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Trying something for Endurance woes...


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When I started you had to walk both ways uphill.  In the snow.  Seriously though, we have players here who have played since issue 1.  I came in later, bought the Good vs Evil edition.  Back then Fitness was a pool you had to buy into.  No inherent Stamina.  It was fugly.  I ran Brutes.  (Still do)  It was a ....show until around level 20.  You could not do much for more than a minute of combat.  I used rest as a cooldown power lol.  Fight, kneel, fight, kneel.


These days.  Dwayne Johnson has a motivational video on Enhancement on youtube.  Wait, different subject.  Funny though.


Enhance.  Priority.  Panacea in Health, Performance Shifter Proc in Stamina.  Then, add Numina and Miracle procs.  If still sucking air add Perf Shifter End in Stamina to two-set it.  Then maybe a +End Mod SO in Stamina as well.  If your AT build has any other End solving powers (many do) utilize them correctly.  Slot the equivalent of at least 1 SO Endurance Reduction in each End hungry power.


Aside from my asides that is a very brief solution to ALL your endurance issues.  Watch the video though.  I stilll do every couple months.  Its a hoot.

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