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Kind of callous, aren't you?

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Legend has it that years ago, Lord Recluse was in the street about to administer a death blow to Statesman, and Derek brushed past him because the villain was between him and the coffee shop.

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For the scarifying misadventures of Mike Morbid, go to Twitter and look for @JMikeMorbid

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2 hours ago, ArchVileTerror said:

Congratulations.  We now have the Anti-Jenkins:   Derek.

I'm sure there are many tales to be told about Derek and his nonchalant ways.

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For the scarifying misadventures of Mike Morbid, go to Twitter and look for @JMikeMorbid

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So fun bit of trivia. in the pilot episode of McGuyver, (original not remake) he carries a satchel which inside he carries the later famous duck tape, and throughout the episode puts in useful things he later uses to get through challenges. The original idea was more of a felix and the magic bag approach were each episode he would gather up random things to then later use. However the satchel was seen as too purse like and only the swiss army knife and tape deemed worthy to be carried on in later episodes. Along with him then seeming to magic things up out of nowhere rather then being more of a grab random useful objects through out the adventure approach.


There is actually a later episode in which he goes undercover among a homeless camp, and carries a satchel he pulls scavenged edibles out of to make a meal with later that is something of a nod to the lost original idea of the character.


Lets also not forget Dar the Beastmaster who kept Codo and Podo the ferrets in a fine leather satchel.

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