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About Grandfeatherex

  • Birthday 01/11/1980

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  1. ya, i just searched for Halloween 2024 to find the list of bases and missed that this came up in a server specific one since this was the only one i found, but i'll be there lol
  2. i don't see much benefit from doing that (none to me since i keep solo bases for extra crafting room) but i can see negatives, like someone deciding to grief people by opening a craft window and going afk meaning nobody can use the salvage racks until someone with a high enough rank can kick them from the SG
  3. which server? (i was looking for the list like last year that had all the finalists) Edit now i see it's excel
  4. I'd also add that not seeing the window textures really takes away from the event, and seems to make it just another event to grind out, instead of something to look around and appreciate
  5. we are getting old, and someone "well known and respected" on one server, is totally unheard of on others (and if they are/were well known they were probably lv 50 with the known alts) reserving and locking names, and placing monuments (especially since that can't be just on one server) would quickly get out of hand I think
  6. Neither bright water only, nor dark water only removes the crystals from barrier reef, hopefully this will be fixed, but can we have a "water only : default colour" without having to set it as bright, or dark? I can't get the same water colour to match the set with the bright, or dark options, and I wouldn't want to change the colour of all the powers just so they match (this goes for other powers that have been changed too and now have to choose 'bright or dark' and can never really match the colour it should be, like Martial combat's "reaction time" where I want the original colour but also to "show floaters")
  7. i will switch only when there is absolutely no other option, i don't like the HC look or set up, and only use it now to check markets on a second account so i don't have to keep changing log in info, i'd rather wait even if it's 24hrs to not be forced to use that HC launcher which should say something
  8. did this just kill tequila support? it keeps saying to update before launching the game (which i keep doing) and wont load, the HC launcher works but i don't like that launcher
  9. I intentionally avoided reading a lot of the body of the posts since I haven't run the arc yet, but if we're forced to get a zone change, can we at least get a generic store/quartermaster that sells enhancements in the area? I'm not a fan of changing things in general, but the last time i went there i planed ahead and bought SO's for the slots i would unlock... to have them go red before I could slot them, meaning i had to buy them off the /ah
  10. I was in RWZ testing on the targeting dummies with bots fully upgraded, and after about 10 min of testing, which included resummoning bots, re-slotting bots etc i still hadn't seen the assault bot actually use conserve power and was ending out even at 80% end reduction
  11. where can i turn off the taunt message i get on every attack i make with my brute, and turn back on my white absorb numbers?
  12. not sure if the link i shared is enough before
  13. http://prntscr.com/v9ceb3
  14. I don't mean the "hey this thing is happening RIGHT NOW" message (and then killing time reading the forum post to figure out what's going on). i mean an actual pop up window when you get into the game like there was about the new issue in beta, or when the donation window opens. it doesn't share the same folder for me, since the only way i could ever find the screen shots was because on tequila there is a button you ca click that opens the screenshots directly, and when i took screen shots with the new launcher i had to go to tequila to open the screen shot folder and they weren't in it
  15. I wouldn't have made it in time anyway (it would have been nice if there was an in game pop up to let people know this was going to be a thing) but but I don't even know how to get the screen shot up here, took a minute just to read the rules and by then i was 4th 😕 but this does raise the question I was trying to find the answer for I guess, which is, where are screen shots saved on the new launcher? I had to go back to tequilla to take and find screen shots
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