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Positional vs Typed Defense


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And as far as defense goes... the difference in survivability from 40% defense to 45% defense is HUGE. 

Edited by BlackSpectre
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11 hours ago, espectro said:

For most things? So it varies basically according to enemy groups?


Not what I meant.  I mean in most cases ONLY the defense check was changed.  In a few cases, which I listed, the damage was also shifted from one type to another. 


You can read the patch notes yourself in the beta section if this is confusing.  That's all I did.

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11 hours ago, blue4333 said:

The posts in beta stated that enemy groups/NPCS attacks were all shifted to one elemental type (e.g. Smashing/Negative/Fire) and a positional tag (Ranged/Melee/AOE).


No justification released from the devs yet. But at this point, I think the patch is ready to go live soon anyways.


Yes, pretty much all Hybrid-typed attacks were shifted to have a single damage type, as far as to-hit checks are concerned (they're still hybrid attacks, with 2+ damage types to be resisted).  Some attacks were also rebalanced to change their damage balance (like grenades are typically now Fire/Lethal instead of Lethal/Smashing, and will check against our Fire & AoE defenses)


And you pretty much already stated the (probable) reason (#1 below) - since there are usually more S/L attacks than other types, S/L defense is already (arguably) more useful than other defense types, even without it also intercepting the majority of hybrid attacks.  (From a raw damage perspective, and ignoring debuffs/CCs.  A lot of non-S/L attacks can carry some nasty debuffs)


11 hours ago, blue4333 said:

After the new patch:

1) You can't just build S/L Defense and ignore mixed type attacks like you can before

2) Aggro changes ensure mobs will still attack you even if you are against aggro cap. Given 16(?) mobs is the max, additional mobs would only be able to fire off ranged attacks if the 16 taunted are still collapsing on you for their melee. Hence, range defence's importance will be increased.



As a side note, I can think of a few other ways they could have implemented this that are more or less (usually less) fair:

  • Hybrid attacks always check against the highest of the tagged defense types <-- the current system, with the stated S/L loophole above.
  • Hybrid attacks usually check against the most damaging tagged type (rarity breaks ties, favoring rarer types) <--- the system being implemented
  • Hybrid attacks always check against the lowest of the tagged defense types
  • Hybrid attacks check against a weighted average of the tagged defense types (an 80% Cold / 20% Smashing attack would roll against [.8*Cold def + .2*Smashing def])
  • Hybrid attacks check against a randomly selected defense type (weighted according to damage types, so an 80% Cold / 20% Smashing attack would have an 80% chance to roll against Cold defense, and a 20% chance to check against Smashing defense)

It's worth noting that none of these would affect how the system checks against Positional defenses - it would still use the higher of our typed defense or positional defense.

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