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the P2W gave me free multu aspect enhancements for free. They show lvl1 it it looks like they are Unique but there are 5 (I think?) different ones and each has a Proc attached to it that stops once you reach 20 (doing this from memory so I may not have it quite right). I think they do 16% improvement for each aspect they cover (that's DO territory right?)



I wanted to enter them in Mids to figure out my stats in the 20s when I think it may still be worth slotting them rather than IOs, or at least as an alternative to spending influ nice on lower IOs.


Is there a way to slot then or are they not known to the character builders?


They aren't in Pine. However you can reasonably easily simulate them. They all have 16.7% enhancement to Damage and Recharge. This is, roughly speaking, the same as a dual-aspect IO with a level of 21 (they actually have 16.8%, but close enough). So pick a set you aren't using that has a Dam/Rech IO in it and insert that as a level 21 IO and you'll be close enough.

Defender Smash!

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