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Electric or Ice Control?


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I am NOT asking which is better. I have a new controller idea, which will be paired with Storm Summoning. What I am asking for is any experienced person with either set, are there any nuances that you have discovered for either set? Any tips? Does one synergize better with Storm? I am looking for feedback so that it might clue me into which would fit my particular play style better. I have multiple controllers already, but I have not played either of these (ice corruptor yes, electric blaster yes).

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Ice/Storm will be decent, except it will murder your blue bar. Obviously Hurricane and your confuse aura won't be compatible but that's fine because Hurricane is more of a situational thing.


Elec/Storm my main reservation is that Freezing Rain will wake up Static Field victims. Endgame this doesn't matter so much, Static becomes less important then. But teens to 30s it may be annoying. Freezing rain is always good with a mass confuse though. Elecs is middle of the road. Not Seeds levels of awesome but it doesn't alert so you can always use it before combat starts.


Personally I'd probably tend towards Ice/Storm/Ice for the multiple patches and stacking slows. Plus Hibernate is a useful combat rest / save. Ice Control does need a buff though IMO.


like I said slot for as much recovery as you can. You'll need it 🙂

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I really like /Storm for a secondary.  The only reason I haven't tried Electric/Storm so far is that, as mentioned above, electric fences won't mitigate the KB from your /Storm powers.   Tornado and Lightning Storm, both will be knocking mobs all over the place.   You could maybe stop this with KB to KD IOs, but that just seems like a waste of slots in a build that will already be slot hungry.


I have an Ice/Storm which I really like and Storm does eventually make it work DPS wise.   Ice Slick + Freezing rain means nothing ever gets to stand up around you.  AA while causing a LOT of agro is also pretty good at mitigating it.  Over all I would go with Ice/Storm first and if you feel like you have to make Electric/Storm later.

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21 hours ago, Corythia said:

Tornado and Lightning Storm, both will be knocking mobs all over the place.   You could maybe stop this with KB to KD IOs, but that just seems like a waste of slots in a build that will already be slot hungry.


It's not really a problem... the Overwhelming Force IO is unique, but it can go into Tornado and help with enhancement as well as with converting KB. Lightning Storm only does knockDOWN to +1 or higher mobs (and very minimal KB to +0s), so you don't actually need to put a converter into it. So in the end, the only real cost is that you have to put an IO into Tornado that only enhances Damage, and not even as well as a common IO. But that's a pretty small price, so if you want to run Ele/Storm, don't let that stop you. I do like the combination, /Storm can really use the recovery/endurance bonus.

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would go elec/storm on my plant/storm i feel it is my single biggest detriment the end bar was the one thing i could not fix as i like the option to have clarion it is really the big bursts of end i eat with creepers lightning storm nado over and over leaves little room for much else

Edited by PainX
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1 hour ago, 5099y_74c05 said:





yeah thing is i have perma hasten before incarnates expensive build basicly also run both fighting and leadership even have fissure for when i pop blues so it is sort of built to destroy the bar it is just super heavy to run storm because it takes out big chunks then suddenly you get a bad hasten drop you never noticed then stand there naked

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13 hours ago, PainX said:

thing is i have perma hasten before incarnates expensive build basicly also run both fighting and leadership even have fissure for when i pop blues so it is sort of built to destroy the bar


Gotta agree with the back end of that statement. Any Stormie will have Endurance problems, so it's already hard to run multiple toggles. Usually you have to run the Fighting pool, but adding the Leadership pool to it is probably asking to be crippled by Endurance management problems. I like Leadership on a lot of characters, but usually not Stormies... with Tough, Weave, say 2 Leadership toggles, and Steamy Mist, you're running a lot of Endurance in toggles. To say nothing of adding other Defensive powers like Stealth or Hover (though CJ at least is cheap enough). Then, spamming Roots because it's a good attack for a Plant... ouch.

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