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@TheUnnamedOne's BadgeReporter Popmenu version 20240723a


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Ever since I discovered the @TheUnnamedOne's BadgeReporter popmenu, I've found it an amazing tool for seeing what Badges you have on a toon.  Pop it up and Badges unlocked on the current toon are in aqua text, Badges still locked are in grey text.



Original Authors @TheUnnamedOne and @MultipleGirl pre-Shutdown
Several Previous Maintainers and Contributors
Current Maintainer for Homecoming @Jacke


Version 20240723a release for Homecoming i28p1, 2024 Jul 23 Tue


Download the Popmenu file here.




The popmenu file has its version in its name.  New version releases will just require replacing the file without any need to change binds or macros.


2nd post below contains the CHANGELOG.


3rd post below contains the INSTALLATION and USAGE instructions as well as notes on Badge Reporter History, Achievement Badges Special Adjustment, and Other Homecoming Badge Popmenus.



Edited by Jacke
Version 20240723a release for Homecoming i28p1, 2024 Jul 23 Tue
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Version 20240723a release for Homecoming i28p1, 2024 Jul 23 Tue

Version 20240723a changelog from 20240501a

- Some Achievement Badges are moved to Accomplishments or Defeats menus to put them close to releated Badges.  The moved Badges all have the note "(Achieve. ....)" appended to them.

    Labyrith of Fog Badges
- New Challenge Zone for Levels 45 to 50

Co-op Zones
Midnighter Club
Labyrinth of Fog
- Added "Hidden in the Fog" Badge for finding any of the hidden areas in the Labyrinth of Fog
- Added "Lab Rat" Badge for crossing the maze found in the Labyrinth of Fog's Endless Colonnade

Midnighter Club
Labyrinth of Fog
-  Added "Greek Philosopher" Badge for finding the origin of the Labyrinth of Fog

Primal Zones
Labyrinth of Fog
- Added "Malevolent Intoxication" Badge for defeating 5 Malevolent Fog found in the Labyrint of Fog
- Added "Phantom Gladiator" Badge for defeating 25 Gladiators In The Fog
- Added "Slayer of the Minotaur" Badge for defeating the Minotaur In The Fog

Other Accolades
- Added "Conqueror of the Labyrinth" Badge for earning 4 Labyrinth Badges":
- "Slayer of the Minotaur", "Malevolent Intoxication", "Greek Philosopher, "Hidden in the Fog""

    Other i28p1 Badges

- Added "Nutrient-Rich" Badge for feeding Blarf
Hero Story Arcs
41-49 Steel Canyon Story Arcs
- Added "Bound by NDA" Badge for completing the Arc "Only Love Can Hurt Like This" from Ashling Corlett, Hero Corps Reserve (Steel Canyon, L41-49)

- Added "Alignment Tip Missions" menu
- Added "Uncommitted" Badge for completing 5 Alignment Tip Missions
- Added "Adept" Badge for completing 10 Alignment Tip Missions
- Added "Multifaceted" Badge for completing 25 Alignment Tip Missions

Powers (Common)
- Added [Mark & Recall] Power, unlocked by Accolade:
- Added Accloade "Between Realities" for completing various tasks
- Added [Sheer Willpower] Power, unlocked by either of 2 Accolades:
- Added Hero Accolade "Protector of Paragon City::Traitor to Paragon City" for completing Heroic deeds
- Added Villain Accolade "Deep Strike Agent::Strike Force Commander" for completing 5 Strike Forces

    Other Changes

Moved "Accomplishment Notes" submenu to Main menu as "Notes"
Rearranged many Badges to improve list orders, when possible making them closer to in-game order.
Many corrections and adjustments.

Task/Strike Forces and Trials
- Added Advanced Mode entries to copy all Advanced Mode TF/SF Badges to one spot

- Corrected "Role Model" Badge's internal name.

- Added more "Unlock Badges" submenus.
- For Accolades providing Powers, "Unlock Badges" submenus renamed to "[<Power Name>]".

- Moved "War Torn" Badge for defeating 100 Council War Walkers to Faction submenus.
- Moved "Freezer Burn" Badge for defeating the 2 Aereus Colossi in Adv Mode ITF to Missions submenu.
- Rebalanced Faction submenus

Architect Entertainment
- Renamed "Architect X" Badge to "Plugged In"
- Renamed "Architect XXV" Badge to "Mission Seeker"





Older Changelogs



Version 20240501a release for Homecoming 20th Anniversary Event, 2024 May 01 Wed

Version 20240501a changelog from 20240220a

- Some Achievement Badges were moved to Accomplishments or Defeats menus to put them close to related Badges.  The moved Badges all have the note "(Achieve. ....)" appended to them.


Hero Task Forces
- On tag of "Portal Smasher" Badge, corrected the spelling of Dr. Quaterfield

RV Defeat Heroes
- Updated who to defeat for the "Oppressor" and "Interrogator" Badges

    City of Heroes Release 20th Anniversary and Accompanying Changes

- Rearranged and edited the Events submenu
- Added City of Heroes Anniversary Event submenu
May - City of Heroes Release Anniversary
- Added 20th Anniversary Badge "Reunited"
City of Heroes Anniversary Event submenu added
- Added City of Heroes Anniversary Event Badges:
"Time Keeper" Badge for opening 25 Time Capsules
"Gardener" Badge for defeating 25 Old School Circle of Thorns
"Zeta Reticulan" Badge for defeating 25 Old School Rikti




Version 20240220a release for Homecoming i27p7, 2024 Feb 20 Tue

Version 20240220a changelog from 20221004a

- Some Achievement Badges were moved to Accomplishments or Defeats menus to put them close to related Badges.  The moved Badges all have the note "(Achieve. ....)" appended to them.



Exploration & Accomplishment
- Added notes to Exploration Accolade for Cimerora "History in the Making" and Accomplishment Badge for Imperious Task Force "Temporal Strife" that upon receiving either " (unlocks Cimerora as Ouroborus exit)"


- Added submenu "Accomplishment Notes" with information notes.
- Adjusted the Level range of Dr. Quarterfield's Task Force to the correct 40-45.
- Added Ouroboros/Pillar of Ice & Flame Flashback Arc Label eg. "27.01" (arc contact added in Page 27, first arc added for Page 27 added contacts) for appropriate Badges (most Badge arcs can be run in Flashback, some require running or rerunning an arc in Flashback).
- Added submenu for Villain Story Arc Challenge Badge "Tarnished Star" listing the Blueside content needed to be completed before running the L25-39 Doc Buzzsaw arc "The Freakish Lab of Dr. Vazhilok" to receive this Badge.
NOTE: I can't test in the Popmenu whether an Arc without a Badge has been completed (there are 5 Arcs without Badges needed).  But I include comments listing the Flashback Label of the Arcs.  If Flashback Arc entry in the Pillar is tinted gold, it has been completed.
- Added submenu for Villain Classic Mission Badge "Efficiency Expert" for the required 5 hidden Badges achieved when each of the 5 needed timed missions are completed successfully.
NOTE: These missions CANNOT be run in Flashback, but their hidden Badges can be earned on a team doing another character's missions from Efficiency Expert Pither.


- Renamed the first Menu from "Factions A-Council" to "Factions 5th Column-Council".


2010 Malleus Mundi
- Swapped order of Arrviste and Trusting Badges to match order in game.

    Issue 27 Page 7 Changes


- As part of the New Player Experience changes
    "Rookie" Badge           moved from Echo: Atlas Park to Atlas Park
    "Silent Sentinel" Badge  moved from Atlas Park to Echo: Atlas Park to its original location
- Added "Party Animal" Badge for visiting Pocket D, Studio 55, and the Paragon Dance Party.
- Moved Striga Isle Exploration Badges from Paragon City Hazard Zones to Co-op Zones.


- Added "Bicentennial" Badge for reading all 20 Bicentennial History Plaques around Paragon City.


- Added "Doesn't Look at Explosions" Badge for completing the end of Advanced-Mode Lady Grey Task Force.
- Added "Face Turn" Badge for completing Piecemeal's Personal Story.
- For Personal Story Badges, added who's personal story is run for that Badge.


- Added "Variety Act" Badge for completing a Task Force with a team that qualifies for Role Diversity.
- Added "Mirror Image" Badge for completing a Task Force with a team of 4 or more using only the same AT.


- Moved Striga Isle Accloade Exploration Badge from Paragon City Hazard Zones to Co-op Zones.
Story Arcs
- Added "Stowaway" Badge for completing all Villain Story Arcs on Striga Isle.

- Added "Zookeeper Omega" Badge under "Rikti" for defeating the new boss encounter in Advanced-Mode LGTF

    Winter Event 2023 Changes


- Added "Home for the Holidays" Badge for logging in during the Winter Event 2023

    Issue 27 Page 6 Changes


Vigilante Story Arcs
- Added "Loop Hero" Badge for completeing the L30-34 Dr. Stribbling (Brickstown) arc "Troubled Times" (27.08).
Rogue Story Arcs
- Added "Underdog" and "Pollster" Badges for completing the L40-44 John Houston arc "Noble Intentions" (27.06).


City of Heroes May
- Added 19th Anniversary Badge "Unforgettable"

    Issue 27 Page 5 Changes


- The 'Womp Womp' Badge for defeating Immature Paragon Protectors has been renamed to 'Ankle Biter'.






Version 20221004a     released for Homecoming i27p4, to Halloween 2022 patch

Version 20221004a changelog from 20220824a

- Some Achievement Badges were moved to Accomplishments or Defeats to put them with related Badges.  The moved Badges all have the note "(Achieve. ....)" appended to them.


- Added 5 Badges for the Door Tricks Elite Bosses (each 5 defeats, in same order as 2004 defeat Badges):
"Vampiric Heritage", "Reaper of Souls", "Spectral Anomoly", "Mummy's Curse", and "Unholy Coven"


Rogue Isles Hazard Zones
- As 'The Abyss' has long been a Co-op Zone, moved its submenu of Exploration Badges to Co-op Zones.

- Moved "Multiple Locations" submenu Badges to bottom of Praetoria submenu.

Multiple Locations
- Moved submenu contents to bottom of Exploration submenu.

RWZ Story Arcs
- Move "Demolitionist" Badge back to Achievements.

- Due to length and complexity of submenus, move Incarnate Master Collections, Strike Force Master Collections, and Master of Task/Strike Force/Trial submenus to top of Achievements submenu.
- Add "RWZ Mothership Raid" submenu with single Badge, "Demolitionist".
- Rearranged some Badges to be closer to the in-game Badge list order.
- Under "Master of Task/Strike Force/Trial" adding Titles "Master of Incarnate Task Force" and "Master of iTrial".
- Added number goals to more Badges.


Rogue Isles Hazard Zones
- As 'The Abyss' has long been a Co-op Zone, moved its Exploration Accolade Badge to Co-op Zones.

Arc Badges
- Moved "No Epic Powers" submenu to just before "Incarnate Powers Disabled".

- Adjusted "Amount Sold" number goals layout


Version 20220824a    released for Homecoming i27p3, i27p4, to 2022 Aug 23 patch

Version 20220824a changelog from 20211018a



- Actually for real this time: Corrected the internal names for the Master of the Lambda Sector Achievement Badges "Well Stocked" and "Lambda Looter"


Updated for i27p4

-- Under Hero Classic Badge Missions
- Added new Badge "Pecking Order" for completing Hero L25-29 mission "Stop the Lost Attack" or in Flashback "Lost Motivation" arc 0.42
- Added new Badge "Traditionalist Foil" for completing Hero L35-39 mission "Stop the Rikti Assault" or in Flashback "Revelation: Rikti Factions" arc 0.43
-- Under Cimerora Story Arcs
- Added new Badge "The Shadow Out Of Time" for completing Sister Valeria's story arc in Cimerora

- Added new submenu "Costume Purchase" after submenu "Rejection"
- Added new Badge "Mimic" for purchasing 1 permanent costume with Prismatic Aether Particle salvage
- Added new Badge "Doppelganger" for purchasing 5 permanent costumes with Prismatic Aether Particle salvage
- Added new Badge "Shapeshifter" for purchasing 10 permanent costumes with Prismatic Aether Particle salvage

-- Under Other Accolades
- Added new Badge "Hologram" for purchasing Aether Costume Accolade from BenevoLabs Hologram Vendor

- Rebalanced the 4 Faction Defeats submenus
-- Under Defeat Factinos - 5th Column
- Added new Badge "Freezer Burn" for defeating the Twin Colossi in Advanced Difficulty of Imperious Task Force
-- Under Defeat Factions - Cimerorans
- Added new Badge "Brother of Corruption / Sister of Corruption" for defeating 100 members of the Ravenna Conclave

Updated for 2022 Apr 27
- Added new 18th Anniversary Event badge "Unquenchable"

Updated for i27p3

-- Under Co-op Zones
- Added new submenu "35-50 Cimerora"
- Added 6 new Cimerora Exploration Badges: "Sanctuary", "Voice of the Oracle", "Out of Bounds", "Human Nature", "Vision of Ambition", "Darkness Unleashed"

-- Under "Task/Strike Forces and Trial" - "Villain Strike Forces"
- Added new Badge "Gold Standard" for completing Dr. Aeon's Strike Force
- Added new ASF Challenge Badge "Best Friends Forever" for taking Becky, the Tarantula Secretary hostage in the first mission, ensure she has a fun time, and then accept her help and complete the final mission without her being defeated in Dr. Aeon's Strike Force
- Added new Badge "Worthy Opponent" for the Flashback Lord Recluse Strike Force run with "Old School Challenge" option: no Incarnate Powers, all 5 Vindicators and all 8 Freedom Phalanx as L54 Heroes

- Current shifting of Achievement Badges
-- 24 Achievement Badges are grouped with related Accomplishment Badges under the Accomplishment menu
-- 7 Achievement Badges are grouped with related Defeat Badges under the Defeats menu

- Added submenu "Strike Force Master Collections"
- Under that added submenu "Master of Dr. Aeon's Strike Force"
--- ASF Master Challenge Badges
- #1 Added new "Unfriendly Fire" Badge for defeating Princess Zoe in Mission 4 or 7 with a Golden Brickernaut Elite Boss's self-destruct explosion (and always get an Astral Merit)
- #2 Added new "Ripple Raider" Badge for clearing all of Golden Roller's 3 Ripple instances' 12 AV bosses in a single attempt with no team deaths, Hard Mode not needed
- #3 Added new "Power Overwhelming" Badge for defeating Ripplesurge while empowered by the Ripple Field dropped by a consumed Shimmering Effusion at 52+
- #4 Added new "Can't Touch This" Badge for defeating King Midas at 52+ with nobody on the team being hit by one of King Midas' Ripple Singularity attacks

-- Under submenu "Master of Task/Strike Force/Trial"
- Added new Badge "Master of the Prisoners of Eden" for completing with challenges no-defeats no-temp-powers no-Incarnate-power
- Added new Badge "Master of the Descent to the Hydra" for completing with challenges no-defeats no-temp-powers no-Incarnate-power
- Added new Badge "Master of the Market Crash" for completing with challenges no-defeats no-temp-powers no-Incarnate-power
- Added new Badge "Master of Dr.Aeon's Strike Force" for obtaining all the ASF Masters Challenge Badges

- Added new Cimerora Exploration Accolade Badge "History in the Making"

- Added new Badge "The Beast Within" for defeating 50 5th Column War Wolves who are transformed lycanthrope soldiers
- Added new Badge "Fabled" for defeating 100 Cyclops in Cimerora
- Added new Badge "Mythical" for defeating 100 Minotaurs in Cimerora
- Added new Badge "Legatus" for defeating 100 Incarnate-level Cimeroran Traitors
- Added new Badge "Cool Customer" for defeating 50 Crey Cryogenicist bosses
- Added new Badge "Totally Radical" for defeating 200 Crey Gamma Tanks
- Corrected text for "Fort Knox" Badge as it's rewarded for defeating 200 Gold Brickers enemies, not just Bosses (this has always been the case and i27p3 updates the Badge text)
- Added new Badge "Who Smelt It, Dealt It" for defeating 50 Gold Bricker Smelter bosses
- Added new Badge "Epidemiologist" for defeating every notable Vahzilok leader and their lackeys (6 in the Abandoned Sewers plus Dr. Vahzilok, Doc Buzzsaw, and Dr. Meinst)
- Added new Badge "Rearguard" for defeating 200 Vanguard: Sword, Shield, or Renegades
- Added new Badge "Call of the Void" for defeating 100 Void Hunters

- Added new 2021 Winter Event Login Badge "License to Chill"

- Added new submenu "Incarnate Powers Disabled"
- Added new Badge "Alpha Not Omega" for completing a Level 50 Flashback arc with only the Alpha slot
- Added new Badge "Deincarnated" for completing a Level 50 Flashback arc with all Incarate powers disabled


Version 20211018a released for Homecoming i27p1, i27p2 to 2021 Oct 05 patch

Version 20211018a changelog from 20201211a

- Renamed existing Cimerora Exploration Badge "Battle Hardened" to "Battle-Hardened"

- Added brief notes indicating which zones have Plaques for each History Badge

- Added more brief notes on what a Badge needs to unlock
- Added "Complicated" Badge (i27p2) for the Frostfire mission (should be awarded retroactively from the arc souvenir)
- Adjusted menu and badge titles to include usual level ranges
- Renamed "Winter Event Slaloms" submenu to "Ski Chalet Slaloms"
- Added time limit notes to the Slalom Badges

- 24 Achievement Badges are grouped with related Accomplishment Badges under the Accomplishment menu
Cadaver Counter
The Cleanser
Sidereal Research
Brotherly Love
Deadly Combatant
Dignified Combatant
Steel Savior
War Hero
Guardian of Forever
No One Left Behind
Gifted Speaker
False Prophet
Beyond Reasonable Doubt
Diamond in the Rough
Buddy Cop
Incarnate Rival
Time Saver
Knows No Fear
Lone Wolf
Bailout Hero

- 7 Achievement Badges are grouped with related Defeat Badges under the Defeats menu Safeguard/Mayhem
Fire Marshal::Fired
Bomb Squad::Blue Wire
PPD Deputy::Disgraced Deputy
Security Expert::Inside Man/Woman
Reformed Firebug::Firebug

- Corrected the internal names for the Master of Lambda Sector Achievement Badges "Well Stocked" and "Lambda Looter"
- Achievement Badges classes with different versions for Primal and Praetorian Characters adjusted and most rearranged to show both on one list each

- Fixed some powers badges which were using internal names of both Blueside and Redside variants
- Added notes or submenus explaining what Badges needed to unlock various Accolades (idea adapted from @AboveTheChemist's Badge List Popmenu)

- Reorganized the whole menu

- Rearranged Events menu to roughly follow the year with City of Heroes and City of Villains Badges first
- Rearranged Events submenus each to roughly follow the year Badges were first rewarded
- Added Year first awarded to Anniversary and Events Login Badges
- Added Year first awarded to many other Events menus, titles, and some Badges
- Added "Legendary" Badge for 2021 May 17th-year Anniversary
- Added guiding notes to many Titles, Menus, and Badges on how to unlock
- Split the Halloween Event Malleus Mundi Badges "Arriviste" and "Trusting" which were both using the internal names of both Badges
- Added "Sinister Summoner" Badge for 2021 Halloween Event to the House of Horrors submenu

- Corrected the internal names for several of the i27p1 Badges
- Updated how to get the "Knight Errant::Black Knight" Badge as changed by 2021 Jun 02 patch: reverts to original way: stop the construction of the Kings Row Clockwork Paladin
- Moved Safeguard and Mayhem Defeat Achievement Badges from Achievements menu to Defeats Safeguard/Mayhem submenu
- Reorganized Defeats Safeguard/Mayhem submenu
- Redivided the main 3 Defeats submenus into 4: A-E | F-P | R-Z  changed to  A-C | D-M | N-R | S-Z

- Renamed "Shopkeeper" Badge to "Proprietor" as changed by 2021 Jun 02 patch
- Added quantities to Badges


Version 20201211a first release for Homecoming i27p1 to 2020 Dec 01 patch

- Homecoming first release for Issue 27 Page 1 Patch 2020 Dec 01.
- Updated for all Badge additions and changes up to that Patch.
- Main menu has the same Badge Type order as the in-game Badge listing.
- Lower menus organized as a compromise between the in-game order and the order roughly encountered during leveling.
- Exploration Badges within a Zone match the order in Vidiot Maps.
- Additional information included for some Badges such as Mission Level Ranges and how to obtain the Defeat Badges.
- Achievement Badges Special Adjustment: some Achievement Badges grouped under Accomplishments with similar Badges.







Edited by Jacke
Version 20240723a release for Homecoming i28p1, 2024 Jul 23 Tue
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Place the popmenu file in this location in your City install, creating the folders if they don't exist.  Use only one Badge Reporter file in your install.  After replacing the file, restart your City client program to load the new popmenu.


<City install root>/data/texts/English/Menus/

Finding Your City Install Root on Windows for HC Launcher, Tequila, Island Rum

Replace "English" with the language of your install (see the Wiki page for details).



On your current logged in toon, invoke the Popmenu to see it and its Badge Report for that toon.  Best invoked by keypress, allowing placement of the mouse pointer to the upper left to allow the submenus to cascade to the right and down.


Bind it to a key, example 'N':

  • /bind N "popmenu BadgeReporter"

Or create a macro and put it in your trays:

  • /macro BR "popmenu BadgeReporter"






Hover your mouse in the upper left of your screen, then press the key to trigger the bind or macro.  You'll then see the main menu with each entry cascading to a submenu or a list of Badges.

If the Badge name is greyed out, the toon doesn't have it yet.  If it's bright aqua like the menu entries, the toon has the Badge.


Additional information included for some Badges such as Mission Level Ranges and how to obtain the Defeat Badges.


Most Accolade Badges each have guidance for which Badges are needed to unlock them.  For the many Accolade Powers, each has a submenu listing the Badges needed and that show whether or not those requisite Badges are unlocked.  I adapted this feature from a similar one in HC user @AboveTheChemist's Badge List popmenu.




Achievement Badges Special Adjustment

There are 23 Achievement Badges with Categories similar to ones under Accomplishments.  As well, there are 7 Achievement Badges with Categories similar to ones under Defeats.  They have been placed respectively in the Accomplishment and Defeats menus to group them with similar Badges.  Look for the note "(Achieve. ...)" appended to the Badge name to identify them.



BadgeReporter History


BadgeReporter up to the initial version 20201211a for Homecoming was developed independently going back to its original authorship by @TheUnnamedOne and @MultipleGirl pre-Shutdown.  I do not know the full details besides it passing through at least two maintainers with contributors before its maintenance came to me.  Those previous maintainers and contributors known to me wish to remain anonymous.



Other Homecoming Badge Popmenus

There are other Badge Popmenus developed and released for Homecoming.  Please check their linked topics for more details and their current versions.


NOTE: This Popmenu now appears to be unsupported, with the last update in 2022 Oct 04 for the 2022 Halloween event.

@Janrith's Alphabetic Badge List Popmenu, currently maintained by @ROBOKiTTY


The Alphabetic Badge List was developed independently by @Janrith and others in the Homecoming community from information referenced in its topic.  It is currently maintained by @ROBOKiTTY.



NOTE: @AboveTheChemist is a key maintainer of various City mods and always keeps them up to date soon after changes.
@AboveTheChemist's Badge List Popmenu (with other contributors, developed from @Janrith's Popmenu)


The Badge List Popmenu was developed by @AboveTheChemist building on the work of @Janrith, @ROBOKiTTY, @Wingman, and others as an offshoot of the Alphabetic Badge List.



Edited by Jacke
Version 20240220a release for Homecoming i27p7, 2024 Feb 20 Tue
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  • 1 month later

I downloaded the Version 20201211a menu and it seems to be fine, except that under the "by issue" menu does not have anything beyond issue 23. Is this an oversight?

I am also still using the old Badge Reporter Expanded, which includes descriptions on how to achieve each badge. Is this something that may be added in the future?

Edited by ElectronMaiden
Thought of another question.
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On 1/25/2021 at 10:51 PM, ElectronMaiden said:

I downloaded the Version 20201211a menu and it seems to be fine, except that under the "by issue" menu does not have anything beyond issue 23. Is this an oversight?

I am also still using the old Badge Reporter Expanded, which includes descriptions on how to achieve each badge. Is this something that may be added in the future?

I'm not sure what you mean by the "by issue" menu.  Can you provide a screenshot?  The in-game screenshot won't work as when you press the key for it, the popmenu will disappear before the screenshot is made.  Normally the operating system will save a screenshot on the clipboard when you press the PRTSC key on your keyboard.  You can then paste that screenshot into a program like Irfanview and save it and add it to a reply here in the forums.


I'm not familiar with the Badge Reporter Expanded.  Can you attach a copy of the .mnu file for it to a reply here?


The next version will have features that guide getting the Accolades, which often require getting many other badges.

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5 hours ago, Jacke said:

I'm not sure what you mean by the "by issue" menu.  Can you provide a screenshot?  The in-game screenshot won't work as when you press the key for it, the popmenu will disappear before the screenshot is made.  Normally the operating system will save a screenshot on the clipboard when you press the PRTSC key on your keyboard.  You can then paste that screenshot into a program like Irfanview and save it and add it to a reply here in the forums.


I'm not familiar with the Badge Reporter Expanded.  Can you attach a copy of the .mnu file for it to a reply here?


The next version will have features that guide getting the Accolades, which often require getting many other badges.

My first picture is for the "by issue" menu. You can see that it lists madges by which issue they were added to teh game. The second picture shows the badge reporter expanded. I can drop the .mnu file, but I can't remember exactly where I got it and I don't want whomever made it to not have the credit that is due.



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On 1/28/2021 at 10:21 PM, ElectronMaiden said:

My first picture is for the "by issue" menu. You can see that it lists madges by which issue they were added to teh game. The second picture shows the badge reporter expanded. I can drop the .mnu file, but I can't remember exactly where I got it and I don't want whomever made it to not have the credit that is due.

Thanks for the screenshots.


I don't think either of those is the @TheUnnamedOne's BadgeReporter Popmenu nor my version 20201211a.  They may have been developed from an earlier version of BadgeReporter before mine, or they may have been developed completely independently.


Compare them to the screenshots of 20201211a in the initial post and you'll see that the menu structure is completely different.


For your first screenshot, what I think is happening is in the folder for Popmenu files:

<City install root>/data/texts/English/Menus/

there are at least 2 files with the same internal menu name, these lines near the top of the file, with the very first open brace '{':

Menu "badgereporter"

With 2 or more files with the same internal name, it's a toss-up which one the City client uses.  It appears to be picking the one that's not 20201211a.


You'll have to look at the files to figure them out, see if they have any comments saying who wrote them.  The first one appears to have been put together sometime after Issue 23 was released.

Edited by Jacke
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1 hour ago, Jacke said:

there are at least 2 files with the same internal menu name, these lines near the top of the file, with the very first open brace '{':

You are right... the Expanded version came with a smaller version that was named "classic" but the internal name was just "BadgeReporter"

Yep, that was it, all right. Your menu looks just like in your screen shots now. Thank you 😄

Edited by ElectronMaiden
Just updated after I fixed my issue.
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  • 4 weeks later
  • 7 months later
On 2/25/2021 at 4:24 PM, Ngetal said:

as I've tried to show in the screenie, it appears that a couple of the Lambda badges are cross-connected so that when you have the Well Stocked badge, it shows you have Lambda Looter and vice versa


Thanks for pointing that out.  I've spent the last 2 months doing up a new release of the BadgeReporter and that error is fixed in it.  Speaking of which....

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New version of the BadgeReporter popmenu now released!  Download it from here!  Installation and usage covered in the 3rd post of the thread.


Version 20211018a release for Homecoming i27p1, i27p2 to 2021 Oct 05 patch




Changelog in the 2nd post of this thread.  Many new changes, including all Badges currently available as well as more guidance.  Major example:  submenus for the Accolade Powers showing the Badges needed to unlock them as well as if those needed Badges are themselves unlocked.



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New version of the BadgeReporter popmenu now released!  Download it here!


Patch notes in the 2nd post of this thread.  Installation and usage covered in the 3rd post of this thread.


Version 20220824a release for Homecoming i27p3, i27p4, to 2022 Aug 23 patch



Edited by Jacke
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  • Jacke changed the title to @TheUnnamedOne's Badge Reporter Popmenu version 20221004a

New version of the BadgeReporter popmenu now released!  Download it here!


Patch notes in the 2nd post of this thread.  Installation and usage covered in the 3rd post of this thread.


Version 20221004a     release for Homecoming i27p4, to Halloween 2022 patch



Edited by Jacke
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  • Jacke changed the title to @TheUnnamedOne's BadgeReporter Popmenu version 20240220a

New version of the BadgeReporter popmenu now released!  Download it here!


Change notes in the 2nd post of this thread.  Installation and usage covered in the 3rd post of this thread.


Version 20240220a release for Homecoming i27p7, 2024 Feb 20 Tue



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  • Jacke changed the title to @TheUnnamedOne's BadgeReporter Popmenu version 20240501a

New version of the BadgeReporter popmenu now released!  Download it here!


Change notes in the 2nd post of this thread.  Installation and usage covered in the 3rd post of this thread.


Version 20240501a release for Homecoming 20th Anniversary Event, 2024 May 01 Wed



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  • Jacke changed the title to @TheUnnamedOne's BadgeReporter Popmenu version 20240723a

New version of the BadgeReporter popmenu now released!  Download it here!


Change notes in the 2nd post of this thread.  Installation and usage covered in the 3rd post of this thread.





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