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Female Faces/Hair styles for huge bodies

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So the short version of this would be to allow for using female faces and hair styles on the huge body type.


Now, what sparked this idea was that I recently created a character that was inspired by the Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel power armor.  It uses the huge body type and the armored upper and lower body types.  After doing so I shared my costume files with my kids and wife so we could all have similar characters for the new themed SG I ended up creating as well.  Well, one of things I did was set up my character's second costume slot so that it was the same costume just with no helmet.   (where the first costume has the helmet with the head scales almost maxed out and the second costume has the head scales the smallest they can be so it properly looks like the character is wearing a huge armor suit and a properly scaled head and helmet...looks pretty bad ass.)  Since, my wife and daughter are female (duh) and generally like to play female characters I realized at the last second, "aww man, they can't take their helmets off and have a female head...bummer".  


I think similar ideas have been presented before, even on live, so just want to throw this out there.  I know people have requested a huge female body type as well, so not sure which would be the better route to take, a whole new body type or just allowing to change the faces and hair to female types.  In my scenario the body type doesn't need to be feminine at all.

Edited by CodeJunkie
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Yes this has been suggested before.  A new body type is a massive undertaking to line up costume pieces and scale everything.  And to re-do or repair all the costume pieces that dont line up.


Adding the female heads to the huge body type would be much easier but still requires a significant amount of work.  Several female hair styles (pretty much everything below neck height) would severely clip into the huge body shoulders meaning they would need to be reworked or not included.  Several players have said they wouldnt mind if there is clipping but the response is the team isnt trying to release a sloppy product,  which i agree with.


I dont know if this is on the to-do list or not but even if it is,  i wouldnt expect it soon or to have all the female head/hair options.

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I don't know if this helps as a workaround, but I wanted to give my Marie Curious a huge green form, so I used one of the Young faces (along with tweaks to the proportions) for a feminine look and chose the Barbarian hairstyle to give her long hair. I also modified the body proportions like making the hips wider, shoulders narrower, and chest bigger. 


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