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Original/Legacy account access?

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Question that i'm sure I know the answer to; in the Kotaku article I read there was talk about having access to old characters from before the servers were shut down. What are the chances that we can give permission/request access to this information? I'm betting fairly slim, but I figured I'd ask

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would be unfair for people who dont remember there old account name/dont have a Sentinel+ export

like me

if such accounts run around on the same server

However, if it is Possible, i have no Problem with it if they allow to upload Sentinel+ exports on a server without character transfer


the Old Character database however should never be used if someone still has access to it

back to the Zukunft



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would be unfair for people who dont remember there old account name/dont have a Sentinel+ export

like me

if such accounts run around on the same server

However, if it is Possible, i have no Problem with it if they allow to upload Sentinel+ exports on a server without character transfer


the Old Character database however should never be used if someone still has access to it


No less fair than someone who works full time and has a kid vs. someone who is on disability and has almost no commitments outside the game. *shrug*


But, as I understand it, it is absolutely nothing to do with "fairness" that we cannot have the database. Apparently that would have been enough to force NCSoft's hand on sending their lawyers after us. >.>

Always happy to answer questions in game, typically hanging around Help.
Global is @Zolgar, and tends to be tagged in Help.

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would be unfair for people who dont remember there old account name/dont have a Sentinel+ export

like me

if such accounts run around on the same server

However, if it is Possible, i have no Problem with it if they allow to upload Sentinel+ exports on a server without character transfer


the Old Character database however should never be used if someone still has access to it


No less fair than someone who works full time and has a kid vs. someone who is on disability and has almost no commitments outside the game. *shrug*


But, as I understand it, it is absolutely nothing to do with "fairness" that we cannot have the database. Apparently that would have been enough to force NCSoft's hand on sending their lawyers after us. >.>


It could also be a privacy nightmare if any personal information is tied to the old accounts and in those databases.

Excelsior - Grey Scale 50+ Emp/Dark Def - Thermal Meltdown 50+ Rad/Fire Brute - Old Growth 50+ Plant Troll - Enrico Fermi 50+ Rad Blaster

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It could also be a privacy nightmare if any personal information is tied to the old accounts and in those databases.


As a CISSP it _is_ a nightmare.


NCSOFT got hacked.

They allowed an employee to offload not just the code, but the entire player databse from the looks of it.

Those in the know _say_ there was not CC info, but I have not seen the database scheme that was stolen, so I don't know if any of my actual personal information is there.


Personally, given the chance, I would have no choice but to 'go after' anyone that has stolen consumer data, period.

The fact we play on stolen code is heavily on my mind, TBH.


Companies go bankrupt over things like this.

At the least, with all we now know, NCSoft as an entitiy could easily be liable if any of that consumer data exists and is used.

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