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Pacify triggers Gauntlet and breaks


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Not that this is even close to "meta", but I would think a power shouldn't be completely unusable due to your inherent!


EDIT: Both Tanker and Brute (below) were tested on Brainstorm.

Actual NPC behavior: attacking me.  In fact, me checking to see just how terrible my accuracy must be (because they kept ignoring and attacking me) is the reason I noticed.

Edited by Replacement
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Placate or Pacify sort of run contrary to working in a Tanker or Brutes Arsenal, both Fury and Gauntlet have a Taunt Aspect, with no way to turn them off.

But it might be fun to watch a NPC waffle for hours between Kicking your Butt or Kissing it. I don't think anythings broke, just a doomed combo.

" When it's too tough for everyone else,

it's just right for me..."

( Unless it's Raining, or Cold, or Really Dirty

or there are Sappers, Man I hate those Guys...)

                                                      Marine X

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On 9/20/2021 at 2:12 PM, Marine X said:

Placate or Pacify sort of run contrary to working in a Tanker or Brutes Arsenal, both Fury and Gauntlet have a Taunt Aspect, with no way to turn them off.

But it might be fun to watch a NPC waffle for hours between Kicking your Butt or Kissing it. I don't think anythings broke, just a doomed combo.

Off meta by a lot, but no, it is very much "broke."

No matter how bad a pick the power is, doing literally nothing is the definition of broken.


The reason I mentioned Brute's being a bit bigger deal is there are plenty of brutes who do not want to tank, such as thematically "speedy" characters that use Fury to represent building momentum. That's a character that might spring for this or Misdirection (haven't tested, but probably broken as well) to help their "move in a blur" hit-and-run tactics.


19 hours ago, TheZag said:

At best id call it working as designed but not as intended.  I doubt they meant for a power to be automatically useless because of an inherent ability.

Yes, this exactly.  The funny thing about "as designed" is nothing is capable of being designed for the thing overlooked.

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  • 2 years later

Apologies for the necromancy, but this is still a bug.  It's especially problematic as a Brute, because you can't even use it to single-pull the placated target!  The Fury passive taunt pulls the whole pack when you try to Pacify.

It would be nice if this power were fixed, perhaps by imposing a Taunt -100% debuff on the character for one second when it is used (before the pacify activation, so existing threat is unaffected but the pacified target is prevented from gaining threat).  I can picture strategies where picking Pacify would be useful to the Tanking role (dropping a lieutenant from a pull that the rest of the team can handle, or *especially* when playing solo).  As discussed above, it's also terrible that a power has absolutely no effect for a certain archetype, especially considering power pools are meant to extend the archetype's play into other areas they wouldn't be able to reach with their primary powers.

The age of the original report is disquieting.  I hope this gets fixed.

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