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Mm demon/radiation


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I know demons are a very strong set, I used a demon/cold as my AV/GM killer. With radiation you have some of the best debuffs in the game however there is no def/res shields but you have a aoe heal in rad to give your pets that extra cushion of protection. 


That being said I would go Leadership, Tough/Weave, and probably Mace for scorpion shield.

This way you can be a really aggressive MM and wade into combat with the demons, keep your macros/keybinds handy to keep them in control. Demons are a very hardy damaging set of pets, your lvl 12 demons have the added bonus of a heal and a res shield which helps.

You can use the def/res procs to help out on survivability also.

This is my opinion I have zero experience with /rad on a mm but have had it on pet heavy controllers.


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