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Is there a unified list of set bonuses and uniques that affect pets and not just yourself?


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Title essentially says it all, while finally getting into pondering, set bonuses and shoring up stats for my minions I realized... Other than very specific pet only sets- any and all sets and proc effects slotted in will affect ME and not the pets right?

IE: Regenerative tissue's regeneration on zombies or merc medics, Apocalypse chance for damage, etc.

It would be handy to objectively know what effects can work when slotted into pets and affect the pets that don't otherwise state it- Unless they are limited entirely to enhancement effects that specifically mention them.

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I know any Damage procs will work for the pets, and there are some procs (like the Gaussins +BU proc in Enforcers) that work.


Then you obviously have the resistance/defense auras.


I have no idea about the +regen/+recovery globals though.

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While the sets themselves don't affect the pets, there are plenty of things you can slot in them to help you out. Frankenslotting (using Tri/Quads) can give you ED capped values for enhancements in your pets without using a lot of slots.

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