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Everything posted by Mezmera

  1. Bombardment has a pure 50 DMG IO the same value as a generic 50 IO. Since you have the proc already slotted why not substitute the generic IO for the set one it'll still be the same value and you net the range bonus. All gain, no loss.
  2. Okay for Energy you're going to want to take Bone Smasher, Total Focus, Snipe, Power Burst and Power Up. Everything else is meh in comparison. If you want aoe don't take Whirling Hands, the epic pools have some nasty aoe powers in them. Total Focus puts you into a 100% guaranteed Energy Release which you always will want to follow up with Burst. TF, Burst and Snipe are an amazing 3-piece combo, you won't want to use anything else. Plus they are also highly proccable. I have 3 Heca's w/proc, 2 more melee procs and the Dommie +Dmg ATO in Total Focus. Snipe is half setted with Manticore then 3 more procs, you can also put the decimation proc in here it'll fire decently. Then I have Burst with 3 *Apocs* w/proc 2 more procs and then you can do a dmg/acc HO or just an acc IO or FF proc. As for Bone Smasher you'll rarely use it but it's still decent melee damage you can either proc out or if you need a purple set you can slot the stun set here. You can manipulate the enhanced recharge some on Total Focus and maybe the Snipe but you'll want to leave Burst with no added recharge, as a dom you're aiming to build for high recharge to achieve permadom which that global recharge will feed into your best attacks so not much need to go ruining ideal proc rates on your powers. For all of my aoe needs on my Energy dommies I typically go with Soul Mastery for Soul Drain, Dark Obliteration, Dark Consumption and Dark Embrace. You're getting a nasty highly proccable power in Dark Obliteration. Soul Drain is your very own Fulcrum Shift but it also nets you lots of +tohitt and does good damage to the enemies, too bad they lowered the radius but still decent. Dark Consumption is a nice utility power I like to have to fix any endurance issues when I'm far off from Domination and drained most of my endurance, 2-3 targets will fill you right back up so this'll let you go ham as you please, plus it does some damage and is highly proccable so yet another place to draw more aoe dmg from, rather small radius though so keep that in mind. Then the armor is very nice to have.
  3. What are you on about?! Mind isn't purely range. It has whatever necessary range you want to play it as. If you like to melee its quite adept in melee range with only slight positioning adjustments when you use Terrify or the new TK. Mind IS king of aoe control though, just so many options. There's a mission on I believe the end of the Heldenjeager arc where there's an ambush all at once of like 70 War Hulks. The leader wanted to surprise us and I was on my Mind dommie who has Burnout. After stopping near all 70 dead in their tracks I was like sheesh is that all? They swore it was so much more dangerous, I didn't let them in on the lil ol' dommie burning out all of their controls in a span of 6s. As far as what I'd pair with it if you want melee I'd say Energy has the perfect balance of great powers to form a real good chain. Total Focus and Bone Smasher are beastly melee powers and Power Burst and Snipe can be played as ranged melee finishers. Stone's not bad but what I don't like about it is there's too many 'good' powers but not enough consolidated 'great' ones. Its like going to an all you can eat buffet vs having a nice fat juicy filet mignon. My main is Mind/Nrg, love it, it plays however you like it to play.
  4. Actually. There was a test of Dominator assaults a little while ago. While it was easy to ascertain the more pets the better damage output on a single target i.e. Illusion and Patron pets, there was a wide range of testing of the various assaults. It seems the assaults are all pretty well balanced, capable of various things depending on what you want it to do albeit there is more ST focused sets and other more AoE oriented. My Energy assault dommie was not outdone once by a dom with Fire assault. That was left to the Martial assault dommie.... Envenomed Blades allowing pets to get in on the proc'd extra damage ticks is pretty nifty, who knew?! Fire assault is quite fine, especially if you like to play at range. If you don't mind getting your hands dirty the dpa on Total Focus, Power Burst and Snipe are hard to match, even factoring in Total Focus' longer animation. What let other sets keep up to Energy mostly is being able to get the pvp -res proc into a nice consistent firing chain which Energy doesn't have a good pbaoe power it would fire well in. Plus Energy can't get its pets to cheat. Also, If you go Fire assault you're almost shoehorned into taking Fire Mastery. Where Energy and most other assaults can pick an epic pool at their leisure. Plant/Fire is a solid dommie. Top overall control set and Energy's little brother assault.
  5. When they upped the rewards for Aeon I was able to put together pug Aeons a lot more frequently, calling barriers through chat with a few people I trusted on Incan and getting them done in 50ish minutes, this was before anyone had much experience. Lots of these pugs ended up joining in to form these "toxic" discords. Discord allows for better coordination of events and in game play and to be able to hold someone slacking off to account better than someone you just pick up from LFG. If there wasn't the juicy carrot added these communities wouldn't have sprung up as they had.
  6. I can run a 4star Aeon or Lady Grey in the time it takes to build a league and enough level shifts to be ready to take on the Minotaur. Are you telling me the rewards from Labyrinth are anywhere as good as 30 Aethers, tons of Merits, Incarnate Salvage, AND a chance at a unique 400 mil enhancement? Or how quickly you can run a Tinpex or log in to mooch a Hamidon?
  7. Honestly I think it's the non unique rewards holding it back after the initial shine has worn off. You would hardly see anyone run a 4star Aeon until they added all those PAPs and adjusted the rewards. Which if I wanted those kinds of rewards atm I'd rather run one of those or a Apex/Tin Mage. Not everyone cares much for badges or costume overlays. I still think there should have been a new event enhancement set some kind of universal damage or a universal armor set that you could only get through redeeming labyrinth merits for kills to a vendor there. It was neat the one time I went, there's better things to do with my time in game.
  8. Having just run the remaining villain SF's I needed for this badge on a few characters I must say I like the intent of this. The two SF's I like the least combined are no worse than running a Synapse. I think this'll be a good way to get more participation in villain stuff and would prefer the hero accolade equivalent to be more tedious to do. Both sides have their easier paths for certain accolades, this one should be easier for villains imo. Plus these SF's are plain more fun to do.
  9. One other thing about Sheer Willpower. Its usefulness seems overly skewed towards squishies less so Doms. I know Megalomaniac is skewed more towards control but most any AT has access to a hold. Unless there's some kind of gimmick baked in like tp protection against teleswaps or something I can't see half my roster of characters wanting to bother with this one.
  10. This seems much more layered and complex than anything thrown at us, even Hamidon is old hat by now. Most of the other raid stuff rewards the multipurpose enhancements but there's already a glut of those kinds of rewards already. I'd like to see a new event enhancement set along the lines of SBB but a set that is really good. That would seem like a good reward for something that sounds awful tough. I'm all for fun but it'd be even more fun if there's neat stuff dropping from this. Hopefully those are the things not detailed yet.
  11. Yeah I don't think I disagree here. If you're looking at the other click accolades they are all quite powerful in what they bring. A 60s duration large breakfree I could see maybe being too good. Maybe it could be the instant breakfree with 30s duration then the accolade has a 15min recharge. Seems cool but then looking at Demonic, Megalo and Gaes its kind of meh in comparison.
  12. The TP one is a pretty unique looking accolade to entice people over to goldside. I'm trying to think of what HM's and where else it might be useful in general, seems like it would be. Just wonder what "unable to activate in certain missions" means, if that means any of the HM content then it kind of defeats a lot of the reason for getting it. Sheer Willpower looks like a real neat addition to accolade powers. Its cute there's now a Villain Strike Force Commander to get this one. I like three of those SFs, just not Silver Mantis or Renault so much but all in all I'd much rather run through these SFs than all of the Hero TFs for TF Commander. I like the looks of these. Not sure we need any more Accolades awarded from red or blue side beyond this. Hopefully some other cool ones being thought up are being held back for goldside to entice people over there maybe alongside other fresh stuff coming. Good stuff!
  13. I bet all of the doms wouldn't even need to use Gaes. Everything built for recharge and having Ageless is more the difference maker. Offensive Amp being allowed is more of the thing you may want to limit. Normally there's no way in hell I'm not slotting some kind of accuracy into my attacks but being able to hit at 95% on everything you can just slot straight damage and procs. And Daggers sure that'll knock off about 5-8s. The doms submitted were all pretty legit though. Take Gaes, Daggers and all the other Temp buffs away and you would still see 40-50s runs.
  14. Honestly I'd like to see them rework those dom ATOs. The set with the +damage one should slot for damage and be allowed in assaults and redo the other trash set to not be so trash and have that be the good one for controls.
  15. The costume stuff this last update was my favorite part of the update. Thanks for all of the things you had a hand in!
  16. The -res procs and -res in general is a very big ability to hit hard targets with. But if you're able to simulate some of that -res by way of the Poison Mace then it kind of opens the door for more straight forward damaging assaults. Although it is tough for Nrg not having a good pbaoe to make good use of the pvp -res proc. Getting that one to fire consistently on the pylon would be the tricky part and would be cause for the many variations of times. Plus having Build Up is a nice ability when you're not wanting to add control duration into the mix. As far as aoe goes that's why I love Soul Mastery so much. There's no aoe powers in the regular assaults that come with access to this many great powers. I hard focus the best ST powerset I can get which to me feels like Nrg and then augment any aoe I lack through Soul.
  17. Yeah I didn't know Envenomed Blades carried over to pets. That's a pretty strong ability to add on to all those pets. I would have thought the extra damage only affected your powers like Fire's extra damage ability. Its fun to see all of the extra quirks in other assaults. If I was looking at straight DPA I'd have thought hands down Nrg would run away with it, I still think it's one of the better ones to transition to regular gameplay. But it's interesting to see powers that can add extra layers from other assaults.
  18. Yeah the constant spamming of the caltrops along with ripper being a nice spot for the gladiator -res which I didn't have much of a way to work in shows. Got mine to 38s a few times but thorns has more versatility with getting good value from the pvp proc and having a Build Up power you can slot a Gaussians. Illusion/?/Mace w/Enflame is the way to go. Good show.
  19. I agree about the new TK offering a bit more to Mind in terms of fun and function. Sure it's too bad to lose the stacking mag for boss fights but having a soft control that does all of this gives Mind something fresh to play with. All in all the new TK seems good to push through. Any later adjustments to it could come by way of adjustments to the splash damage if it's determined to be a little low, but there is lots it can do. I'd still like to see controllers get the containment damage from landing the mass levitate though.
  20. I'm a fan of the purple hue
  21. I've dived deep into that C/Games/Homecoming/accounts/Mezmera/ But I don't have anything showing a build folder or a text file from there. It shows a playerslot txt file and json settings file then a folder for maps. I'd give the newer 42s build though once I can find how.
  22. I did take your idea of using Enflame though @Frosticus. Fire/Fire is pretty good but I couldn't think of why it would be more damage than Illusion/Nrg which to me Nrg seemed like the better damage potential and Fire having good potential but safer since you don't have to be in melee or manage any energy release mechanics. To me it looked like dropping my -res debuff that could slot achilles heels in FoW pool for Enflame while also still being able to get the same production of -res in Mace Mastery along with the extra boss pet played out big time.
  23. Don't really need Gaes though tbh. With Offensive Amp being allowed and having Ageless, Gaes just feels like overkill. Used just to use it, the attack chain is smooth without it.
  24. Alright I knew I could top myself. Here's a Dommie with a 42s pylon. Run Type: Pylon Archetype: Dominator Primary Powerset: Illusion Secondary Powerset: Energy Epic: Mace w/Tarantula Time in seconds: 42 Burst: Sustainable but I'd have to resummon the Phantom Army in the middle Hybrid: Assault Core (on) Destiny: Ageless Core Interface: Degenerative Radial Alpha: Musculature Core Number of Runs: 1 Version: Latest build on open beta v4 Temps Used: Offensive amplifier, Gaes and Envenomed Daggers (No insps or Lores used) This build is mostly able to go play in game too, it even has a travel power selected. I'd put a few slots back into normal places like a 2nd slot on Hasten but in the effort to clear the pylon fast this is what I cooked up. I'll give it another go later I'm sure I can crack 40s.
  25. [NPC] Vanguard Training Pylon: Defeat Time: 0:48 So I did a 48s Pylon on test with my dommie but I don't do vids nor mids but I could replicate if you like. I feel like I could do a little better but I'll take what I can. I can give an overview of my build if needed I don't know what extraction tools the game has to dump my build into this post but I would share it if I knew exactly how to use the /buildsavefile. Not too worried about if it will or won't qualify my run without a vid. Run Type: Pylon Archetype: Dominator Primary Powerset: Illusion Secondary Powerset: Energy Epic: Soul w/Fortunata Time in seconds: 48 Burst: Sustainable but I'd have to resummon the Phantom Army in the middle Hybrid: Assault Core (on) Destiny: Ageless Core Interface: Degenerative Radial Alpha: Musculature Core Number of Runs: 4 Version: Latest build on open beta v4 Temps Used: Offensive amplifier, Gaes and Envenomed Daggers (No insps or Lores used) Most of the build would be translatable to regular game play but I'd have to pick up an actual travel instead of temp travels. Illusion has benefit of lots of pets, and lots of powers I would normally use in regular play I have slotted with purple sets to get recharge bonuses which I didn't use any of those purpled controls on the pylon.
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