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Posts posted by Coin

  1. We lose famous people all the time, recently seems to be a spate of big names going, but every so often one comes up that really, really hurts.


    Kevin Conroy was my Batman.


    That TV series cemented my love for the character and his portrayal was absolutely legendary.


    So gutted he's gone 😞


    Kevin Smith was asked about it recently as well and said it all beautifully. 





    Goodbye Kevin Conroy, and thank you.

    • Like 1
  2. OK, I know exceedingly little about Anime. It's one genre of geekdom I never really got into. My son, however is becoming a fan and I signed up to Crunchyroll for him, which gives me a chance to try some of it, see if it sticks.


    Trouble is, no clue where to start! I've watched a few of the Ghibli movies, just started watching Arcane on Netflix which I'm enjoying and my girls used to love Sailor Moon when they were little so seen some of those. Also, massive fan of the Power Rangers and Pokemon back in the day 🙂


    Any advice on a good starter show that's available on Crunchyroll? Nothing too hardcore, something fairly easy to get along with.


    If it helps, I pretty much love all other geek culture stuff, especially superhero stuff, obviously.


    Appreciate the help in advance 🙂

  3. 39 minutes ago, ThaOGDreamWeaver said:

    Speaking of which, I've been thinking about this more and added another one. The mighty wizard Terry of Pratchett said:


    Find the story, Granny Weatherwax always said. The world was full of story shapes. If you let them, they controlled you. But if you studied them, found out about them... you could use them, and change them.


    Understanding that everyone is the hero of their own story in their heads (or, rarely, the villain) is a very handy way of looking at how you relate to people, what you can say and do to help them and/or change your minds in your favour: by using story beats, tropes and cues they recognise. Not overtly most of the time. It can even work on yourself. A little headology goes a long way...



    Heh, my all time favourite author, one of my all time favourite characters in one of my all time favourite books. 🙂

    I adore everything that man wrote, so naturally, that appeals, as does this one from the same damn book!!


    “Good and bad is tricky," she said. "I ain't too certain about where people stand. P'raps what matters is which way you face.”


    GNU Sir Terry Pratchett.

  4. This guy was the voice of my childhood.


    He was the voice of Busby and Tufty, and also the voice of The Wombles, my favourite show as a kid. I even still have a Wellington today that my wife bought me 🙂


    Not mention his appearance in Carry On movies, the Doctor Who second movie and the Railway Children, all things I love.


    And then he was Wilf. And my own kids fell in love with him 🙂


    Gonna miss this one. 😞

    • Sad 1
  5. On 9/28/2021 at 11:18 PM, ThaOGDreamWeaver said:

    Would be good to see ya round. Between long COVID (1/10, do NOT recommend, get your damn vaxx in), work and new responsibilities, not got much time for hobbies, though working out (gently, short HIITs and lots of yoga) and exploring newfound joys of country livin'. Well, 10 miles down the road from my old place, but feels like a world away. 


    Heya DW 😄

  6. Watched it, still didn't like it.


    Over long, dull, ponderous and OH MY GOD stop it with the freaking slow-mo scenes!! Damn movie would have been half the time without those 😄


    I know it's a different look at DC and all that, I can accept it as an Elseword version, but Snyder's version of Superman just left me cold. Did in MoS and BvS as well, just don't like his gritty, grim-dark interpretation of it at all.


    And REALLY don't like this version of the Flash, he's nothing like the Barry Allen I know and love. The TV version isn't perfect but he's far superior to this version!


    Breaks my heart, I've been a DC fan since I was a kid, got almost every DC comic since the original Crisis, just wish DC could do something better with their movies! So far only Wonder Woman and Shazam have been close for me, although I did enjoy Aquaman for what it was.


    Such a shame 😞

    • Like 1
  7. MIne is a little different. It's not from a classic tale, it's not from one of the all time, but I swear, when I saw this page from Super Sons, the moment that Damien and Jon think they got away with it all and then this happens, I laughed my ass off. 🙂




    How many of us as kids know that feeling when we know that....uh oh....we're in trouble now 🙂 

  8. I'm still reeling from this. He was five years younger than me. If nothing else, this is making me go for a check now.


    Such a sad and tragic loss to the world. He gave the impression that there was so much more amazing stuff to come from him and now it's gone. And to do soooo much whilst fighting it? And most of all, him visiting kids with cancer as well whilst keeping it to himself that he had it. Absolute legend.


    RIP King, Wakanda Forever.



    • Like 7
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  9. I'm all about the DC stuff as I'm still wokring my way through Marvel from the 80's but most of my list is pretty obvious stuff, tbh


    Batman: Hush

    Dark Knight Returns

    All Star Superman

    Crisis on Infinite Earths


    Batman: Killing Joke (Can't believe this hasn't been mentioned yet!)

    Titans: Judas Contract


    I also love the vast majority of Elseworld stuff like Red Son, The Nail, Gotham By Gaslight etc


  10. 21 hours ago, ImpousVileTerror said:

    Ah!  Wonderful to hear, @Coin!



    If you have any specific questions, I am more than happy to help!  This is the stuff I live for!

    Wow, there's a lot there to digest 😄


    Many thanks for the advice, it's really appreciated. 

    I think I'm going to stick with the DnD set I bought for several reasons. For starters, my son has been watching some videos for a while now on Youtube of playing DnD (not this campaign, thankfully) and he's really excited to try it, he's even read up on the basic rules etc.

    Secondly, my daughter knows what DnD is after being a massive fan of Community, Big Bang Theory and Stranger Things, so I think trying to get her to play  something else might put her off, somewhat!  (Seriously, her love for Community rivals my own, she's Troy to my Abed, we even own a mug each for Troy and Abed in the Morning 😉 )
    Thirdly, it comes with pre-rolled character sheets for them all, which should hopefully helps us getting going quicker once I explain basic concepts for them all. I remember when I was younger my friends and I spending about an hour just rolling characters, if I try to get them to do that, I think it might put them off before we even get started!


    Plus, I've played it when I was young so I'm at least a little familiar with it!


    One thing I've seen mentioned on lots of other sites I've been reading is to not be too slavish to the rules, at least for beginners, but to go with the flow a little more. Does this sound right to you?


    Luckily, I know the players very well, it's my wife, son and daughter, as well as my potential future daughter-in-law so I can play to their strengths to keep them involved with it. Plus, they trust me so are a lot less likely to debate whther I've got the rules right or not 😄


    I also appreciate @Ashingtonadvice about not splitting up the group. Hopefully that won't be an issue with this campaign, but I'll make sure it doesn't happen 😄 


    Any other hardcore Do's and Don'ts out there?


  11. So my family like to do family board game, been doing it for a while. When finishing the last one, I, jokingly, said "hey next time, let's play Dungeons and Dragons!"


    My eldest lad, he was very excited by this and, after talking to my 19 yr old daughter and her girlfriend, and also my wife, both of whom said they were willing to give it a go, I bought the DnD Starter Set, which contains the Lost Mines of Phandelver campaign and a basic rulebook.


    Now, I've played DnD, but it was a loooooooong time ago, we're talking over 30 years now, and I never DM'd, ever, so I'm a little nervous about doing this and screwing it up so they don't enjoy it.

    I'm reaching out to you more seasoned DnD players and DM's out there for any advice. Any tips, tricks, guidelines, things to watch out for, suggestions, etc to help me make it a bit more fun.


    I know it won't go perfectly and I'll make some errors, as will the players, but I'd still appreciate any advice!

    • Thanks 1
  12. 10 hours ago, MoonSheep said:

    Hi All - Some good names and SGs on this thread I recognise 15 years later - especially Echelon. I used to play an Energy/Energy blaster under the name Lui. Perhaps slightly nutty as a teenager! 


    Does anyone remember some of these names? 

    Tainted Greek


    Claire Voyant (Possible the largest bane of my life in Sirens Call - An incredible Spines/SR PvP scrapper)


    Dear gods, it's Lui!! 😄


    Yeah, I remember the name well, for......a fair few reasons! 😄 Long time passed though so it's all good 🙂 


    And yeah, I remember Xanthus and who the hell could forget the legend that was Tainted Greek 😄 

    • Thumbs Up 1
  13. this what happened in the last game i played Mender Derek ruined it for everyone dupin servers and inf and just anything to cheat there no extened servers there trying to catch Mender Derek and we pay for it so unless people don't let Lord Nemesis know of wrong doing's in the game it we ruin it and there we not be a COH IT WELL BE GONE TO THE AMERICANS!!!!!!!

    • Like 1
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    • Haha 1
  14. 19 hours ago, Mother's Love said:

    "Reporting for Duty Sweetheart!".




    (Find me @ 'Mothers.Love' in-game). 

    Bloody hell, there's a classic name I remember! Welcome back 🙂

    • Thanks 1
  15. 14 minutes ago, Glacier Peak said:

    Great quote!


    Edit: Ok Google tells me this was from Hans Gruber in 'Die Hard'. Even more awesome!

    Well, technically, it's been around a LOT longer, although no one is completely certain who from, although a lot of people believe it was Plutarch.


    Sit Thomas Wyatt wrote it as follows in 1527 

    "Alexander, whan he herde Anaxarchus argue that there were infynite worldes, it is said that he wept. And whan his frendes asked hym what thing had happened him to be wept for: “Is it nat to be wept for,” quod he, “syns they say there be infynite worldes, and we are nat yet lorde of one?”

    Although I like Hans Gruber's better 😉

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