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Mastermind pets and incarnate trials


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I really enjoy my Fort Widow but i hate melee in groups. Just ran my very first I-trial and with 24 people, it just made the melee even worse. So many spell effects and then the mechanics on top of that. Not something i really enjoy. I could respec my widow to be more ranged but i like the build i have for solo so started thinking about more ranged characters i could try instead.

I've always enjoyed the MM playstyle but i get really annoyed with my pets dying. With a good build do they stay alive better in incarnate trials and or ITF?


I've never had a 50 mm let alone incarnates. So it's something i'd like to try but i just don't know if it's worth the effort. I've heard good things about some people being able to solo masters ITF with some but i doubt i'd be doing that. Mostly just want them to stay alive through the fights so i don't spend more time resummoning them then actually attacking. I hate bots so they'd be out but demons are cool or necro if they do ok. I've heard necro isn't the best but i like the theme.



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As someone with not much idea, I'd suspect that anything melee would get completely melted by AoE. Some MMs have solid defensive secondaries (Cold) that can help with defense, but I don't know whether or not that's still the case at end-game.

..It only takes one Beanbag fan saying that they JRANGER it for the devs to revert it.

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