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Thank you for QoL Improvements and enabling more casual play!


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Hopefully positive feedback belong in this forum also!

I'm a recently returned player (previously had played Issues 1-9ish), and I wanted to give a massive endorsement to the quality of life features and all the changes that make the game more accessible to casual players.


I love the idea that I can access basically all the game content without worrying too much about character optimization, and will be able to fully kit out multiple level 50 alts without having to grind for days to afford a decent set of enhancements.

Also loving the free respecs, costume slots, quick alignment change options, and SG base features!


I've skimmed the forums and seen a few people complaining that the game is too easy or flexible, or that some people are able to PL too easily, and wanted to provide a counter to that.


I love that almost any powerset combination/AT is viable for casual solo play! Keep up the awesome work dev team!



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