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Blaster/Corr/Defender's following abilities to get bumped up to hit 16 targets:

Howl - be nice to this set

Full Auto - now that crashless nukes are a thing, its time to bump full auto up to be in line with others

Cutting Beam - see Howl

Frost Breath - see Cutting Beam


Sonic Attack's Siren Song can get a damage boost, moderate damage


Melee cone attacks getting the Shadow Maul/Power Crash treatment.  7-10ft range, 120-180 degree arc.  Examples that would make lesser used sets/powers better for it:

Psi melee - Strait up larger arc

Katana - maybe a combo with lotus drops

Radi Melee - strait up larger arc

Savage Melee - strait up larger arc

Street Justice - arc gets bigger with more stacks

Ice Melee - strait up larger arc

Fiery Melee - strait up larger arc

Dual Blades - larger arcs/more targets with combos

Electrical Melee - strait up larger arc or combo with chain induction

Above listed are 90 degrees or less melee cones, Fiery Melee's breath being the worst offender of 30 degrees arc.


Combos and Stacks having uptimes of 30 seconds.  Between how fast things die these days and traveling between groups of enemies stuff like dual blades combos fade before usefulness


Assault Rifle: Lower activation time for Flamethrower and Ignite

Ignite to have a larger radius

Get rid of the fear effect on Ignite


Combustion (and maybe any other power that uses this animation):  speed it up or allow us to use other animations at the tailor (soul drain, dark consumption, consume)


Khelds:  Taunt aura.  either strait up new power added to their skillsets or integrate it into the Dwarf toggle.  Make sure it is an unenhaceable effect as to not stretch out slotting it .  ex:  Peacebringers getting Shield Defense's +dmg for you, and -dmg for enemies.  Khelds getting +rech for you, and -rech for enemies

White Dwarf Sublimination (heal) changed into an attack that heals to match Warshades.  Use Radiant Strike/Jab/Punch's animation, does not have to be a "lifetap", but act like it.  such as absorbing the radiating light from the attack or someroleplay crap like that


Sentinel Cone attacks (all applicable), bumped up to 10 targets.


Psychic Blast: all around faster projectiles

Psi Tornado: shorten the dot for faster ticks or add in some smashing damage


Mastermind:  Bump all pet levels up 2 levels

Shuffle around when you get powers for pets via upgrades.  AoE is a huge part of this game and bots/beasts/ninjas/mercs waiting until level 32 for their AoE abilities is a little rough

Ninja/Beast movement speed for all the other pets, make ninjas/beast faster if you really want.  Pets not keeping up is a pretty huge issue at all levels.  My ninjas and beasts have no problems keeping up

Necromancy > Enchant Undead > Projectile Vomit/Zombie Vomit:  Increase those cone sizes.  Currently 20(projectile) and 5(melee) degree arcs.  holy shit.

Thugs > Call Thugs > Arsonist > Molotov Cocktail:  Increase the radius.  Currently 5ft

Thugs > Equip Thugs > Spit Fire:  Increase the cone size, currently 30 degree arc

Mercs > Tactical Upgrade > Assault Rifle Auto Fire (Soldier): Increase the cone size, currently 5ft arc

Mercs > Spec ops: replace web nade with either toxic nade or area wide toxic nade.

Mercs > Spec ops > flashbang: add some damage to it


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Dual Pistols + Empty Clips while Flying/hovering.  Animation bug where the bullets fly low and to the right.  Not game breaking, but still.


Thermal > Forge:  Add some resist to it.  10-15% resist to s/l/e/n/t.  5-7.5% cold.  15-20% fire.  enhanceable or not, i just dont know.

With a modest +rech build, 3 targets can get this no problem, with a ultramax perma hasten build one can keep this on 4 targets.


For masterminds, this would be a huge boost to pets pushing them to the softcap.  Arsonist, Genin,

For everyone else, maybe a reason to roll thermal into making a tank/brute into a forged killing machine, or toughing up a squishy just enough


Dark Armor > Obsidian Shield:  Add a little bit of Negative Energy resist to it.

Feels weird that this armor set cant easily or get near the damage cap to its resist type

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8 hours ago, kelika2 said:

Dark Armor > Obsidian Shield:  Add a little bit of Negative Energy resist to it.

Feels weird that this armor set cant easily or get near the damage cap to its resist type

Dark armor already easily caps negative energy res... 

3 hours ago, arcaneholocaust said:

Dark armor already easily caps negative energy res... 

I dont see how without IOs.

Embrace and Cloud only give 15%/20% each base


I approve of these changes. The melee cone changes and AR changes especially. So many things in the game need to be reevaluated for consistency. Just a nice, clean, streamlined approach to similar powers would do a lot to refresh the game. Good call Kelika!


Since you haven’t gotten a very specific response yet, I’ll try...


1) Blast set cones. I don’t see a precedent for cones needing to hit 16 targets, but agree that Full Auto specifically should get the buff. 

2) Sirens song. Sure. Sonic blast is pretty bad right now except on debuffer characters.


3) Melee cones. These should not be standardized because they are not directly comparable to one another. Frost already has a big cone. Fiery Breath does not but is balanced by having more range. Some do more damage, some do less. Sure, a couple of individual cone powers could use a buff. But overall they should not be treated like directly comparable powers because they are specifically designed not to be.


4) No comment because I haven’t played dual blades or street justice. I haven’t seen any big issue with other mechanics though, like energy focus or savage’s thing, so riddle me skeptical.


5) AR. Hard yes on fixing the animation times making AR horrible. Slight ignite radius increase might not be too overpowered, but I don’t see how on earth it makes sense to remove fear from such a power.


6) Combustion. I’ve never gotten the sense this is a big offender animation wise. Not seeing an issue here relative to real animation problems like Assault Rifle or Kinetic Melee.


7) Kheldians. Fine with a taunt aura proposal. Not seeing why it should also give any other buffs though.


8 ) Sentinel cones. Yes please.


9) Psychic blast. The ability to time projectiles and stack burst damage is the single best part of the set. Hard no to changing that. Fine with tweaking Psinado tho I guess.


10) Masterminds. Just adding multiple levels to all henchmen without nerfing anything to balance it sounds like a shameless power creep request to me. Other changes fine but agree ninjas/beasts need to be faster than zombies for instance.


11) Pistols/fly bug thing. Never heard of it but sure.


12) Forge. No. Forge is fine.


13) Dark armor. Capping ones own conceptual res type without any outside help is not a god given armor set right. Invuln can’t quite do it either. And dark armor easily caps it once you introduce basic IO sets. And dark already gets incredible psy res as a unique thing. Not seeing the need for a buff.


Overall, it doesn’t feel like you’ve laid out reasons for many of these buffs to be needed, so it feels like mostly power creep advocacy.



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