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Posts posted by Coin

  1. 8 hours ago, Nafsmar said:

    About a month ago I decided to try the trial of Marvel Unlimited and I really enjoyed it. So I decided that since this pandemic has left life a little, lets say boring, I subscribed to it with a goal to start at FF 1 and work up til I hit the stuff I have already read. I know this will take a long while but its giving me the ability to read comics I will never afford and also see the Marvel universe grow as it did in the 60's. I am up to Jun '63 at the moment. Its nice because you can search by publication date. I am about to hit the X-men and Avengers. Between you and Me though I am glad Hulk only went 6 issues lol. 

    I've been doing the same thing, but I've started at the 80's


    Trouble is, I forgot how........different some of the stuff back was in the 80's! Man, the way the did Power Man back then, would NOT work today 😄

  2. I've been a DC fan for a loooooong time, since just after the Crisis, so I got into at a good time to start them. Made the choice for DC over Marvel, I knew from looking at the shelves I could never manage to afford both 🙂


    Still read them all every week, the past couple of months has been......challenging for a fan 🙂

    • Like 1
  3. 3 hours ago, Bopper said:

    I loved the movie. Have not seen it on TV since I canceled live television a year or so ago. If I recall, they cast the boss from The IT Crowd. So I'm not surprised it's good 🙂 

    It is and it is 🙂


    Well worth tracking down if you can and loved the movie, the series is even better. Just found out there is another spin-off series from new Zealand as well, based on the police officers from the movie, same actors as well, going to binge those now 🙂




  4. Is anyone else a massive fan of What We Do In The Shadows? 

    Seriously, this show is absolutely brilliant, so well written and performed by all the cast and yet no-one I know watches it!! It's almost unheard of! 

    Given some of the amazing guest stars that have appeared in it, it's shocking how few people talk about it! Seeing Mark Hamill in the latest episode caught me right off guard!

    Also.......fucking Colin Robinson. urrgh!

    • Like 1
  5. I have a single supergroup and base for all my characters on Torch. It's a very simple, three room thing that has the basics in of what I want. I've been using it more to travel around the city faster after noticing how I was being left behind in missions and TF's especially.


    I'm hoping that it's not using too much space as I'm only ever in it for a few seconds, usually.

  6. 8 hours ago, Psy- said:

    Oh .... my ...... goodness..... I forgot so much..

    Psy- here (always confused with the legend that was Psygon) 

    Original Sheepies member from EU Beta, ICONite and brief ish Femme Fatales member, friend of Goonies clan & protector of Mazos and general costume wearer.

    Alt mad - Psy-Surfer, Psy-Kick, Psy-Chic, Psy-Chosis and many many others

    Only found out these wonderful people did this yesterday ... 

    PSY-!!!! OMG!!!!


    *hugs Psy- madly*


    I was just talking about you with Maz the other day 😄

    Remember this? 😄



    • Like 1
  7. 1 hour ago, Coin said:

    Does it?? I thought it stayed as an AV for TF's? I'll give that a try then, thanks!


    Confirmed! Just solo'd it and got the badge! 😄


    I wonder if the other couple of TF's are soloable that I need. May give them a go 🙂


  8. 9 hours ago, Eva Destruction said:

    Sister Psyche is soloable.  The enemies spawn for whatever difficulty you set and the final AV scales down to an EB.  People don't put teams together for it because they usually don't need to.




    Does it?? I thought it stayed as an AV for TF's? I'll give that a try then, thanks!


  9. 9 minutes ago, Kelam said:

    There is a chat channel for trials and MO runs - Union Incarnate Trial. Try to find team there. They are quite often run MO

    Already in there, Fury's channel and he invited me in there, he's helped me a lot with getting badges and he's a sexy legend 🙂


    Again, I don't see many MO's advertised in there, to be fair, it's a trials channel so I wouldn't expect to see many. I'm also in the Torchbearer TF and Badge channels. so I'm always looking.


    Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining or angry or anything, it's just frustrating to be so close to completion and not being able to get anywhere with the last few. Half of it's bad timing, I saw a Sister Psyche advertised earlier, just as I was having to log off for a work Zoom call! So annoying 😄

  10. 10 hours ago, Shred Monkey said:

    It's going to depend on your build.   I mean, if you happen to be a spines/fire brute, then a fire farm is the obvious answer.  Outside of farming, I would suggest level 54x8 teams in PI or 54x8 teams in DA.  And 54x8 kill most ITFs.   And obviously, the better the team is, the faster it will go.



    Sorry, should have said in the original post, not wanting to do farming, never enjoyed it at all 🙂 


    Also, I have all the other grind badges, it's just the last Inf badge I need now.

  11. 10 hours ago, Kelam said:

    Right now in a chat:  [12:50] [Looking For Group] Pocket Recluse:  lfm speed itf pst in zone lv 40+ 7/8  last call

    If you for some reason don't see these messages - form your own team. When I was short on Hamidon buds for the badge, I was just gathering raids each day to get them.

    To be fair, I see ITF all the time, just not often an MO attempt. I'm not going to join an ITF and ask to set it to MO when it's a speed run. A sped run is a lot less likely to get the MO anyway as people will be steamrolling it and not worrying about dying as much


    I do join Hami raids when I can, was in one that Fury ran the other night, but I'm UK based and it's not as often at UK times, more often they are at 2-3 in the morning for me.


    I know they happen and I do join them when I can, I just don't see the things I need for the badges very often


    As for running my own? Yeah, I'm not remotely good enough to run things like MSR, Hami or MO attempts, I barely keep up in those things as it is 🙂



  12. Aaaaaaagggh!!


    Getting so frustrating now, got all the badges I can do solo and got 48 left to do and they are all ones that can't be solo'd.


    At 1492 atm and I never see things like MO runs for ITF or anyone ever running Sister Psyche. 😄


    Plus, that damn final influence badge is a nightmare!

  13. So I'm trying to get my final Influence badge and it's a slog and a half!


    I know you need the inf from missions and enemy defeats, not through selling on the market.


    What's the fastest way to earn inf normally? Am I looking at MSR and iTrials? Or will just playing the game normally work the same speed?


  14. 5 hours ago, DoctorDitko said:

    Was it called "Window of Opportunity?" It was the SG1 "Groundhog Day" episode.


    Just about the funniest thing I ever saw on TV!


    And the comedy was entirely character-driven, as the best usually is.

    "In the middle of my back swing??!"


    😄 😄 😄

    • Haha 1
  15. 11 hours ago, GastlyGibus said:

    I understand that, and I do mostly the same with DO's/SO's until 50. My advice was basically "learn how to sell stuff" because I figured, having played before even City of Villains, they wouldn't know about the Auction House at all, since that wasn't added until Issue 10.

    Even if you're just going with SO's, if you don't use the market at all, you simply cannot afford to buy anything. I just rolled a new tanker, for example, and I've been pretty much teaming up exclusively with him. He's at level 28 now, and not counting money made from selling on the market, I've only made about 500,000 total over that time. Considering most SO's from vendors run about 20,000-30,000 a piece, you'd probably only be able to buy like a dozen or so enhancements before all that cash is gone.

    Don't get me wrong, not saying it's a bad thing or anything, just I know a few players who are adamant you have to become some sort of market expert and have yourself all IO'd up and packed with Purples as soon as humanly possible if you are to play the game.


    That works for them but I wouldn't want new players to the game thinking they are going to be unable to level at all if they can't learn the inner depths of the market economics and how to min-max. You can just play the game and have fun with it 🙂



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  16. Counter-point to some of the market players in here 😉


    You don't need a huge amount of Inf to get to 50. You can get to 50 perfectly fine with just the normal in-game items you get from salvage and recipe drops if you sell them on the Auction House or to a vendor. I rarely buy anything more than just normal DO's and SO' until I get to 50, I always get more than enough Inf just by playing the game. Don't feel you have to min-max you character to be able to level up, just playing the game normally, you'll level up fast enough anyway


    However, when you get to 50, if you want to kit yourself out with all purple sets, become all uber-powerful, then yes, you need a metric ton of Inf and that's when you need to know how to play the markets, converters etc. There are numerous guides in the forum for this so have fun getting there!


    • Like 6
  17. 1 hour ago, ArchVileTerror said:

    See, I always found it to be the other way around.  Not only that, but also "nerd" tending to be used as a pejorative insult, while "geek" was a proud personal identifier.

    This. So much this.


    A geek loves what he loves. A nerds takes things faaaar too seriously 🙂


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  18. 1 minute ago, Greycat said:

    What gets me are the people complaining and saying it's stupid and wasting time to take 2-3 seconds at most to reposition... whether it's KB, a cone, whatever. Whenever I bring that up, you'd think I'd kicked their dog into their grandmother before running them both over with a truck or something.



    Indeed, that's half the fun of playing a KB set, I love having to think fast and work out the best place to go to be able to use the KB to its best effect. That's what makes this game so great for me, so many powersets with different ways to play them, even on the same AT!


    Doesn't always go right, sometimes you get stuck in a thin corridor, usually a CoT map, those are a nightmare for my En/En blaster because I can't position at all on a big team 😄 But hey, it's all fun in the end. I often find the TF's that go disastrously wrong are often the most fun. Was on a Posi 1 the other day on a new toon, so much went wrong, we got wiped a few times, sometimes our fault, sometimes the game went full on EVIL and launched everything at us (seriosuly, I think all the ambushes at the door in the final mish happened all at once, it was mental 😄 ) and it was the most fun I'd had in a TF in a long time 🙂

    • Like 1
  19. 28 minutes ago, Lines said:

    Even then, it's like just one guy.

    Only in this thread, there are a few out there. I did a search on Knockback to see how hated and reviled it actually is and it's fairly even split, some people hate it, some people defend it.


    It's all good. Like I said earlier, I get it and I understand why people don't like it and that's fine, people are entitled to an opinion, they are entitled to ignore people for whatever reason they want, I just think it's harsh to insult people just because they play a KB powerset.

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