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On 5/21/2021 at 3:21 AM, Tahliah said:

What is your in-game global? 


Edit to add: not being creepy, just want to send you some cash.  😛

My global name is @Crimsongas1st 


On your screen shot I notice that recipes and salvage are both full. Check market prices on some of the stuff you have, might have good money sitting in your inventory blocking you from getting more good stuff. Every orange salvage is minimum 400k, vendor the white and yellow. May be some recipes you can sell on the market - just about anything defense or resist is decent money. That's all easy cash. If you read some forum money guides you'll find other ways to make big money. And of course listing your global here probably means you've got more sitting in your email now than you're likely to know what to do with 😄

  • Pain/ 'can' solo, but it's going to be very painful as your first character on a SO only build.   I don't recommend it.  You have plenty to learn without picking one of the hardest paths possible.  There are people that do it that way on purpose for the challenge.  I've done it that way, once.  I don't recommend it.
  • Team - Once you have your first 50, you can make 3m/hr pretty easily, and 3m is enough to SO another build.  At this point SO builds can start raining from the trees.  ...   Eventually you'll want IO builds, so see marketing or farming below.
  • Sell your orange salvage .... at 500k a pop it shouldn't take long to have enough to fully SO a build and/or have seed money for marketing to eventually afford IO builds.  The above guide should help with that.   Numerous other guides exist detailing level 1 to 50 from scratch, if you can find them, it's very doable with enough knowledge and experience.
  • Read the marketing guide (see link above) ... this is the best way to make money with a brand new level 1 .... kill stuff till you get your first orange salvage drop, sell it for seed money, market your way to billions ...   (This was the easiest to find guide, many many more exist if you hunt long enough)
  • For a first character, there are definitely better choices.
    • If you want defender: FF, Traps, EAfn ... these can play like defender versions of sentinels.
    • Sentinel ... you can play these on straight up SO only builds.  They are not the best AT for veterans, but they really do fill the niche fairly well for beginner players.
    • Huntsman ... The original Sentinel, and also a defender all rolled into one.   (VEAT Soldier, these used to be locked until you had at least 1 level 50 villain.  I have no idea if they are or are not still locked)
    • Brute or Scrapper ... Either really, I prefer the scrapper.  But if you go brute, you could just go (Kat or Staff)/Fire Aura Brute and build for both general play and farming. 
      • /FA are the primary farmers.  Search "Farm Fresh Builds" if you want to look into farming.  Any */FA is fine, but I like Kat/FA or Staff/FA as the first/beginner build.  For SO Only 100% beginner build I'd probably say Staff/FA  ... defintely not for veterans, many vets may even laugh at a Staff SO only build, but they are running 1-billion influence builds and while you'll make half what they do you also only invested 3m vs their 1 billion.  Once you have money to burn, then you can decide how to spend it, and if you'd rather a 1-billion influence defender or a 1-billion influence farmer.  I ran a Staff/FA SO Only on live just to prove how viable it  was despite what anyone else said.



  • Thumbs Up 1

AE 801 (link) is a variety of missions for fun and challenge, and is designed for a team of 5+ Incarnates.  Just search '801' in AE.

     801 Difficulty Varies: 801.0 Easy, ..., 801.2 Standard*, ..., 801.5 Moderate**, ..., 801.6 Hard***, ..., 801.7 Four Star****, ... 801.F Death.

I may be AFK IRL, But CoH is my Forever Home.

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