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Assault Rifle Questions


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AR isn't a very popular set to talk about anywhere.  I guess Blasters like it the most and "like" is used loosely.  Sentinels aren't that popular and this subforum has quieted down considerably in the past few months.  

I know I responded in that AR/Dark thread.  I don't want to completely rehash my thoughts here since you've likely already read it.  My ideas really haven't changed since I wrote that.  

Anyway, if you can fit M30 into your build, then by all means go for it.  I personally found that Full Auto into Flamethrower and Buckshot is enough for my tastes.  I don't miss M30 in my build, at all. 

On Willpower, or any other low-ish defense set, the additional source of KB (or KD with the IO) can be welcome active control/mitigation.  So it can have some value but the damage is lack luster.  Actually the entire kit of Assault Rifle is lackluster for damage, but I don't play it to set Pylon records.  I actually have grown to enjoy the character using the set and that is enough for me. 

Edited by oldskool
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I was looking for the right combination of AT and powersets to create a tanky, mobile, run-and-gun AR-shooting character and I wound up making an Arachnos Soldier, because the best thing you can add to AR is Venom Grenade.  And double leadership.


I like M30 grenade in general with a force feedback proc, kb to kd, and then . . .more damage procs (bombardment, javelin volley, kinetic crash, etc).  It's a very reliable force feedback generator.  It's also another source of instant burst damage whereas both Flamethrower and Full Auto are long DOTs, so in addition to the knockdown/knockback M30 can help with "mitigation" by dealing damage faster >_>

Edited by Machariel
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Well, I've decided to skip M30.  Just not enough room/slots!  Want to take some concept/survival powers.  Just a bit shy of softcap though 😞  Unless I skip Strength of Will and take Combat Jumping.  Which, I know on my Scrapper I found SoW a lot more useful than people think it is, but that may not be the case for Sentinels.


Did however get it to Burst > Slug > Burst > Incinerator, which I believe the AR/DA thread said was the better DPS.

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1 hour ago, BrandX said:

Well, I've decided to skip M30.  Just not enough room/slots!  Want to take some concept/survival powers.  Just a bit shy of softcap though 😞  Unless I skip Strength of Will and take Combat Jumping.  Which, I know on my Scrapper I found SoW a lot more useful than people think it is, but that may not be the case for Sentinels.


Did however get it to Burst > Slug > Burst > Incinerator, which I believe the AR/DA thread said was the better DPS.

If you're using procs, then it is the sequence I have found the most effective so far.  If you're using full sets for defense bonuses, then Disorienting Shot is really good.  Unfortunately, DS animates and recharges so fast it might muck up that routine.  You could run it, but it might have a bit of a delay.  Also, having both the T1 and T2 in the same sequence makes control over Offensive Opportunity a real chore.  

Edit: I happen to like SoW and have even on my Tanker.  I look at it as a buff to all of the resistances that aren't Smashing/Lethal.  SoW lets me raise my energy resist for those times where it feels necessary.  I run Super Strength as the primary too and the attack chain is Haymaker, Knockout Blow, Footstomp, and Cross Punch.  That eats a ton of end when the Force Feedbacks keep going off so the extra recovery of SoW is very welcome.  A lot of opinions about it look at how WP can cap S/L and then just write off SoW as if that is all it brings to the table.  

Edited by oldskool
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