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So, as I promised in the Discord, here's what I've pieced together concerning the (reworked?) Pally event.


Back in the day, you used to get the Knight Errant Badge for stopping the Pally from being constructed.  At some point that changed so you got the Badge for stopping the Pally.  That is still true now.  You only need to defeat the Pally in order to get the Badge.


1st, to see if the Pally event is running, you have to go up to the cubby in the NW corner of Kings Row.  If the event is running, you'll know as soon as you cross into that section because an event window will pop up on your screen.


If the event window only shows the Pally's health at 100/100, the Pally is not spawned.  I do not know or understand what causes or triggers the Pally to spawn yet.  I'll update this if I figure it out.


However, if the event window shows you a bar labeled Property Damage, and a bar showing the number of Psionic Brass Conduits to be defeated, as well as the Pally's health... Congrats!  The Pally has spawned and you have a chance to get your badge!


There are 12 of the Psionic Brass Conduits and they all need to be defeated in order for you and your group (hopefully) to engage the Pally.  There are streams of energy from the Pally to each of them that can be seen from time to time (at least on my old Macbook Pro with meh graphics).  Follow the streams to find and destroy them.  They look like Clockwork Princes, but are fairly easy to destroy even for single characters of appropriate level for that part of Kings Row.  A quick reminder, the Conduits can be on rooftops, even very tall ones.


This part is theory, the bar of Collateral Damage may be the "timer" for how long the Pally is spawned.  While roaming around, he's consistently throwing off AoE damage.  Which is being totaled up on that bar, and at this point I'm thinking that if the bar reaches its max, 10k, that the Pally despawns.  The more Conduits that are up, the faster he does Collateral, or so it seems.  It's Property Damage, not Collateral, and it shows in the Event window as an Optional quest goal.  What the particular reward for that is, I'm not sure yet.


So if you get the window, and the telltales are there for the Pally to actually be spawned, make sure to get the Conduits quickly!  They can be on the roofs of nearby buildings as well as on the ground.  Also, they do not need to be in direct line of sight to the Pally.


Please feel free to point out things I've missed or gotten wrong, or if you think I've been drinking drano again.  Knight Errant is a great Badge Title and it comes with a 5 use Clocky Knight pet.


Further event info, when the Pally is defeated a new Optional quest goal shows, "Free the Shining Stars" and there is an Elite Boss Clocky at the map spot where they are standing named Knight-Errant.  My working theory is that he spawns when the Pally is actually engaged.  Will add more when I figure it out.


~And so it goes...


I found the Shining Stars during a Paladin event nobody seemed interested in. They were standing on the street clustered up, with Twinshot popping leadership every few minutes (as she tends to do).


They weren't actually doing anything, and nobody was guarding them. Maybe if you kite the Paladin to them something happens?

  On 5/12/2019 at 6:41 PM, xyzzysqrl said:

I found the Shining Stars during a Paladin event nobody seemed interested in. They were standing on the street clustered up, with Twinshot popping leadership every few minutes (as she tends to do).


They weren't actually doing anything, and nobody was guarding them. Maybe if you kite the Paladin to them something happens?


During my attempt the Shining Stars were active in the fight, none of them died, we defeated Paladin. Still Nothing.

  • 3 weeks later

got the badge this weekend.  Paladin was up at the time and people were looking to fill out their group.

I went to Ouroboros all i got was this lousy secret!


COH bomp bomp: 




considering the borked window... its likely that it follows a model similar to the goliath in boomtown. kill X of Y, then it will spawn (minimum 1 hour between spawns). for the paladin, this is probably some number of clockwork bosses in that area. they spawn in the northeast corner. however, its possible it may be an arbitrarily large number of gears instead.


to test this, someone should get to the area, and start smashing clockwork. if this spawns a paladin, then we will know the trigger. from there, its a question of numbers and time which is a bit trickier to count with the window borked.

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