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Ever get complimented on your gameplay and it felt great?


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I've gotten several compliments for play as well as for name / bio / concept, and it always feels good.  I try to do the same and will frequently send a tell when I see something I like.  Probably the one which most stands out is from Live, and it stands out now for being an unusual thing to be complemented for. I got complimented on my skill using Teleport.  And I don't mean a clutch Recall Friend.  I mean Teleport.  We were fighting mobs on multiple bridges and I TP'd from the lower bridge to the same spot on the upper bridge to help some teammates.  Note that the bridges were directly one on top of the other, so there was no direct line of sight.  The thing that impressed me was that someone actually noticed this.


Plenty of toons have uber builds, but it's the players who show great awareness and strategy that really impress me. 

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Antipodea, my Storm/Ice defender on Live/Virtue had kind of a chip on her shoulder from all the teams where she was told, "Just Shut Up and Heal!"




So  the workaround was, she usually led her own teams. It was a delight, after leading a tough mission where she had been hurricaning, storming, and blasting her little heart out, when one teammate took time out to say, "It is a pure pleasure to watch a well-run Stormie!"


Even today, I get a thrill when I think of it.


I always try to pass that sort of thing on, and particularly like it when someone has a good bio. Good bio AND costume AND you can play? You'll hear about it from me!

Edited by DoctorDitko
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Disclaimer: Not a medical doctor. Do not take medical advice from Doctor Ditko.

Also, not a physicist. Do not take advice on consensus reality from Doctor Ditko.

But games? He used to pay his bills with games. (He's recovering well, thanks for asking!)

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