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Impossible but cool aura idea: "Weapon"


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Speaks for itself, really. What if, along with "fists" or "fists and eyes" or whatever, there were an option for "weapon"?


Also this seems likely to be extremely fussy to try to implement. But like, think about the possibilities. Beam Rifle or Assault Rifle, but the rifle itself has the "sparks" aura. Flaming swords. Etc.

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Here I was thinking you meant something like Magnetic Aura, but with a bunch of miniature versions of the weapon models floating around the character.


But, yeah.  Probably a real pain to try and get something like what you've described working.  To the best of my knowledge, each weapon is it's own model, and applying things like aura effects to weapons would necessitate making a new weapon entry in the costume editor for each aura.  Might even need to edit the 3D assets themselves to add what would effectively be "aura anchor points" on the model and rig accordingly.


I like the idea, but it sounds particularly daunting.

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They *might* be able to make a new model for a weapon that could then have selectable auras for it, but I'd imagine it would still be time consuming and you still wouldn't be able to pick the weapon model AND aura (only the one weapon). 


Who knows. I could be completely wrong but I'm assuming to do what is requested would be to create duplicates of every weapon with a different aura.

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I would assume it'd be more like "create model attachment points in weapon models that auras can key off of", so it'd be a choice for auras, not a choice for weapons, but.... I'm not sure, because none of the existing auras are costume-aware in any way that I know of.

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My loose understanding is that costume pieces attach to "bones."  Each bone can attach a single costume piece, and then kinda can do either geometry or particle effects from there.  You might be able to do a thing where selecting a weapon moved a new "weapon aura" bone to roughly the right place, but the aura would still not know the exact size/geometry of the weapon.


This could all be wrong.

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