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Everything posted by longdayinrehab

  1. Anyone have a BS/SD build that they've had a lot of success with that they'd care to share? Thanks in advance!
  2. This sounds freaking incredible! I'm so excited to level my grav/time character now because this is as close to how I imagined him as I could conceivably get in a videogame. Thank you for figuring all of this out and sharing it!
  3. If you have something different than what is posted, by all means I'd love to see it. I'm a sucker for options to test out.
  4. Hey, all, back on live I never really played any controllers higher than the mid-teens. I was much more into blasting and tanking. Now that I can play again, I'm looking to play as many of those ATs I never gave much of a chance to. I've been seeing here and there that fire/kin is a great combo, and I'm looking for the quintessential fire/kin build to play as my first attempt at getting a controller into the higher levels. Any help is appreciated. It's so good to be home again.
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