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So as I go about ... fixing.. the CA window on many, many characters, a thought occurs.


We have a way to save window, chat, etc. Why *not* to save combat attributes window selections? Both as a default and saving to file with specific selections.


/saveca - Saves a combat attributes window setting. You can add a filename after (/saveca defense for instance) to easily load a base set of stats for a certain type of character.

/loadca - to load that CA window. Add the filename to load a specific one (which overrides any default.) 

/saveca on its own, with no file name, sets a base combat attributes window (say, current HP, level shift, XP to next level, inf) that will show up on any new character by default.

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Exactly. And I'm thinking of new alts, too. I already do a /bindloadfile on any new masterminds to get their pet control binds set up as soon as they log into a starter zone, and I set up certain things on certain types of alts in combat attributes as well (say, a tank might have defense/resists, a brute would have those plus damage bonuses, etc.) so I'd just /loadca brute (for instance) to have those just get set up right away.

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