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* Had posted this in Guides, but, it might be a better fit here in Base Construction and, I didn't see a way to move it over.  Apologies for redundancy.


Searched for "hubs" in the forum, first, but, didn't see a topic with a listing of hubs the community can use with names and passcodes, so, I started one.  :-)


Here are some community-accessible bases with macros (new people: select and copy (Ctrl+c) from the / to the last number, paste (Ctrl+v) into your chat window and hit the Enter/Return key) I have set up so far (yes, they're also included in my signature):


Excelsior server TP hub with sorted zones and NPCs for your use: /macroimage archetypeicon_peacebringer SG_TP_RaDiCaL_(Tech_Theme) enter_base_from_passcode RADICAL-7910


Torchbearer server TP hub with sorted zones and NPCs for your use:  /macroimage originicon_magic SG_TP_AllOurBase_(Arcane_Theme) enter_base_from_passcode ALLOURBASE-7287


Reunion server TP hub with sorted zones and NPCs for your use:  /macroimage originicon_magic SG_TP_Introverts_(Arcane_Theme) enter_base_from_passcode INTROVERTS-3357


Everlasting (the unofficial RP server, and, yes, the base is MEANT to be a little 'over-the-top', BUT, those suffering from hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia should avoid it) TP hub with sorted zones and NPCs for your use:  /macroimage originicon_magic SG_TP_SHADOWS_(Arcane_Theme) enter_base_from_passcode SHADOWS-10030


This was one of the first things I've done in the game, as I've always thought it was important to help others in life and on-line (I've been warning people about threats to their privacy from corporations and governments and how to use encryption DECADES before Snowden did), but, I'm the weird guy with the .com domain which doesn't have a single ad on it or anything for sale and is practically littered with help and tip pages.  ;-)  Never got the whole greed thing.  Is the end goal for most people to get everything you've ever wanted and then become bored?  LOL


The icons I've used, as you may've noticed, can't be confused with power icons (maybe it'll help relieve a little stress for players) with the magic origin icon for the arcane-themed bases and the peacebringer icon because, well, it looks kind of science-fictiony and the tooltips provide helpful descriptions on mouse-over (or mouseover to some of us . . .) in case others use similar icons.


The zones in the bases are sorted (in most of them) by hero/blue/Paragon City, villain/red/Rogue Isles, hazard zones, Praetoria, co-up, and fast leveling zones (Atlas Park for DfB, DiB and Peregrine Island for the  Tina Macintyre and Maria Jenkins story arcs that other players can invite you to).


The bases also include trainers/arbiters, quartermasters, fateweavers/field analysts and Icon/Facemaker NPCs all in the same room with vault and invention table access (except the arcane-themed one with the statues of Ghost Widow and Dominatrix facing each other, with the invention table and vault in the next room that you click on the glowing doorknobs to access).  The NPCs are also used as visual hints for the zones, like putting an arbiter and fateweaver in front of the villain/red/Rogue Isles zone portal and a Vanguard trainer and field analyst in front of the hero/blue/Paragon City zones.


Most of the bases also include text and direction arrows by the portals and on the floor, helping to guide you to each.  In the arcane-themed one with Ghost Widow and Dominatrix, however, I've written the text out in runes.  ;-)


This should cut your travel time down some, getting to the zones or NPCs you need to interact with.


Hint:  If you just want to change your Notoriety (or whatever it's called for heroes and vigilantes), instead of using the fateweaver/field analyst, click the little Quick Chat button in the bottom right corner of your chat window, to the right of the CLI (where you type your chat or commands in), choose the bottom link in the pop-up and pick what you want to change from there.  :-)


Next!  LOL




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💡City of Heroes Homecoming Server Tips for New Players 👍 (Includes details on the LFG queueing trick!)


🚀 TP Hubs for each shard: 😁 Excelsior shard TP hub with sorted zones and NPCs for your use: /macroimage archetypeicon_peacebringer SG_TP_RaDiCaL_(Tech_Theme) enter_base_from_passcode RADICAL-7910 # # # Torchbearer shard TP hub with sorted zones and NPCs for your use:  /macroimage originicon_magic SG_TP_AllOurBase_(Arcane_Theme) enter_base_from_passcode ALLOURBASE-7287 # # # Reunion shard TP hub with sorted zones and NPCs for your use:  /macroimage originicon_magic SG_TP_Introverts_(Arcane_Theme) enter_base_from_passcode INTROVERTS-3357 # # # Everlasting (the unofficial RP shard, and, yes, the base is MEANT to be a little 'over-the-top' LOL) TP hub with sorted zones and NPCs for your use:  /macroimage originicon_magic SG_TP_SHADOWS_(Arcane_Theme) enter_base_from_passcode SHADOWS-10030 # # # Indomitable shard with NPCs right at the entrance and the teleports just down the hallway and to the left (follow the arrows):  /macroimage archetypeicon_peacebringer SG_TP_ToTaLLY_RaD_(Tech_Theme) enter_base_from_passcode RAD-5896 # # # Victory Base Community TP Hub with sorted zones with level ranges listed for each: /macroimage archetypeicon_peacebringer SG_TP_VICTORY_(Tech_Theme) enter_base_from_passcode VICTORY-229


👽 Some of my characters in City of Heroes 🐺


The more these are advertised the quicker they may go away.



"Homecoming is not perfect but it is still better than the alternative.. at least so far" - Unknown  (Wise words Unknown!)

Si vis pacem, para bellum

47 minutes ago, Troo said:

The more these are advertised the quicker they may go away.

The Homecoming folk have said they will be keeping the slash command around until they can create a suitable replacement.  No reason for fear mongering.  People are already aware the code as it exists at present will be going away at some point.

  • Thanks 1
7 hours ago, ShardWarrior said:

The Homecoming folk have said they will be keeping the slash command around until they can create a suitable replacement.  No reason for fear mongering.  People are already aware the code as it exists at present will be going away at some point.

No fear mongering.

Just sharing information.


I do read what I can, and have not seen anything that has Homecoming folks stating that the slash command would be sticking around. Only the opposite. Feel free to link it or send me a message with the information if I am behind a little.


While you may feel information is widely known or understood - That obviously is not the case if you feel the need to police the forums.

"Homecoming is not perfect but it is still better than the alternative.. at least so far" - Unknown  (Wise words Unknown!)

Si vis pacem, para bellum

Posted (edited)
35 minutes ago, Troo said:

I do read what I can, and have not seen anything that has Homecoming folks stating that the slash command would be sticking around.

That is not what I said.  The command is not going to be around forever.  Follow the Homecoming staff on the forums if you want to see what they have posted on the subject.  There have been a couple of threads and posts about it.


Since you probably will not do the work yourself, here is one of them-


Nor am I trying to police the forums.  The information is out there, you just need to put in the time and effort to find it.

Edited by ShardWarrior
  • 2 months later
Posted (edited)

I made a hub for use in Indom.

/macro_image "Teleportation_LongRangeTeleport" "Teleport to Base" "enterbasefrompasscode LASERRANGERS-7198"


Updated the base some.  The entry room is a full hub.  The base includes challenges. A race through a multilayer maze, A super Jump challenge, A Castle vertical maze, A swimming track.


A usable events area with awards room, Costume Contest center and a city scavenger hunt.  


I also use it as my private base, but everything is locked down.  Feel free to enjoy it.


I do base commissions.  Contact me for more information on that. 


I would love to see it used.

Edited by candles flame
On 1/24/2020 at 11:39 AM, Rooster Gold said:

The marco Image is usually /macroimage Veteran_TeleportBase Base "enterbasefrompasscode ****-####"


As seen here https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1uHUi6BWFTYj4wbfGBs3LjZL88Fym6B-8EwDr18YZcY8/edit#gid=0&range=A2516


Also there's a pinned tread for this type of post


*Facepalms at Rooster Gold's post*


Re: the macro image, as I had said in my post (did you take the time to read it in its entirety before replying to it?  If not, please take the time to do so in the future for other posts and a BIG thank you from me and from other forum posters you may've irked (or majorly ticked off, in the cases of some who might mistake what you have said for trolling) for missing something that they had taken the time to explain), "The icons I've used, as you may've noticed, can't be confused with power icons (maybe it'll help relieve a little stress for players) with the magic origin icon for the arcane-themed bases and the peacebringer icon because, well, it looks kind of science-fictiony and the tooltips provide helpful descriptions on mouse-over (or mouseover to some of us . . .) in case others use similar icons."


Re: the 'pinned thread' was for basecode passes in general, hence the topic name, "Basecode Passes" (which was also included in what you had shared) and NOT specifically for TP Hubs, which I had taken the time to make the topic as well as the tag for.


Please, let's try to work together and attempt to be patient and understanding with others for a better experience for all.  It's preferred over the opposite and, when you think about it, if everyone does it on-line as well as in the real world, maybe it'll make life more pleasant for all.  After all, we are not all the same, think the same way, look the same or even speak the same language.  If we were, life would be EXTREMELY mind-numbingly dull!  LOL

💡City of Heroes Homecoming Server Tips for New Players 👍 (Includes details on the LFG queueing trick!)


🚀 TP Hubs for each shard: 😁 Excelsior shard TP hub with sorted zones and NPCs for your use: /macroimage archetypeicon_peacebringer SG_TP_RaDiCaL_(Tech_Theme) enter_base_from_passcode RADICAL-7910 # # # Torchbearer shard TP hub with sorted zones and NPCs for your use:  /macroimage originicon_magic SG_TP_AllOurBase_(Arcane_Theme) enter_base_from_passcode ALLOURBASE-7287 # # # Reunion shard TP hub with sorted zones and NPCs for your use:  /macroimage originicon_magic SG_TP_Introverts_(Arcane_Theme) enter_base_from_passcode INTROVERTS-3357 # # # Everlasting (the unofficial RP shard, and, yes, the base is MEANT to be a little 'over-the-top' LOL) TP hub with sorted zones and NPCs for your use:  /macroimage originicon_magic SG_TP_SHADOWS_(Arcane_Theme) enter_base_from_passcode SHADOWS-10030 # # # Indomitable shard with NPCs right at the entrance and the teleports just down the hallway and to the left (follow the arrows):  /macroimage archetypeicon_peacebringer SG_TP_ToTaLLY_RaD_(Tech_Theme) enter_base_from_passcode RAD-5896 # # # Victory Base Community TP Hub with sorted zones with level ranges listed for each: /macroimage archetypeicon_peacebringer SG_TP_VICTORY_(Tech_Theme) enter_base_from_passcode VICTORY-229


👽 Some of my characters in City of Heroes 🐺

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