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Force Redux

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Posts posted by Force Redux

  1. time does it all better. powerboosted farsight is only 3 points off one of the cold bubbles only it's def to all whereas the cold bubbles have defensive holes.


    Advantage Bubbles and Cold, they can apply their defense buffs over distance and quickly. Not everyone or everything is in range when FS goes off.

  2. Thank you Strikerfox! I think I'll use Big Bot to carry the proc! I can't count the number of times he's blown his own targets out of his own burn patch!


    overwhelming force you can only use one of and it does more than just change kb to kd, it gives all attacks a chance to knock down. 20%. use it in the pet with the most attacks. i dont know offhand how many attacks the little bots get. if one has 5 attacks, then they have 15 total chances to proc that bad boy.


    there is another io in sudden acceleration that changes kb to kd and that is not unique, so you can place in both assault bot and protector bot.


    I think I'm at a loss for a slot for Sudden Acceleration. After slotting 3 IOs for DEF/Res for pets, there's not a lot of room for others. I *might* be able to squeeze 1 sudden acceleration in, but its dependant on later-game slotting after some Hami-Os are available. Until then, I might be just able to slot and use the Overwhelming Force...


    peep the slotting in this build. the build up chance in assault bot you can live without since it went from a 50% chance to 3ppm, which mean if you are lucky it will go off every 20 seconds or so, and might not always get you those three from my observations using it on a few mm's now. put sudden acceleration there.




    | Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |


    Thank you very much kindly Dixa!

  3. I remember having to pick swift, health, and stamina.


    I remember Instant Healing being a toggle.


    I remember a team leader booting a bubble defender because they didn't have any heals, so they were useless.


    That was probably me lol :-p

  4. Thank you Strikerfox! I think I'll use Big Bot to carry the proc! I can't count the number of times he's blown his own targets out of his own burn patch!


    overwhelming force you can only use one of and it does more than just change kb to kd, it gives all attacks a chance to knock down. 20%. use it in the pet with the most attacks. i dont know offhand how many attacks the little bots get. if one has 5 attacks, then they have 15 total chances to proc that bad boy.


    there is another io in sudden acceleration that changes kb to kd and that is not unique, so you can place in both assault bot and protector bot.


    I think I'm at a loss for a slot for Sudden Acceleration. After slotting 3 IOs for DEF/Res for pets, there's not a lot of room for others. I *might* be able to squeeze 1 sudden acceleration in, but its dependant on later-game slotting after some Hami-Os are available. Until then, I might be just able to slot and use the Overwhelming Force...

  5. What do you mean, "switch off" ...?

    Perhaps remove the pet names from over their heads?

    There's an option to do so in the UI for other people's pets, not sure you can do so with your own.


    It actually does not. It just removes the customized names. Like, instead of Pleasure Bot you will see Drone Bot.

    A huge part of my fun I seeing pet names... :-)

  6. At 2:28 PM EST, June 8th, 2019, a remake of one of my original COH characters, Doctor Cosmos, a Rad/Rad Defender hit 50!  My first 50 back!


    Congrats! It's nice to bring back to life a character from the past! Like you, I remade my old villain main. Have fun!

  7. What do you mean, "switch off" ...?

    Perhaps remove the pet names from over their heads?

    There's an option to do so in the UI for other people's pets, not sure you can do so with your own.

  8. Scrappers and Brutes are grossly overpowered and trivialize all content.


    Protip: You can't


    Prove being powerful is a bad thing in City of X.


    Protip: you can't.



  9. Someone mentioned this in another thread, but I'll repeat it here: Taxibots.


    Also my first Position TF... Was a total disaster, deaths abounding, people lost... Huffing around at slow speed. And it was looooooong. But still fun. Kind of.


    Also the moment I earned Hover in King's Row at level 6, and it seemed to take forever. But now I could search for clockwork easily on rooftops.... And the skies were mine!

  10. I remember my Bubbler being asked to heal....



    "You have a heal, but we need another Defender with more heals.. and less attacks.. Let me see who else I can invite"


    This is priceless :-D


    Oh. I also recall my dark armor scrapper's shields being mutually exclusive way back when near launch....??

  11. Any support power set is vital endgame for most everything (farming aside). Find what tickles your fancy. Even Forcefield, which is pretty one dimensional (but a fave of mine) contributes at end game, preventing cascading Defense failures and lending mezz protection. Unlike most games, elitism is not the rule when it comes to what you play at end game.

  12. My sentiments echo many of those already expressed - I had no idea City of Heroes/Villains had any life in it, at all, prior to a couple of weeks ago. Learning about Homecoming was about the nicest birthday present I could have gotten, and totally unexpected.


    I had participated in the Beta all the way through the sunset on Live, and when the plug was pulled, so was a bit of my heart, as maudlin as that sounds. I'd played in tandem with my son, made friends, and had unleashed my imagination for 8 years in the Rogue Isles and Paragon City. I'll admit, I was rather emotional at its closure.


    I hadn't realized a part of me was missing until I loaded up the game and heard the music, and stood in front of Kalinda and saw someone and their minions /pet dancing. Seven years, it seemed, hadn't passed at all. I was transported back in time. (and I'm impressed how well the game has aged...gameplay wise, its more fun than ESO, GW2, STO or anything that has filled my time since Live died.


    So...Leandro, and all those involved in making this possible, out of your own time, money and energy, a huge thank you for giving us back something we had lost, and that for many of us had become something more than we had ever expected. I have no words to thank you sufficiently. Instead, I'll salute you as I fly across the skies of Atlas Park rescuing hapless citizens, or slink along the mire of Port Oakes plotting my rise to power.


    If there is anyone from Justice / Phoenix Rising or Virtue / -Corporation- reading this (Frosty, Captain Omega, Riley, Jules Burns, Soviet Statesman, etc) give me a holler/message. This is Nightfist/chill out/mechanista


    Also, I never got to thank Paladin on Virtue, who ran so many great TFs out of the RWZ. I hope you too found your way back home.

  13. I had a Time/DP defender on live, and it was fun to play.

    - capable soloer

    - helpful on teams

    - visually fun to watch

    - took it all the way to incarnate.

    - Time will have you closer to the action due to some PBAOEs.


    While I like /Sonic, and it's helpful to team up with,I never Groked the animations. But it's very viable. IFor positioning, you'll tend to be at the periphery rather than middle of things.


    Make one of each, see what sticks :-)

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