typically use Stuns, so I don't know their mechanics.) Though I do like your suggestion.

    All mezzes that I'm aware of will ordinarily let you stack magnitude until the target is affected, but there is indeed a power flag that can be applied to tell a power to not stack with itself, which Oppressive Gloom uses.

  5. I didn't realize that the cloaking device wasn't perfect stealth until I was level 50. I was hunting Circle of Thorns outside Grandville and had to pause for a second to let Shatter and Placate recharge, so I took a minute to just take a close-up look at one of the CoT Succubus-es wandering around on the beach, since you don't often get to take in all the details of enemy models in this game.


    Boy was I surprised when she noticed me and slapped a third of my health bar off.

    EDIT: Anyway you're probably fine without enhancing it, it's fine in almost every situation.

  6. 3 minutes ago, TheZag said:


    It wouldnt take much to turn it into a perma mass confuse toggle.  With some heavy slotting investment there is already a chance to stick a confuse on bosses.


    Oppressive gloom is decent in my experience.  I have it on my MM and it stuns the minions reliably.  The health cost is more than offset by heal procs.


    Comparing the two:


    Oppressive gloom has 4 feet more radius (12ft as opposed to 8ft), about 1/10th the endurance cost, and ticks twice as often as World of Confusion. It lasts 9 seconds per stun (Compared to WoC's 2 seconds), and doesn't have the reduced chance to effect enemies that WoC does. It doesn't stack with itself, though, so it can't stun anything but minions.


    Stun is (in whatever balancing formula exists in CoX powers) less 'expensive' than Confuse, but I wonder if there's a version of the power that could exist that's closer to OG than the current incarnation that's better than what we have without being overpowering.


    Increase the confuse duration to 4 or 5 seconds, remove the reduced chance tohit, make it so it doesn't stack with itself, remove its ability to do damage, and leave it with the inferior radius, endurance cost, and tick speed compared to OG, maybe?

  7. It's underwhelming, yeah. I have it on my Beam/Energy blaster, Cosmic Cow, for concept reasons. Surveillance is good, Sleep Grenade and Freeze Ray are solid Fine (Though, honestly? I've always wondered why something as high-tech as a freeze ray was included in the pool that's Modern Soldier Things.). People have already covered this, but with Sustain powers, Blasters are now very unlikely too notice or care about about the weight of an extra toggle, making Body Armor a liability. And the LRM is just a hot mess, even loaded with an IO set. As it stands, I think it could use even higher damage (turning it into a second nuke, albiet one with a lengthy recharge and windup), or reclassifying it as a snipe despite its AoE and letting it be quick-fired in combat.

  8. 24 minutes ago, Shred Monkey said:

    I only clicked this thread because I saw Crasical's icon and wanted to check to see if I was seeing it right (I was). 


    Tanking is only half the battle. The other half...

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  9. Most of my characters are at 40, and I can't think of any of them that can punch ten levels above their weight class to touch my 50s. So it's down to my five level 50s:


    Cosmic Cow, Beam Rifle/Energy Manip Blaster

    Tomb Spider, Bane Spider
    Kilauea, Earth/Fire Dominator
    Colmilla, Street Justice/Super Reflexes scrapper

    Peyote Patrol, Spines/Fire Farm Brute.


    Now, order starts to really matter for two particular reasons:

    1) Peyote isn't really designed to exist outside of a fire farm. Like a deep-sea organism living in a volcanic vent on the seabed, she's too specialized for a general brawl like this. By sheer coincidence, there actually is one opponent spewing fire that she's got a winnable matchup with, Kilauea. 

    2) Cosmic Cow is a hoverblaster with very good ranged defense. Tomb Spider has a long shot at using Web Cocoon to bring her down into mace range (and Peyote has an even longer shot with Impale), but Colmilla simply doesn't have a good counter to jetpack. Being mez vulnerable and susceptible to -fly, though, she's got real reason to be worried about Kilauea.


    If Kilauea goes down, Cosmic Cow has a really good chance of running away with a victory, since she can focus Tomb/Peyote/Colmilla down from the skies.


    So, the question becomes, what if that *doesn't* happen? If Kilauea realizes she needs to burn down Cosmic Cow, and either can get someone to screen for her or if someone senses weakness and targets Peyote all on their own, then CC and Peyote Patrol probably drop first. From there, Kilauea is fighting a pair of hard-to-hit, mez-resistant enemies that get up in melee range, and drops. It turns into basically a coinflip as to whether Tomb Spider or Colmilla prevail at this point; and I might give the edge to Tomb Spider due to having the stealth strike mechanics and placate on his side.


    So, probably Cosmic Cow or Tomb Spider, but with some interesting kingmakers in the mix.

  10. I don't strictly adhere to it (Some of my characters are one-costume wonders) but I try to reserve slots for certain zones or organizations; like a Vanguard variant for RWZ stuff and a set of Cimeroran Armor for ITFs. Then some get Midnighter librarian-wear or labcoats for University, or police uniforms for the PPD, or whatever else I feel like showingn their alignment to a particular organization. I think one even has a Mender outfit with brass and leather.

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  11. On 11/29/2021 at 12:34 PM, Sweetcake said:


    I have no knowledge when it comes to dominators but I'm guessing your defences would be lower due to stealth?

    If so you can change the settings in mids to reflect that you have been attacked under the options/configurations.

    Oh heck, I didn't know that was an option. Thanks for bringing it to my attention!

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  12. Please give Dominator/Savage Assault/Call Swarm an alternate animation using that of Shriek from Sonic Attack so that I can vomit bees at people. Shooting bees from your mouth is much more terrifying than just manifesting them at people. 

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  13. On 11/23/2021 at 7:17 PM, oedipus_tex said:

    Hi there, nice work on a first build. I have some suggestions, but this is a pretty good start.

    Thank you kindly, and sorry for the long delay, the forum didn't pop up anything to say this had gotten any views, so I missed your analysis. 


    Thanks also for the kind words on it. Now, as to your suggestions:

    You're correct about Call Hawk, and probably correct about the immobs and Obliteration. The problem is that the build's pretty tight at the moment, so we're definitely operating on one-in-one-out system. I'd *LIKE* to grab those powers, but what would I drop to replace them? I do actually quite like Rending Flurry, and Maiming Slash is in there for leveling purposes. It's sorta the same deal as my blaster, I have both Single Shot and charged Shot and while I don't *use* them much at 50, they get niche use as being fired off during mezzes due to Defiance, and they helped me have an attack chain from low levels, and they'll be important if I ever need to exemplar back down.


    You've got an excellent call on Weave instead of Grant Invis. I had thought that it would be good to let allies sneak around with me, but more defense for my fragile self is probably not unwise. Which leads to further jiggery: I can move a slot out of Tough to Weave, and turn Tough into a mule for the defense uniques and end up with +12% global defense for a loss of about 6% resistance to smashing/lethal, which is a pretty good trade. 


    as for the dominator ATO: Yeah, could do. I'd have to buy one extra ATO but putting it in Fearsome Stare is not a bad call.
    I don't have Feral Charge yet, Hain is about 36, but at present I open (From stealth) with possess on any NPC or target I think is going to be trouble, followed by fearsome stare. Optionally, drop Haunt or Unkindness at this point to either mitigate aggro or start dealing damage, then jump in and fire off Heart of Darkness or Shadow Field if it's on cooldown, and then start meleeing with Maiming, Vicious, and Rending Flurry. Repositioning from within the mob to drop more Unkindness if the density is thick enough. Once I have Feral Charge, it's going to replace manually running into the mob packs.


    This is also why I convinced myself that I'll be fine even dropping Call Hawk, which I have on the live version of the character, I'm really more about zooming into the heart of the pack to Heart of Darkness, Rending Flurry, and then lay about with melee attacks than stand back and use the admittedly excellent heavy ranged attack.


    Force Feedback in Feral Charge and -Resist in unkindness? Certainly, but where will I get the slots? Everything is slotted *precisely* to where I get the recharge set bonus, OR frankenslotted fo whatever I wanted it to do: The only places I can pull slots are Possess, Fearsome Stare, Dark Consumption and Soul Drain. Pulling slots from the soul mastery aura sucks is certainly *an option*, but I'd have to weight that against having those powers get good enhancement values. I've never really played around with those expensive, high-end procs, so I don't know how to properly measure the benefits versus 25% more accuracy and recharge in Dark Consumption and Sould Drain.


    All in all, thank you for your time and critiques for the build. I'm very grateful.

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