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Underground/First Ward/Night Ward


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None of my alts have played the alt-world. How do I start a story arc there?


One of my level 22 alts was able to start a ARC in First Ward with Nadia /loc.

But a level 8 alt is getting nothing from the Underground/Imperal City contacts.

Also it's a pain looking up the xyz on wiki then /loc on map. Is there another way?



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The first ward arcs don't start until level 20 anyway; I don't believe any Praetorian contacts will speak to you before then. (Edit: Except via Ouroboros, which I think you can start using at 15)


At any point, though, you can head to first ward via the TUNNEL system, such as the one near the station in Atlas Park.

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I got access to the First Ward story arcs the first time by doing Contacts -> Find Contact and teleporting to the Carnival of Light contact, in Talos Island I think. She will teleport you to First Ward. Open up a portal or something.


IIRC you can also use the same method to eventually just teleport to one in either First Ward and/or Night Ward contacts.

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1 hour ago, Lines said:

The first ward arcs don't start until level 20 anyway; I don't believe any Praetorian contacts will speak to you before then. (Edit: Except via Ouroboros, which I think you can start using at 15)


At any point, though, you can head to first ward via the TUNNEL system, such as the one near the station in Atlas Park.

Yes. I used the Tunnel for both alts. 

The level 22 alt went to First Ward and after much pause, move, /loc found a contact.

The level 8 alt  went to Underground/Imperial City and tried to repeat the slow pause,move, /loc but the contacts weren't helpful.


Sounds like the only way to play/understand the story line would be to start a new arc over there. 

I've only skimmed the wiki and all I know is that instead of Villain/Hero it's Loyal/Rebel and then around Level 25 they end up in our world.

I think Hami destroyed their world or something which is why I wanted to try the stoyline.


But at the same time I like the City of Storyline too and this would be the first time a alt didn't originate from there...

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50 minutes ago, quixoteprog said:

I got access to the First Ward story arcs the first time by doing Contacts -> Find Contact and teleporting to the Carnival of Light contact, in Talos Island I think. She will teleport you to First Ward. Open up a portal or something.


IIRC you can also use the same method to eventually just teleport to one in either First Ward and/or Night Ward contacts.

Tried that and it only showed my regular contacts. 

Was hoping there was some way to "Start" the storyline without creating a new alt over there but it looks like the best solution.

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In order to access Praetorian content for levels 1-20 you need to create a Praetorian character of the correct alignment. On a Primal character you can access that content either via Ouroboros or by being invited by a Praetorian character (except for single player missions).

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19 minutes ago, ILIWAPCT said:

Tried that and it only showed my regular contacts. 

Was hoping there was some way to "Start" the storyline without creating a new alt over there but it looks like the best solution.

Not sure why it isn't working for you. I am not sure what level the story arcs start for First Ward but I thought it was 20ish.  If you want to do the low level stuff then, yeah, as was said above, you would need to just make up a dude there. I ran through it with a blaster and was not all that impressed with it. There is a pretty low player count and the story arcs from 1-20 seem to be all revolve around reb. vs. loyalist. Which I was not all that into.


The first ward stuff is pretty cool. I liked it well enough. But I could do with a bit less of the "droogy" talk where whoever wrote it seems to have been pretty impressed with the made up language of Clockwork Orange. Because BOY, do they lay it on pretty thick; and it got annoying for me after a bit.


Night Ward is much better. More atmosphere and a decent story without leaning SO, SOOOO heavily on the slang talk to set the mood.

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14 minutes ago, quixoteprog said:

If you want to do the low level stuff then, yeah, as was said above, you would need to just make up a dude there. I ran through it with a blaster and was not all that impressed with it. There is a pretty low player count and the story arcs from 1-20 seem to be all revolve around reb. vs. loyalist. Which I was not all that into.


The player count is low, that is correct, and the content is actually fairly hard in a lot of cases (they love ambuhes while you are already fighting another spawn).  I thought it was a very interesting change to regular blueside/redside content, though.  It is the first time they added content to the game where things you did earlier have a very real effect on your world, and what other arcs you can do.  In some cases in an earlier arc you actually kill off someone who could be a contact later, and they are GONE from what you see in the outer world, even though someone else can still do their missions.  Betraying a faction actually changes later dialogue you see from your former faction.  


A friend and I made up characters there to see as much of the content as possible, though, and we are following the Guide in the Guide section of the forum about how to change factions every time you get a chance.  You have to turn off XPs at points to do all of that, in particular at level 7.9, not 9.9 initially.  It will probably not be to your taste if you want to play a really "heroic" character, though, there are a lot of very morally grey or worse missions.  Fine if  you are the villianous type, though, arguably some missions are more villianous than most redside content.  I recommend either duoing with a friend, or making a pretty sturdy, self sufficient character like a MM for soloing it so you don't have to coordinate faction choices.  

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2 minutes ago, Scientist said:

The player count is low, that is correct, and the content is actually fairly hard in a lot of cases (they love ambuhes while you are already fighting another spawn).  I thought it was a very interesting change to regular blueside/redside content, though.  It is the first time they added content to the game where things you did earlier have a very real effect on your world, and what other arcs you can do.  In some cases in an earlier arc you actually kill off someone who could be a contact later, and they are GONE from what you see in the outer world, even though someone else can still do their missions.  Betraying a faction actually changes later dialogue you see from your former faction.  


A friend and I made up characters there to see as much of the content as possible, though, and we are following the Guide in the Guide section of the forum about how to change factions every time you get a chance.  You have to turn off XPs at points to do all of that, in particular at level 7.9, not 9.9 initially.  It will probably not be to your taste if you want to play a really "heroic" character, though, there are a lot of very morally grey or worse missions.  Fine if  you are the villianous type, though, arguably some missions are more villianous than most redside content.  I recommend either duoing with a friend, or making a pretty sturdy, self sufficient character like a MM for soloing it so you don't have to coordinate faction choices.  

Vet from Live and all my alts are Villains.

They all run the Zig starter mission.

Like I said I like the story line.


Actions having consequences sounds good. 

But hearing the challenging ambushes gives me pause on which alt to create.

Mayhem Missions are a pain when the game "cheats" and Longbow sees through Stalker's Hide. I'm use to it and ready during the Mayhem Mission but it might become a pain if my calculating Stalker is constantly forced to scrap.


So I might make a mm or dom instead. That way I can actually enjoy the content. 

Now that I think about it. My favorite part of the game is when the plan starts to fall apart and people drop the team worrying about xp debt. Then you have to REALLY think about how to solve the problem and is it possible by yourself or with what is left of the team. 9/10 it is!  

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