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Help and LFG Channel Misuse


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Thanks for the clarity and the update, GM Widower.  I hope it helps a few people find a healthier medium.

Related to this latest update/revelation . . . is there a GM or CR on your Team that has the express role of maintaining a development roadmap (goodness, I hate that term, but I've been airheading on the less corporate-loaded term for it . . . )?  If not, would the Team be willing to bring a volunteer with industry experience for that sort of work in to the mix who /does not/ use discord?

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One of the first things I do with each new alt is edit the Help tab to remove LFG because it's hard to follow a conversation when it's constantly interrupted by "looking for DFB" chatter.


Part of the Help issue is that it's the only obvious "universal" channel, so in a game that keeps players hopping from one zone to another almost every mission, it's natural for players to gravitate to the channel that isn't going to be interrupted with every zone change. There is a similar issue in WoW - most conversation takes place in the "Trade" channel rather than in "General"; it's because Trade is the same channel no matter which capitol city you're in, while General applies only to the specific zone you're in. Of course, WoW doesn't have a channel that is the same everywhere, but players there are more likely to spend a lot of time hanging around in a capitol city simply because those are where all of the important services are located (banks, auction house, etc.).

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