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Everything posted by Sunsteal

  1. Thank you very much for that very fast reply and it works so thanks again 🙂
  2. Apologies if I'm in the wrong place for help. I've installed the 'City mod installer' and when it runs I point it where I think I'm supposed to - C:\Games\Homecoming. This on its own does not crash the game and nor does installing 'Homecoming vidiotmaps' but as soon as I add the assestpath and run the game is just crashes with no error message but the choice to upload a data dump etc. I have Tequila and what may actually be the CoH install on my D drive - D:\CityOfHeroes I'm a little lost tbh so any help would be appreciated
  3. Exactly as the subject says. My old, and first ever, toon was a claws scrapper called Sunstealer. If you were my ingame crime fighting mate then I'd love to hear from you....
  4. My first toon and the one I played most was a natural claws scrapper and who mentioned scrapperlock?? I don't believe it exists, lol
  5. I'd like to get onto the discord channel as well, thanks
  6. This is literally the game as it was, with a few new things thrown in. Essentially it's being called i25 :) YeeHaaa, fantastic....
  7. Quick question - we can see and interact with NPC's and other players? (still downloading through Tequila)
  8. Once I can get on its a big thank you to every single person involved
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