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TL;DR version: You start with the regular slot at level 1. Every 10 levels you gain an additional slot on your primary and secondary powers (at 50, all powers would be 6 slotted). With the power pools and ancillary/epic, you gain additional slots through missions that you complete (easy for the first, with increased effort for later slots).


Alternate TL;DR; Each power you choose would be leveled by use (gaining a slot every 10 levels)(with passives gaining slots over time), so powers used more often would gain slots faster (Long recharges have a different formula, to keep things fair).


Having it done by use would level the playing field (casual Vs power-leveled character) in certain ways. I can see the advantage of fast recharge getting to cap easier compared to slower recharge powers. A remedy could be that the powers you use to gain experience (active, passive, toggle) get a portion of the experience. For the casual player (less than 4 hours a week), there would be an offline accrual (yes, like day jobs) that if a character is offline X days (or enough hours), that they would gain a slot to any power they wish. With a max of 1 slot accrued at a time (can't gain another until it is used), this would give some progression to those that don't play a lot. After everything is 6-slotted, your character would stop gaining slots.




I'm afraid I don't understand the benefit of this suggestion over getting two slots every other level (mostly, until you get above 30 and get 3 slots every other level or so) that you can place anywhere you like as you level up.  Sure, you have to temporarily forego slots in some powers for awhile if you want to prioritize a few selected powers first, but that's not really a big deal, once you get the hang of it. 


And that doesn't even touch the topic of the freespecs earned every 10 levels to rearrange the slots as desired.  I think your suggestion makes things more complicated, not less so.  I'm going to have to respectfully disagree with this suggestion.  Thanks!



Energy/Energy Blaster (50+3) on Everlasting

Energy/Temporal Blaster (50+3) on Excelsior

Energy/Willpower Sentinel (50+3) on Indomitable

Energy/Energy Sentinel (50+1) on Torchbearer


I seem to recall the live devs looking at adding extra slots and having it break things badly.


Plus, honestly, I rarely find myself wanting extra slots. There are some characters I've ended up slotting things just to get past that level. (And yes, I *do* play Khelds.)  And no, I don't *want* all my powers six slotted, either.


Frankly, I'd have to agree this sounds like overcomplication for not a great deal of benefit, at least to me. Sorry.

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