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Everything posted by kito

  1. kito

    Newspaper SG?

    There is the Paragon Unmasked guy, idk if he has a full SG or not.http://www.virtueverse.net/wiki/Paragon_Unmasked
  2. Hello, I don't often use the form but thought why not. Trying to make a Heavy In city RP VG (sg cuz its blue side) on a bunch of the different gangs in paragon (mostly low lvl ones) The point of the VG is to do In city Activity's and add some random fun. Goals and hopes for the VG is to add some random Events into the world (if we ever got big enough) Possible RP pvp Combat done threw the Arena (could use pvp zones if there was interest) Add some fun ways for people to learn about the city or its lore. Or again even just to be there as interactable "npc" people could talk to for there RP The Gangs I started with are Skull Hellion Troll Outcasts Vahzilok looking for anyone interested in joining, working with me on the project, or even just throw questions at me here to see if I can even Defend this mess of an idea.
  3. "There's quite a lot of crossover and mixes. For instance, a demon with some innate magical power may come to our dimension, then expand their abilities through study and spellcasting, then create magical items to simplify or expand their spellcasting, or create enduring charms or spells (buffs), and then finally, achieve a connection to the Well of the Furies and become magic incarnate" This is more or less been my Main for the last 2 years, Started as a hellion Summoned "demon Girlfriend" and has changed threw RP Study Magical items ect.
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