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  • Retired Game Master


  • Exit to Windows. In the client folder, find and delete playerslot.txt.  (Folder Hints-- HC Launcher: accounts/"your login name".  Tequila: folder with "your login name".)  This resets login screen character positions when you restart the client.
  • You make have made the character on another server.  Check other servers to see if they're not on the one you expect.
  • COH remembers character positions in the login list.  Move left-to-right to see if they 'bounced' off screen.




I've had it happen a few times but I  just found the two roons stacked on top of each other. I then moved then toon that got stacked on top to a free space. I then transferred that toon to another server and then back and it seems to have fixed the issue.

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