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Fulcrum Shift released from both ends


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History lesson (This is not what I'm asking for exactly):  Back in the day, Fulcrum Shift's buff used to be released both from the enemies affected, and from the user casting Fulcrum Shift.  It was pretty insane, because there wasn't a target cap like today, and you could basically double the buffs received if you over-lapped the buffs.


My suggestion though, is to do something similar, but do not let them stack.  The reason I ask this, is due to the fact that you basically have to be in melee range, I see squishies run in their for the buff, when they should definitely be at range still, and it isn't uncommon for them to not come out again.


Changing it so FS buffs both ends, melee gets the buff while in the middle of the group.  And ranged gets the buff by standing next to the Kinetics.  The only difference as mentioned, is don't let the two stack, because I fully believe double buffing would be too powerful.  That, and I really don't want to run into the group of enemies either.  


This also greatly helps MM/Kins who have a mix of melee/ranged pets (Or just ranged).

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Siphon power doesn't exist ?  Even better with Siphon Speed?  So you can stack buffs?  Dang, didn't know that.  Not like ranged need MAX damage buffs, the various AT tend to already be higher damage / self buffing or debuffing targets / larger AoE caps and radius/cone (which make up for the lesser damage, cause they are hitting a lot more targets)


But thats my opinion.


And it looks like Speed was fuxored with, I swear I could stack it like 3 times way back but my memory is fuzzy.  At least twice though on a Fire/Kin controller but can't remember if I had Hasten, wasn't an uber farmer but fun to play while being its on DPS class in a group...though it looks like control powers got hit at some point with another I4 hammer, long after the actual I4.

"Farming is just more fun in my opinion, beating up hordes of angry cosplayers...."  - Coyotedancer

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15 minutes ago, Outrider_01 said:

Siphon power doesn't exist ?  Even better with Siphon Speed?  So you can stack buffs?  Dang, didn't know that.  Not like ranged need MAX damage buffs, the various AT tend to already be higher damage / self buffing or debuffing targets / larger AoE caps and radius/cone (which make up for the lesser damage, cause they are hitting a lot more targets)


But thats my opinion.


And it looks like Speed was fuxored with, I swear I could stack it like 3 times way back but my memory is fuzzy.  At least twice though on a Fire/Kin controller but can't remember if I had Hasten, wasn't an uber farmer but fun to play while being its on DPS class in a group...though it looks like control powers got hit at some point with another I4 hammer, long after the actual I4.

I feel like your attempt at sarcasm actually made what you were trying to say nearly impossible.


Siphon Power is pretty negligible compared to FS, almost every person I've talked to about my MM/Kin, has had me drop it for something else.  So no.


And its not like ranged won't get the buff, they will just risk getting killed (And potentially wiping their team) trying to get it.  On top of that, it would help MM's with ranged pets.


As far as I'm concerned, this is QOL.  Doesn't make it way stronger.


And I have no idea what you're talking about with stacking buffs, lost in translation.

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1 hour ago, Klaleara said:

I feel like your attempt at sarcasm actually made what you were trying to say nearly impossible.

Which part?  Its the Internet, Sarcasm is still stuck in the 1.0 version and hasn't really upgraded beyond 1.1 as memes involving stupid pictures with words doesn't count.

1 hour ago, Klaleara said:

Siphon Power is pretty negligible compared to FS, almost every person I've talked to about my MM/Kin, has had me drop it for something else.  So no.

Up to you, not like you need a lot of powers in kinetic but if you want another power pick that is up to you.  Kinetic gives you a lot of extra slots, cause you don't need to 6 slot everything.  And you are following FOTM advise, go with your gut feeling if you want it or not...you don't always need to take the advise.   People find a use for what are considered useless powers, Group Flight to rein in ranged pets which piss off group mates who can in fact turn the effect off with 5 minutes of your life, or knockback debuff powers but only retards don't understand some KB powers have things like debuff tohit in Hurricane before it knocks back, but it is not a Radiation toggle which debuffs everything so Hurricane has a penalty for using it...aka knockback, which you can fit that convert to KD IO. Basically you cannot stand in melee range while flooring tohit with Hurricane in total safety which has a pentaly of knockback to counter it; radiation set has the toggles for that and that cost is endurance from 2 toggles (debuff tohit/resist/damage/defense)

1 hour ago, Klaleara said:

And its not like ranged won't get the buff, they will just risk getting killed (And potentially wiping their team) trying to get it.  On top of that, it would help MM's with ranged pets.

There you go, you answered it yourself.  It is a powerful buff, it needs a risk otherwise the game will just become city of faceroll even more.  And ranged pets...swear there is this thing called Siphon power.  Don't know about you, but I don't feel the need to turbo boost EVERYTHING to the max.  The buff is only 30 seconds for Power and recharges in 20 while fulcrum is 60 recharge with 45 second duration...what ever you buffed will be dead with the ass kicking Incarnates do and if your lower level around when its available its not like it really needs to max out damage....there is things called Build Up / Red Skills / Debuff to resist to increase damage.

1 hour ago, Klaleara said:

As far as I'm concerned, this is QOL.  Doesn't make it way stronger.

One mans opinion is another mans snark (me). 


It is a strong power, more so as the guy who suggested that Transference be a range heal as well heal around himself (how you suggest with Fulcrum), while it is one of the few AoE target based heals in game; the penalty for the power is the range (and the aura splashes heals like Empathy has, less healing amount for no tohit check and total safety of using it except when hugging the tank).  Or the other guy suggesting that Siphon power and siphon speed should debuff 16 AoE target cap, when in fact Kinetics area buff set not a debuff set like rad...sure it has tohit checks doesn't imply those powerful abilities are AoE debuffs aside from Fulcrum, the rest of the Kinetic set buffs.  AoE debuff everything with a click...easy snore mode don't you think?  Not talking about sets like Trick Arrow, it would step on the grounds of that set.


Oh, and memory is fuzzy on the details but each foe hit actually summons a virtual pet which spawns and buffs before quickly disappearing; you can't cast the buff of 10 baddies around the melee and assume it will be the same from you for 10 foes.  How do you factor in to buff ranged pets/players with the same buff as a those in melee?  Increase the range of each hit foe on those virtual pets?  Oops, let my snarky remark be....city of face roll with no penalty


Quick check in game against melee - Def, Max range +50 bonus from self using Fulcrum.  In melee range - +280, 30 Vigilance + 50 Self Fulcrum + 200 Fulcrum buff from Skulls.  Over Powerd Faceroll much to cast around you, don't you think?  And you think that is a QoL issue ?  Ranged characters also have the advantage....not being hit by melee for being at range, regardless of the damage buff.

1 hour ago, Klaleara said:


And I have no idea what you're talking about with stacking buffs, lost in translation

Unless something changed in the powers, you do what is called "spamming" with abilities.  The faster it recharges, you can stack Siphon Power and Speed..but at a minute for Speed I am not sure that is possible anymore.  I know I could it at least twice, but this was about I12-I13 when I last played which on a Fire/Kinetic controller which made him a badass with all control powers up between groups while burning things that could not fight back.  Not so much now 😢


Hmm, Speed barely stacks with itself on this Defender in game by itself, maybe that controller I had on live used hasten and a recharge enhancement.  Oh god, both Power and Speed don't seem to stack the recharge is so long, even using Speed to boost the recharge of Power (Defender, no hasten).  I might be wrong then, need to get that controller leveled up and rerolled on HC from live to get a feel for, he didn't really use IOs and it seems so difference. 😞 Not sure you can spam buffs and stack them anymore, disregard this stacking I am talking about.


Fulcrum buffs, that is stacking from each foe and it can be any number hit to target cap. 


I want to comment, I shot level 10s with a level 40 defender.  May seem meaningless on the level difference but it was to see the huge difference in hits, the unbuffed damage was about 200...buffed with 6 fulcrum  hits it was about 550, in melee range.  Imagine you are at range doing this...Fulcrum is very powerful at any level you use it, do you think ?

Edited by Outrider_01

"Farming is just more fun in my opinion, beating up hordes of angry cosplayers...."  - Coyotedancer

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