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Need help updating Mids.


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For some reason I cannot start a thread in the mids subforum. In addition I can not seem to update the mids using Boppers links. Can someone please assist me as I enjoy creating builds in Mids then go in game and create the character. I want to utilize the changes that I27 brought.



Ok I found out why I couldn't post in that section. I had to join their club. Ya I know right. 

Edited by Nafsmar
being a dumdum count?
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45 minutes ago, Vulpoid said:

If you find out how to do the update, please tell us!
We could all benefit from your knowledge.

I thought his post explained what to do. Granted, Github is a bit... well, if you're not used to the layout it can be intimidating and some of the words used don't reflect what's actually on screen.

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exChampion and exInfinity player (Champion primarily).


Current resident of the Everlasting shard.

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