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When farming with ya brute



Shows all villains nameplates

"/optionset ShowVillainName 1" and "/optionset ShowVillainBars 1"



Combine isp to luck

where it says KEY you need to put your key i.e F6

/bind KEY "insp_combine insight luck$$insp_combine respite luck$$insp_combine catch_a_breath luck$$insp_combine enrage luck$$insp_combine sturdy luck$$insp_combine break_free luck$$insp_combine awaken luck"



This one combines the medium inps to luck

/bind KEY "insp_combine keen_insight good_luck$$insp_combine dramatic_improvement good_luck$$insp_combine take_a_breather good_luck$$insp_combine focused_rage good_luck$$insp_combine rugged good_luck$$insp_combine emerge good_luck"




Hope it helps someone


If you decline wakies and break frees you also have enough room to add powexec_name to the end with one of your most used powers. So my clawls/fire for example has macros that I switch into the regular tray slots for follow up, spin, and burn that combine each size of insp to red if possible, then execute the power. I put their regular icons in a square tray next to inspirations so I can see when they're off countdown. When not farming I just switch them back to their normal slot.

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