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Posts posted by Crasical

  1. I've been staring at this for hours and I don't even know if it makes sense anymore. 

    Idea is to approach in stealth, hit with Fearsome Stare/possibly Unkindness, then Feral Charge in, drop Heart of Darkness, and then get to work in melee, dropping Shadowy Field if necessary.

    Dark Consumption and Soul Drain in the middle of the pack, stacked Dark Embrace and Toughness (I couldn't get any real meaningful defense with all the +rech).
    Possess is just really handy for corner cases and early leveling tool.
    Infiltration really slotted because it's got my def mules for +rech and -KB and and extra resistance and stuff.



    | Copy & Paste this data into Mids Reborn : Hero Designer to view the build |

  2. On 11/6/2021 at 10:50 AM, Captain Powerhouse said:


    This is step one in what likely will be a long set of changes that will take a while to implement. The idea being that Sleep will be a reliable way to shut-down enemy buff and debuffs. Someone already mentioned Hurricane as an example. Another example is CoT Chill of the Night toggles that drastically debuff accuracy. Right now, sleep will reliably turn those toggles off.


    Eventually some NPC buffs like Nemesis Vengeance will also be purgeable via applying a sleep on buffed entities.


    Most cases where this would be useful, either the player accuracy is heavily debuffed, or enemy defense drastically buffed.



    Man, having Munitions Sleep Grenade be, like, *useful* is gonna be weird.


  3. Here's the deal with Croatoa: 


    Wayback in the Wayback, (Somewhere between Prehistory and the 1st century, we'll say) in ancient mythic Ireland the ancient tribes of the Fir Bolg, the natives of the island, did battle with the invading Tuatha de Dannan. This battle was long, vicious, and bloody, which absolutely delighted the native Irish fey, the Redcaps. The Fir Bolg eventually lost, and fled across the ocean. The Redcaps, annoyed that the fun was over, decided to kidnap a contingent of the Tuatha to chase down the Fir Bolg. 


    Fast forward to 1588, America, Roanoke Colony. The Fir Bolg stumble out of the woods, exhausted and hungry. (Questions about the distance traveled and the many years intervening can be answered with 'The Redcaps did it'. Malicious fey are malicious.) The colonists, of course, happily provide the strangers with food and rest. 


    Cue the redcaps showing up with their attack dogs, the Tuatha. They rip the whole Roanoke colony into 'The Spirit World', the fey realms, whatever you wanna call it, and proceed to massacre the colony. All the males killed, the women and Firbolgs sent running through the spirit world. They spend the next 400 years torturing and tormenting the firbolg and the women of Roanoke, The Roanoke women eventually take up spellcasting, learning magic to help them survive in the spirit realm (arcadia, fey realms). It's not clear if the Firbolg and Tuatha were transformed into monsters by the redcaps during this period, or later? I'd assumed that the Firbolg at least had human forms up until the Roanoke colony is disappeared, it kind of stretches my suspension of disbelief that the colonists would have taken pity on a tribe of giant pumpkin scarecrows.


    400+ years pass, setting to modern time. Paragon City is a nexus for powerful magic, and it attracts the Redcap's attention. They nab some Fir Bolgs (possibly transforming them now, this is the last point this could happen, chronologically) and shove them through doorways into Paragon city, and delight as the heroes hunt them down as monsters. This makes them so happy they decide they want to have some more fun: Dragging Salamanca into the spirit realm where they can have more carnage and suffering.


    This sets up the zone as we see it: The Fir Bolg and Cabal are conspiring together to try and put together a genocide spell to delete the Redcaps entirely, the Tuatha are being tormented and used as attack dogs by the Redcaps, the spirits are just confused and terrified ghosts of Salamanca humans, and heroes are caught up in it. 

    • Thanks 1
  4. I've been curious about this for a while, honestly: Fighting's got two single target smacks and a cone. How feasible would a fighting clone that uses the whip animations be? Or a clone of Willpower that uses a shotgun for its ranged blast and cone?


    The cons are myriad: getting the animation time to sync up, making sure the damage numbers are comparable, and the only real 'prop' I can support is 'it'd be cool to let a character use a weapon a little even if they aren't a 'weapon archetype'. 
    Too much work to be viable, probably. But the idea keeps tugging at me!

    • Like 1
  5. 19 minutes ago, KauaiJim said:

    And then there's this one that looks like a small genie or elixir bottle?



    If I'm not missing my guess, that's from Panacea, which is a magical cure-all medicine that could fix anything up to and sometimes including death. So a fancy potion bottle is probably right.



    also I know what this is:
    Thumbnail for version as of 00:23, 8 May 2020

    It's a pair of handcuffs. But I'm also pretty sure that because it's from the 'Unbreakable Constraint' set it's a reference to that 'You can't break those cuffs.' video from a bunch of years back.

    • Like 2
  6. My sentinel started feeling better once I picked up Boxing/Kick/Cross Punch.


    I think it's because it nudged them into the same sort of arena my Bane Spider lives in, as this mostly melee (but has a ranged attack chain) hybrid that has some team support utility. It's not 1/1, since the Bane Spider is mostly melee with a bit of range and the sentinel is the opposite, but it's the same general zone.


    The comparison ain't flattering, sadly. The inherent doesn't quite do enough for the team compared to a Bane's leadership auras, and I don't get the same feeling of power, wading through mobs and laying waste as the bane does. 

  7. Hmmm, the barbarian skirt and talon wraps are making the gears turn again. As does the robe top...

    And yeah, I do two versions of this combo, one with the big fiery sigil and bioplasmic aura, one without, for 'powered up!' moments. It's a good pick.

  8. So this is my current look for Kiluaea, a Hawaiian rookie hero and Earth/Fire Dominator with lava theme. 

    I'm just increasingly not sure I'm feeling a lot of elements, and now that she's level 50 I find myself avoiding her original costume. I feel like the abundance of leather and gold maybe isn't right for getting the idea of 'volcano shaman' across.




    I like the extremely long dark hair, but I think she needs a forehead object of some sort to break up all that forehead space, be it a set of goggles, or a tiara or headband. I've been messing with the barbarian headband and the Resistance goggles. I feel like I'm conceptually married to the Cybertech top and the glowing orange marks on her skin. I like the combination of carnie belt and Talons skirt, but I worry that the orange is overpowering and going to turn her into a traffic cone. I've just been staring at it so long I don't even know what to think anymore. I'm totally stuck, can anyone offer suggestions into making her a proper island-girl heroine?




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