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Lines last won the day on October 7 2020

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  1. Congratulations!
  2. Wouldn't they call it Fish and Crisps in the US?
  3. Proc changes were on the dev's radar quite some time ago, but it's not come up recently.
  4. There is no anticipating what the next one of these threads is going to be about, and I love them.
  5. I believe visual noise is a problem of game design and not player behaviour.
  6. I'm hearing problems, but I'm not hearing solutions. I motion that the power name be change to "kabloomy bomb".
  7. Yes, and then the Praetorian version became my main. I body snatched myself.
  8. I am also a CO lifetime subscriber, which came with a big dollop of egg on my face. I really do not like that game. I don't think it was mentioned here, but the thing I really dislike is the world design. Part of that is art style, but mostly the existance of a very immersion-breaking hub area that I suppose is there for player convenience. It's an inescapable eyesore in the city world. Aside from that, having about seven million different currencies with no idea which are important, and a very dull levelling experience, I don't see myself going back.
  9. Might be worth noting in that specific case that the trigger zone for the door ambush in posi 1 includes the stairs in front of city hall, not just the immediate area in front of the door. Given how easy it is to trigger, I'd suggest trying to get the team ready for a big fight as part of freeing the final hero.
  10. My advice is: Plant your homages in late April or Early May. Any earlier and they won't take root in colder soils. Homages will want to be in dry soil but will benefit from scattering compost or special homage feed that you can get from your local garden centre. Make sure your homages are in a spot where they'll get plenty of sunlight. If you are planting them in a pot, then turn the pot every week or so to get a nice spread of flowers. I hope that helps! Please send photos when they're in full bloom. ❤️
  11. If you really want depth, there is a lore bible out there somewhere. It isn't small. I would say that the game itself is not good at delivering the lore or the stories, which I think is mostly an interface problem. The stories are definitely there, it just doesn't signpost players towards them or how they connect.
  12. Can we at least get them in a proper traffic light colour order?
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