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Falcon & Winter Soldier

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44 minutes ago, Techwright said:

Strong potential for a second season.  (YAY!):




I'd be interested to see how fast a behemoth like Disney could turn around a second season of production. It would certainly be a testament to their future content if they could deliver it within a year. 

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7 hours ago, Glacier Peak said:

I'd be interested to see how fast a behemoth like Disney could turn around a second season of production. It would certainly be a testament to their future content if they could deliver it within a year. 

The current "season" of The Falcon and the Winter Soldier was announced in April 2019, the director hired a month later, pre-production until October 2019 when filming commenced.  Though broken up by COVID-19 delays, filming took about 8 months, with post-production work continuing during shut-down.  The show was to originally premier in August 2020.


So with COVID-19 delays, there were 23 months between announcement and release, while they'd anticipated 16-17 months.   With questions still lurking regarding COVID-19, I'm guessing they'll work a similar pattern and target 16 months but prepare for 2 years. 

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Last episode....



I mean it ended, but it didn't set up anything specific. Even the mid-credit scene didn't give me an impression that they'd do another season just based on [The Power Broker] getting in to trouble. And they did like a full 180 on John Carter - but in a good way. That was maybe the biggest twist. I am of the opinion that when it takes a whole season to develop a character and they kill them off in one episode, that character had too shallow of development for it to matter to the audience. I didn't care one way or the other at the end. 


I still think she is a Skrull though 😁


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One does wonder who was on the other end of the line though. I'll go ahead and guess Fury.

Was the old man who blew up the super soldier van original Zemo maybe? or just someone new or someone i'm not remembering?


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6 hours ago, Glacier Peak said:

Last episode....


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I mean it ended, but it didn't set up anything specific. Even the mid-credit scene didn't give me an impression that they'd do another season just based on [The Power Broker] getting in to trouble. And they did like a full 180 on John Carter - but in a good way. That was maybe the biggest twist. I am of the opinion that when it takes a whole season to develop a character and they kill them off in one episode, that character had too shallow of development for it to matter to the audience. I didn't care one way or the other at the end. 


I still think she is a Skrull though 😁



I didn't really see John Walker's reversal to be a twist.  As evidenced by his frustrated wrath in the senate council chambers, he's been itching for a chance to get it right, and he did ...this time.  Wyatt did an excellent job with the facial expressions.  I could actually imagine Walker staring at the teetering security transport thinking "what would Lemar want me to do?"  As to your "opinion" line, are you referring to Karli?  Because if so, I had zero empathy with her, and just a teeny bit for her goons.  She was constantly breathing out slaughter, and in the next moment saying something utterly bonkers like "I didn't mean to kill him. I don't want to kill anybody that doesn't matter."  Though I would have preferred a just trial, their demises by questionable parties will not evoke tears.  To paraphrase Wyatt's pappy, it was they who called down the thunder, and now they got it.

6 hours ago, Mr. Vee said:
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One does wonder who was on the other end of the line though. I'll go ahead and guess Fury.

Was the old man who blew up the super soldier van original Zemo maybe? or just someone new or someone i'm not remembering?



The old man was Zemo's butler.  You'll hopefully recall he was the one who spoke to Zemo on the private plane about the galley food going a bit past expiration date.


The conversation didn't sound like something Fury would participate in.  Sure he walks a gray line, and I could even see him participating in a stolen art auction to fund his activities "for the greater good", but I don't see him marketing state secrets.  I agree with @Glacier Peak, The Powerbroker strongly feels like an evil Skrull.   That said, of what I know of Marvel in general, there is another shapeshifter out there who'd fit the bill nicely:  Mystique.  However, I suspect Marvel is waiting longer to introduce the X-men franchise, especially with another ensemble group in the wings, The Eternals.  Disney/Marvel would probably see that as too many characters at once for casual viewers to follow, especially if the Avengers ever get another group picture.


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1 hour ago, Techwright said:
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I didn't really see John Walker's reversal to be a twist.  As evidenced by his frustrated wrath in the senate council chambers, he's been itching for a chance to get it right, and he did ...this time.  Wyatt did an excellent job with the facial expressions.  I could actually imagine Walker staring at the teetering security transport thinking "what would Lemar want me to do?"  As to your "opinion" line, are you referring to Karli?  Because if so, I had zero empathy with her, and just a teeny bit for her goons.  She was constantly breathing out slaughter, and in the next moment saying something utterly bonkers like "I didn't mean to kill him. I don't want to kill anybody that doesn't matter."  Though I would have preferred a just trial, their demises by questionable parties will not evoke tears.  To paraphrase Wyatt's pappy, it was they who called down the thunder, and now they got it.

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The old man was Zemo's butler.  You'll hopefully recall he was the one who spoke to Zemo on the private plane about the galley food going a bit past expiration date.


The conversation didn't sound like something Fury would participate in.  Sure he walks a gray line, and I could even see him participating in a stolen art auction to fund his activities "for the greater good", but I don't see him marketing state secrets.  I agree with @Glacier Peak, The Powerbroker strongly feels like an evil Skrull.   That said, of what I know of Marvel in general, there is another shapeshifter out there who'd fit the bill nicely:  Mystique.  However, I suspect Marvel is waiting longer to introduce the X-men franchise, especially with another ensemble group in the wings, The Eternals.  Disney/Marvel would probably see that as too many characters at once for casual viewers to follow, especially if the Avengers ever get another group picture.


Don't get me wrong, I totally agree with you on the John Walker piece.

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Another loose end from The Falcon & the Winter Soldier:


The super soldier serum.  When Karli pulled the pouch from it's cemetery hiding place and observed it contents, there were 5 unaccounted for vials.  The creator of the refined serum stated he'd made 20.  Karli's people, Walker, and Zemo's stomping exercise account for 15 total.  So where are the other 5?  I strongly suspect this will come to light in productions yet to come. 


Also, whomever or whatever the Power Broker truly is, I've a pretty good suspicion, based on the mid-credits scene, that they'll be one of those vying for Stark Tech secrets during the upcoming Armor Wars miniseries featuring Rhodey.


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2 hours ago, Techwright said:

Another loose end from The Falcon & the Winter Soldier:

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The super soldier serum.  When Karli pulled the pouch from it's cemetery hiding place and observed it contents, there were 5 unaccounted for vials.  The creator of the refined serum stated he'd made 20.  Karli's people, Walker, and Zemo's stomping exercise account for 15 total.  So where are the other 5?  I strongly suspect this will come to light in productions yet to come. 


Also, whomever or whatever the Power Broker truly is, I've a pretty good suspicion, based on the mid-credits scene, that they'll be one of those vying for Stark Tech secrets during the upcoming Armor Wars miniseries featuring Rhodey.


I'd have to rewatch the scene, but I thought they were all destroyed except one, which was taken by John. 

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8 hours ago, Glacier Peak said:

I'd have to rewatch the scene, but I thought they were all destroyed except one, which was taken by John. 


6 hours ago, Mr. Vee said:

That was my understanding as well, but my memory stinks as evidenced above.


Thanks for the challenge.  I've reviewed:


How many of the Flag Smashers, including Karli, took the serum?  I can immediately think of two others: Nico (the one killed by Walker), and Dovich, (the Australian killed with others in the prison transport bomb).  I'm asking because I went back and dug a bit deeper, and found my information was flawed. 


I was basing it off of one picture of the pouch, taken in the cemetery scene I believe, that was shown to me and I was given a count that was  7 to the Flag Smashers, 7 destroyed by Zemo, 1 taken by Walker, and 5 spaces in the bag.  With your refute, I've gone back and confirmed that was incorrect, although I don't know how many Flag Smashers actually took the serum.  I was able to pull one shot after much rewinding, because it's on screen for less than half a second, that shows 15 destroyed. (Honestly, what does it take to leave the camera on the shot for 2 seconds for fans to get a clear view?) Adding Walker's preserved one, that's 16, and adding Karli, Nico, and Dovich, that brings it to 19.  So I'm looking for #20 to complete the corrected case, or I'm looking to see more than 1 more, in which (unlikely) case, the serum creator lied about there being 20 (not terribly hard to suppose considering he could have been deliberately lying to his captors). 


Regardless, the count was indeed incorrect, and I thank you for correcting me on it.


Here's the slit-second screenshot that shatters (pun intended) the pitch I was initially given and in turn stated:




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1 hour ago, Mr. Vee said:
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Remember one of Karli's people stayed behind and was killed so the rest could escape in an earlier episode shootout. Hey look at that I remembered a thing 😄


I didn't remember so you have the edge up on me.  LOL.   Do you recall which episode it was?  I'll go back and look at it.

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On 4/20/2021 at 11:01 PM, Techwright said:

Strong potential for a second season.  (YAY!):





On 4/21/2021 at 2:21 PM, Glacier Peak said:

Yeah, I'm by no means hoping for a rushed product. I like everything they're doing with the Marvel franchise. If that means I gotta be patient, I say too easy. 


And if any haven't heard yet, Marvel just greenlighted a "Captain America 4" film.  No idea how long a 2 to 3 hour film will take to produce over a 5 1/2 hour miniseries.  I guess it would depend on how closely these miniseries match movies in budget for special effects and such.

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1 hour ago, Techwright said:

I didn't remember so you have the edge up on me.  LOL.   Do you recall which episode it was?  I'll go back and look at it.

Pretty sure it was ep 2 


because it was the first mention of the Power Broker.


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