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Status Effect Resistance in the Combat Attributes is extremely misleading

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In this screenshot, I have several different mez resist bonuses which are listed as "-X.XX% duration". This seems to imply that each of these effects subtracts that listed percentage from the duration of effects. However, this is apparently not the case; status effect resistance, I am told, follows the same rules as recharge reduction. 100% amounts to a decrease by half, because it's 1/(1+Resist%), rather than 1-(Resist%). This can even be seen in the actual duration listed as the header for each type of resistance. 57.55% duration implies that my total resistance is -42.45% duration, which is much lower than the sum of all of the values listed beneath; they are thus not actual -% durations. Therefore, framing these buffs as "-X.XX% duration" is incredibly misleading. One would expect, for example, that if I had one -9.09% duration buff, my actual duration would be 90.91%, and that two -9.09% duration buffs would result in a duration of 81.82%, and so on.


So, I think the display of these buffs should be adjusted. For example, calculate the actual percentage each reduces the duration by and display that value. At a minimum, the labeling of the displayed values should be adjusted to something like "9.09% resistance" or, better yet, just "10% resistance" since that's the actual buff amount from the set bonus. Calculating the reduction in duration assuming you only had that buff is ind of pointless; those values have no correlation with the actual effect they all have together on your mez duration.  Ideally, I think that the best solution would be to do both, similar to how HP and End regen/recovery is displayed to show the base value as well as the actual value considering whatever your maximum HP and End pools can be. For example, all of the Ultimate ___ and Mez Resistance buffs would be "10% resistance (-5.76% duration)" since each of them contributes 5.76 percentage points of the 42.45% duration reduction.

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Also, I think it might be a good idea to buff Mez Resist set bonuses. They work the same as Recharge Time set bonuses, they're about as difficult to get as Recharge Time set bonuses, the actual numbers you get for equivalent amounts of slot investment are the same, and they even have a non-Unique 7.5% special IO similar to LotG, but while Recharge Time is constantly affecting all of your powers, Mez Resist only takes effect when you are affected by those status effects. Might it be better to have the set bonuses scale more like Accuracy, where the best bonuses are 15%, or something like that? It just seems weird to me that one can invest dozens of IOs into getting these big set bonuses and it still doesn't even amount to a 50% reduction in status effect duration.

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The total duration reduction displayed at the top is the calculated total.  If each source had its diminishing return calculated separately,  which ones would have priority over others to show their higher contribution?  The bonuses arent straight subtracted from the duration to prevent someone from becoming 100% immune to mez effects.  Many players are almost immune because of mez protection,  but everyone would become immune to mez if resistance didnt get diminishing returns and only 100% reduction were needed. 


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22 hours ago, Hoshigitsune said:

Also, I think it might be a good idea to buff Mez Resist set bonuses. They work the same as Recharge Time set bonuses, they're about as difficult to get as Recharge Time set bonuses, the actual numbers you get for equivalent amounts of slot investment are the same, and they even have a non-Unique 7.5% special IO similar to LotG, but while Recharge Time is constantly affecting all of your powers, Mez Resist only takes effect when you are affected by those status effects. Might it be better to have the set bonuses scale more like Accuracy, where the best bonuses are 15%, or something like that? It just seems weird to me that one can invest dozens of IOs into getting these big set bonuses and it still doesn't even amount to a 50% reduction in status effect duration.

I think if you have 100% mez resistance, then the duration of appropriate mezzes affecting you is reduced to 50%. The formula for mez protection, to the best of my knowledge, is 1/1+% resist. So if you had 200% mez resistance, the duration would only be 1/3 its normal duration.


Edit: So mez protection and mez resistance serve different functions. Mez protection keeps you from being affected until the mez exceeds your protection, and mez resistance gets you out from under the mez's effects sooner when you are affected.


(Edit again: So basically, if I remember correctly, the original presentation of mez resist in game for our characters was % mez resistance, but was changed to instead show duration reduction because players would see % resist and wonder why they were being mezzed with 100%+ mez resistance. However, that means that the duration reductions shown on the combat attributes tab is not linearly cumulative. It shows your current final duration (which is the only part worth looking at since the % resist you could have used to calculate the duration is not there) and the non-linearly cumulative duration reductions that get you to that final duration value.)


Edited by Rudra
Edited to correct "mex" and "Mes" to "mez".
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