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Is there a curated list of non-farm AE content?


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One thing you can try is refining your search parameters with the options in the search tool. Another would be to search for [sfma] (player acronym for story-focused mission arc). SFMA is held over from live, but may not be widely used.


None of these are perfect. I, too, wish there was a list available, but at least the search tool in AE gives us some options.

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On 11/1/2019 at 10:48 AM, nightroarer said:

One thing you can try is refining your search parameters with the options in the search tool. Another would be to search for [sfma] (player acronym for story-focused mission arc). SFMA is held over from live, but may not be widely used.


None of these are perfect. I, too, wish there was a list available, but at least the search tool in AE gives us some options.

Seems like, in the absence of an in-game list, this section of the forums would be as good a place to make up one in the time being. Then the people making the stories arcs could keep it updated. Maybe the devs could sticky a new thread and people could put in one entry per person and containing updated lists of their missions with appropriate search parameters.


One question would be, if someone on Excelsior created a mission is it available for people on any other server? Or would the user need to save and upload it to each server? Could the dev team push this content across all servers? Just bringing it up to see if the creator of a mission needs to specify the server(s) on which it is available or not.

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5 hours ago, quixoteprog said:

One question would be, if someone on Excelsior created a mission is it available for people on any other server? Or would the user need to save and upload it to each server? Could the dev team push this content across all servers? Just bringing it up to see if the creator of a mission needs to specify the server(s) on which it is available or not.

AE arcs uploaded to the game server are available on all the Homecoming servers. Same with all cross-server content like the Auction House. However, they are not uploaded to other groups' servers (such as the 4-Chan server). If you want to post there, you'll have to do it independently.


I am curious how local saves will work as the various servers develop in different directions, though, They all seem to direct to the same local folder (at least on the two servers I play). So far Homecoming hasn't really touched AE content, so it's hard to tell what'll happen.


To the original point of the forum: it doesn't look like there's a list exactly. There's a couple acronyms you could look for that I've seen floating around. And while a forum-based list would be good (at least better than nothing), I think the devs should see if they can get a story/farm tag built into the in-game search function somehow.

Edited by BretC
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