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Posts posted by Crasical

  1. 48 minutes ago, PeregrineFalcon said:

    I'm not sure why you decided to become so defensive about my posting in the roleplaying section of the forums. I will tell you though that I will continue to post in this, or any other, section of the forums whether you like it or not. At least until the moderators perma-ban me.

     Sorry if my point did not come across. 

    When you post something like "Everyone is galactic levels of power, everyone is 15 year olds power tripping", it comes across as kind of a rude generalization, you know? 

    When you post something like "I don't roleplay in City of Heroes, because everyone is power tripping. But I don't know if people are power tripping, because I don't roleplay", it's kind of circular reasoning, and flawed. It makes me ask 'Why are you here? Just to complain?'


    You can post where you like, you can say what you like. But I feel like I can point these things out to you as well.

  2. On 4/18/2022 at 7:01 PM, PeregrineFalcon said:

    I posted basically the same thing @MHertz in another thread last month: "I think it's better for roleplaying if you're of moderate level superhero instead of Galactus. I actually think that level of power is a real trap for actual roleplayers."


    And of course one of those roleplayers took offense, because of course they did, and basically said "how dare you post in our subforum!"


    No, what you said was "I'm interested in actual roleplaying, not just a bunch of 15 year olds power tripping, so [...] I don't roleplay in City of Heroes."


    I asked why you post in the roleplay subforums if you don't roleplay.

  3. Behind the upstairs blueside bar, the one with no barstools and no bartender. There's no polishglass emote so I need some way to let other people know I'm ready to roleplay serving up cocktails.


    The only other beverage based badge I could find, 'Don't drink it' sends rather the wrong message.

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  4. On 3/27/2022 at 5:38 PM, Rudra said:

    So you want a permanent Rikti invasion that awards the Rikti bomb and heavy badges without the need for the invasion or a large enough group to get (for the heavies at least)? No.


    Did you know that the heavies actually spawn rarely in the backside of the Rikti War Zone? I do actually kind of wish they'd grant the badge for defeating them.

  5. Cosmic Cow. Beam Rifle/Energy Blaster.


    She's a dumb idea I had around shutdown, just a mess of B-movie alien tropes of flying saucers and jetpacks and ray-guns and aliens abducting cows and probing humans. I never actually rolled her, I didn't have my own bank account or credit card back then, and I didn't want to spend money on the powerset or the retro-scifi costume set. So, when the Secret Server got revealed, and they did a stress test.... time for cow.


    She was my first Everlasting 50, and in a way she's really symbolic of City of Heroes getting a second lease on life: For me, she's something that *could* have happened but didn't, turned into something that almost didn't happen but did in the end. She's just a hover-blaster, nothing fancy, but she's fun to play, fun to roleplay. I'm just really fond of her in particular, and I always feel grateful that the game is back again.

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  6. On 3/23/2022 at 5:58 PM, Without_Pause said:

    Yes, I know, I don't "have to solo" on +1/x4 while leveling. This issue only gets worse when you do end game content at x8 diff setting.




    Rescue Black Widow. I cake walk the mission and free her. Instant mass ambush and I don't mean a single mob. The beauty of it? A boss instantly puts me in Detention Field. I can literally do nothing while Black Widow gets slaughtered. I barely get free, do all of like two attacks, and see the load screen

    That's not a boss, that's a Ballista. EB.

    I know the mission you're talking about, and same thing happens to me: You rescue, the Ballista appears, you get detention fielded. The thing is, I haven't ever seen Ghost Widow go down during that sequence, so I don't know what you're doing differently. She's got some big controls and a self-heal, she normally can take care of herself.


    On 3/23/2022 at 1:43 PM, Kami Tsunami said:

    I understand it isn't how everyone would put it together, but I come to find I really like it. Maybe it helps you, or others, with their Water/Poison toons.




    How is Steam Spray treating you? I respecced out of it because of the lack of synergy with Venomous Gas, didn't want to wrangle a cone.

    Also I'm surprised to see people so few people taking the Dark Epic pool, layering on Oppressive Gloom with Venomous Gas really made getting in close more survivable for me.

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  8. We really do live in an era of builds rather than guides, so it can be hard to know exactly what your powers are and how to leverage them. I ran /time as a secondary for my controller, so here's my short list of advice:


    TIME CRAWL: Single target -speed -rech -regen
    The power also tags the target for greater debuff potency from your other powers. A single slot of accuracy is probably fine here. As a single target debuff you mostly will just use it on bosses and the like.


    TEMPORAL MENDING: PBAoE healing, and it's a pretty good one. Somewhat overshined later but who doesn't love a pbaoe heal?


    TIME'S JUNCTURE: Big 'ole -acc and -dam debuff aura that also slows. Some people don't use this, I used it a ton. Does about -20% accuracy. VERY END THIRSTYY


    TEMPORAL SELECTION: +Damage, +rech, +regen. Everybody loves those! Put that on a melee archetype where the big health pool will do the most good with the regen boost. It also lets your heals heal more.


    DISTORTION FIELD: I don't have this one on my controller. I had so much control already. It's probably really good, but I don't know how it works. Sorry.


    TIME STOP: It's a single target hold. I took it to stack with my controller hold. If fyou stack it with distortion field it's also probably pretty good for locking bosses down. You can make it briefly hold bosses by putting Time Crawl on the boss first but it's probably better to just stack two holds if you have thhem.


    FARSIGHT: a HUGE chunk of why time is so good. It's perma-able pretty easily? and the controller version gives 15% defense and 10% tohit slotted. if you combine the 15% defense and the -20% accuracy debuff from Time's Juncture you're at functionally 35% defense, near softcap. Cool.


    SLOWED RESPONSE: I just got this on my 'troller and I don't know what it does yet. Sorry again.

    CHRONO SHIFT: Oh yeah this one's nice. It's a big heal with a small hot attached to it, a small end refund, and a 50% recharge boost for you and all your friends. People love recharge.



    so yeah you have heals, controls, debuffsf and buffs. You can do a little bit of everything, time is real strong. building you kind of need to decide if you wannt to run Time's Juncture or not, because it's got a big end drain, causes a lot of aggro, andn you have to get in melee.


    In general: buff alies with Farsight and Chrono Shift when they're up, keep temporal selection up on meaty allies, drop D-field, slowed response, andn time stops on grouups to lock down bosses and annoying enemies, heal with mending when you gotta, and otherwise just blast.



    apologies, typinng this on very janky laptop keyboard. it probably looks real bad. sorry.

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  9. On 3/12/2022 at 3:31 PM, Errants said:

    1) Opportunity grants BOTH the Offensive and Defensive options.
    2) Have Opportunity be triggered by EITHER of the T1 or T2 blasts.
    3) Opportunity's bar depletes on activation, allowing you to build it WHILE under Opportunity.


    What if we divorced the buff and the debuff portions here? So that when you fill the bar, you *automatically* get both offensive and defensive options and the bar empties? You could move the debuff portion to it's own clicky that only functions while you have the Opportunity buff and gives the big targeting reticle and resistance debuff.


    alternatively, instead of having the clicky, you could just bake it into the Opportunity buff, where the resistance debuff that sentinels normally employ gets bigger while Opportunity is up.

  10. 3 minutes ago, flyinggecko2 said:

    For some reason they are adamantly against giving me the option to play how I want.


    People say 'Don't, it's bad' when they talk about mayo on french fries too, and I love them that way.

    They're entitled to their opinion, you're fully free to just... roll that character. You don't gotta go on the forums and ask permission first.

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  11. 1 minute ago, flyinggecko2 said:

    So instead, we have "go respec your character and slot different (sub-par) enhancements that will significantly weakened your character because your choices are getting me and my friends killed. "


    I know some people feel that way, but until we get a consensus on 'Knockback in any form is Griefing', I don't feel like anyone has any right to go around telling other people how to play or build their characters.

    Going to Null and say 'hey don't let people use Mystic Fortune on me' does not inhibit their ability to use and enjoy Mystic Fortune. Putting a -KB option in Null is so you can tell *other people* to go change their settings. There's a difference.


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  12. The problem I feel is that the other Null toggles are saying 'You can do this but I don't want it to effect me'. Which is more than fair! Curate your experience. But there's not really a way to implement a "You can use knockback but I don't want it to effect me" flag; this suggestion would just lead to a lot of "Hey go change how YOU play because it annoys ME", which is more intrusive than I think a Null flag should be.

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  13. 28 minutes ago, PeregrineFalcon said:

    I'm interested in actual roleplaying, not just a bunch of 15 year olds power tripping, so beyond usually staying in character during party chat I don't roleplay in City of Heroes.

    5 minutes ago, PeregrineFalcon said:

    Admittedly I haven't been involved in the roleplaying community on Homecoming, so maybe they don't have that issue here. It sure seemed to be an issue on the retail servers though.


    So you don't roleplay in City of Heroes.... but you DID come to the roleplay section of the forums, to tell us you don't roleplay, because everyone is 15 year olds power tripping... but you're not sure they're actually doing that, because you don't roleplay.



    Anyway those power-tripping 15 year olds are 25 years old now, post-shutdown.

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    After reading An Overly Long Post Talking About Lore, Canon, and Headcanon (TM), particularly Chapter 7. This is a Video Game, I decided to come back here to talk about the grinding gears between Chapters 3 and it's neighbors, and how you can get your sleeve caught in them if you're not careful. 


    Prelude: Roleplaying with Strangers: I'm going to right off the bat say that a lot of this can be worked around if you have a supergroup or a small group of friends you consistently roleplay with. If you're not, though? You're going to be telling stories with randoms. That's not necessarily a bad thing, it's a great way to meet people and have fun and the Everlasting community is pretty chill, but it means that not everyone is going to be up-to-date on how you've written around things. 


    The gap between Chapter 2 and Chapter 3: Are you a friendly neighborhood Spiderman? A street level protector of Kings Row? Great! Turn off exp at level 25, you're done with leveling on that character! What, does that sound unreasonable? It is. Their roleplay power level shouldn't influence their game level. But Try it the other way: If what your character can achieve in game has *no* bearing on their roleplay power level, you can just make a character and leave them at level 1. I, personally, have a lot of trouble taking people who do this seriously.


    So how do you solve this? I... unfortunately, don't have a really good answer for this one. Saying that your IC and mechanical power levels never touch is one, but it's weird and uncomfortable when your level 1 godling gets face-planted by a hellion with a sledgehammer, or your street-level-saves-cats hero obliterates a whole fireteam of highly-trained anti-metahuman soldiers (Take your pick from Council, Malta, and Nemesis). You can just declare the actual missions you do non-canon, and never do any mission RP with anyone, but it can be limiting if you ever want to do anything other than nightclub roleplay if you can't even do any AE missions. The simplest explanation may be to acknowledge that your character CAN punch above their weight class if they need to, but for whatever reason prefer not to; because it's dangerous, expensive, exhausting, or just unpleasant for them. Or just give up on City of Heroes as a game and just use it as a costume creator/slash-chatroom with lore.


    The gap between Chapter 3 and Chapter 4: Let me call in my friend Bane Spider Ruben for this next bit:


    • (Optional) I won't be needing that. I don't have what you'd call a 'normal' brain.

    Ruben folds his arms, and his tone becomes somewhat disparaging.

    Oh, is that so? You're completely immune to psychic influence? If I called in a Fortunata right now, she wouldn't be able to cause you any harm?

    Ruben sighs beneath his helmet.

    Look, I think you're underestimating the definition of 'mind' here. It's not a question of biology, it's a question of perception. If you're sentient enough to stand here, talk to me, and make your own decisions, then it's a sure bet that you have enough of a mind to be susceptible to psychic influence. That means psionic attacks, but it also means psychic persuasion and mind control.

    There are ways to mitigate those dangers, however, and that's what I'm offering you. If you want to go undercover, you're going to need a Psychic Damper. Understand?


    Put it another way: You make a Super Fighting Robot. He's immune to bullets (made of metal), he's immune to psychic attacks, and he's immune to poisons, diseases, knockout gasses and the like, being a robot and all. The game is, repeatedly and at times emphatically, going to tell you "No he's not!". Stuff down your pride and listen to the game. Not just so people on your team don't ask awkward questions when you get tear-gassed and gunned down by Malta, but so that you're not stepping on the toes of the mind controller, poison defender, and dual pistols blaster. 


    Nobody likes "I'm immune to your powers and I'm going to be a dick about it" guy. Even if they're not Double Cosmic and talking about how they're so far above your mortal concerns, and how could a mere human with a gun possilby touch them, or they're not rubbing it in everyone's faces, It's a game about superpowers. Let people have their superpowers and let them have some effect, you're not too cool for it and the game mechanics don't back you up on this.


    Now, this one has two corollaries : 


    Corollary A: But you can get real chonk in this game: I'm aware. And if someone came in and started lording their Veteran Level 1000 or how they can solo those 800-whatever AE arcs over me as proof of their divine transcendance and using the game to support my impotence against them, that'd suck. That hasn't happened to me, personally, though, so I think that the advice in general holds true. Be humble, say 'Yes' to what other roleplayers say they can do and what the game itself is telling you.


    Corollary B: I hate being mind controlled: Y'know what fair enough, you've got me there. I don't think anyone should ever push you unwillingly into roleplay that you find uncomfortable. If you never-ever want to be mind control because the lack of agency is boring or triggering or the person doing the mind control is being weird, cool! Just try and communicate that.


    Anyway, in summary, City of Heroes is just a game, but I think that WITH allowances for stuff that is 'just game mechanics', you still should use the game to inform your view of the in-game universe. I mean, you're playing it. 


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  15. I have only done a few scenes with him, but I have a character, 'Mister Krampus'. Mafia mage, kidnapper, blackmailer, extortionist. Like the fairytale monster, he's got a basket on his back with one or more kids trapped in it; he openly admits that they're the kids of PPD and Longbow officers that he's holding for ransom, or until their parents pull the plug on operations designed at disrupting The Family, he self-describes as an 'Evil Wizard'.


    But he's given out good advice on life, relationships, and unwanted magical transformation origin stories, he's a good drinking partner and *apparently* so polite and charming that nobody has ever really called him on being not only a criminal, but blatantly going out of his way to target children and the helpless. I always walk away somewhat disoriented after playing him, and I'm never sure if the people I've been talking to are weirdly forgiving, or if the bar has been pushed so far with other, viler and more murderous villains that Mr. K seems positively benign. I suspect it might be the latter, one person asked if he was going to use the kids for human sacrifice and when he said no they basically calmed down to 'well that's all right then'.

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