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[BETA] Patch Notes for April 14th, 2023 - Issue 27, Page 6 (Build 2)

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[ISSUE 27, PAGE 6 - General Feedback Thread]

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  • Most changes from the previous beta build are listed in green.
    • Green text will become white text in the next set of patch notes.
  • Any changes or fixes that are only relevant to the beta builds (ie: fixes / tweaks to new features) are listed in blue.
    • Blue text will be deleted in the next set of patch notes as it is only relevant to highlight changes between beta builds, not a changes from live.
  • Known issues are listed in purple

Only looking for what changed in Build 2? Check here! All changes are also in the full patch notes found below.




New Costume Parts

  • "Auras > Mycelium > "Mushrooms"
  • "Auras > Mycelium > "Mushrooms Tintable"
  • "Auras > Mycelium > "Min Fx Tintable "
  • "Auras > Mycelium > "Mushrooms - Combat"
  • "Auras > Mycelium > "Mushrooms Tintable - Combat"
  • "Auras > Mycelium > "Min Fx Tintable - Combat"
  • VEAT: "Bane/Crab > Gloves > Custom Alt"
  • VEAT: "Bane/Crab > Gloves > Custom Long Alt"
  • VEAT: "Bane/Crab > Gloves > Custom Short Alt"
  • VEAT: "Bane/Crab > Pants > Custom Alt"
  • VEAT: "Bane/Crab > Boots > Custom Alt"


Female, Male:

  • VEAT: "Bane/Crab > Chest > Custom Alt" (Huge does not have the tricep spikes that utilize the swapped secondary color)


Male, Huge:

  • VEAT: "Bane/Crab > Pants > Custom Armored Alt" (Females will receive these at a later date)


New Supergroup Base Items

  • Coffee Mug (SG Logo 1)
  • Coffee Mug (SG Logo 2)
  • Sky: Dimensional Ripple


Aether Rewards - Wave 3
Tier 3 Reward Additions

  • New cosmetic effects added to the Tier 3 Aether reward vendor offerings:
    • Effect: Flames
    • Effect: Chill
    • Effect: Earthen
    • Effect: Shocking
    • Effect: Psionic
    • Effect: Photosynthesis
  • The Tier 3 cosmetic effects category as a whole can no longer be used in PvP.

Tier 4 Reward Expansion

  • Undefined Mode and Undefined Mini Mode now have two additional customization options available:
    • Undefined Silver
    • Undefined Evil




  • Assault Rifle:
    • Sentinel Scramble Mind rolled back to Scramble Thoughts.
    • Beanbag/Aim
      • Reverted the Beanbag to Aim change.
      • Lowered Beanbag cooldown to 10s.
      • Increased damage to scale 0.98.
      • Added PvP Damage (1.43 scale).
  • Ignite/Incinerator
    • Renamed to Ignite
    • Lowered cooldown to 12s (20s on Live)
    • Removed -Def bonus effects
    • Now does 22 ticks of 0.1254 scale (2.7588 total) over 5.5s.
    • Ignite now leaves a fire patch at the target's feet if they're grounded. Other foes standing on the patch take fire damage and will try to flee.
  • Dual Pistols/Suppressive Fire:
    • Incendiary: Scale 2 duration Mag 3 hold (stacks). 1.64 scale damage.
    • Cryo: Scale 4 duration Mag 4 hold (replace). 1.64 scale damage.
    • Chemical: Scale 8 duration Mag 3 hold (stacks). 0.87 scale damage.
    • Standard: Scale 3.2 duration mag 3 stun (stacks). 1.64 scale damage.
  • Blaster/Dark Blast/Gloom: Cast time reduced from 1.67s to 1.1s.
  • Blaster/Psychic Blast/Dominate Will: Sleep scale duration reduced to 8.
  • Storm Blast: Updates to attack descriptions to highlight bonus effects when Foe is inside Storm Cell. Added detailed info for proc chances while Storm Cell or Category Five are active. These are found beneath the detailed damage values.
    • Hailstones: Now always does knockdown in PvP regardless of Storm Cell.
    • Hailstones: FX should track as target moves. Fixed bug with delayed hail if multiple knockdowns rolled in a row.
    • Storm Cell: FX adjusted to make the outline easier to detect.
    • Cloudburst: Cloud FX dissipates faster, changes to how it tracks moving targets.
    • Chain Lightning: FX reworked to remove vertical ball toss.
  • The Vanguard MDC can no longer be summoned inside of missions or in Pocket D. This is now mentioned in the accolade's power description.




  • Fixed a redraw issue with the Blaster and Sentinel versions of 'The Lotus Drops' that was causing them to use the wrong statebit for their Ninja Blade.
  • Fixed a redraw bug in Tactical Arrow > Oil Slick.
  • Fixed a bug where Psionic Darts would consume more endurance the more targets it hit.




  • Fixed "Female > Upper Body > Gloves > Tights Sleek" missing from some asymmetric categories.
  • Fixed "Female > Upper Body > Gloves > Defense" being reset after loading a costume file.
  • Fixed "Female > Lower Body > Bottoms > Defense" being reset after loading a costume file.
  • Fixed "Female > Lower Body > Boots > Defense" being reset after loading a costume file.


  • Fixed "Huge > Upper Body > Gloves > Tights Sleek" missing from some asymmetric categories.
  • Fixed "Huge > Upper Body > Gloves > Defense" being reset after loading a costume file.
  • Fixed "Huge > Lower Body > Bottoms > Defense" being reset after loading a costume file.
  • Fixed "Huge > Lower Body > Boots > Defense" being reset after loading a costume file.

Custom Weapons

  • Fixed an issue that had the unsheathed version of the Scepter of Stheno Arachnos Mace pointing at the wrong childFX.


Supergroup Bases

  • Fixed a number of typos in item names and descriptions.



  • Ouroboros Mender Roebuck should now spawn consistently in the Dr. Stribbling story arc.


  • Fixed missing halo aura on Legacy Ruin Mage costume.
  • Fixed a few broken pointers in the meta costume accolade menu.


  • Fixed an issue with Port Oakes' submarine depositing players under the map.


Patch Notes: Issue 27, Page 6

What's New in Issue 27, Page 6?


Marquee Features

  • New Mission Content: John Houston & Dr. Stribbling - Two brand new story arcs!
  • New Power Set! Storm Blast! ⛈️


Powers & Gameplay Adjustments

  • Redraw Revamp - All Weapon Power Sets


Various Adjustments, Improvements & Fixes

  • Aether Rewards - Wave 3
  • Base Item & Costume Part additions!
  • ...and much more!


Marquee Features

New Mission Content: John Houston [Focused Feedback]

New Story Arc: <Noble Intentions> [John Houston] - Rogue, Levels 40-44

John Houston, WSPDR's new star reporter, is following a lead that has taken him all the way to Independence Port where he was supposed to meet up with a source to get hold of some juicy information. Unfortunately, as is so often the case, his source was kidnapped and now he is in desperate need of some morally dubious help.

Players will get a chance to influence the politics of Paragon City for years to come while checking in on old friends, and making powerful enemies. It's all in a day's work for the free-wheeling entrepreneurial type.




  • Story Arc Contact: John Houston, Independence Port
    • Located near the Smuggler's Ship icon on the map in Independence Port.
      •  /thumbtack -872.5 0.3 -3852.8  will place a map waypoint near John Houston while in Independence Port.
    • The leader of the team must be of the Rogue alignment to take on these missions.


New Mission Content: Dr. Stribbling [Focused Feedback]

  • Ouroboros Mender Roebuck should now spawn consistently in the Dr. Stribbling story arc.


New Story Arc: <Troubled Times> [Dr. Stribbling] - Vigilante, Levels 30-34

Those who toe the line of legality in Paragon City will have the chance to answer the call of Dr. Stribbling, a multidisciplinary scientist better known for his theory than his results. He's run into a bit of a problem: Someone broke into his lab and he does not want information on his experiments to leak to the public.

Players who are willing to get their hands a little dirty will find themselves drawn into a web of moral quandaries that will have them wondering, "Did I make the right call?"




  • Story Arc Contact: Dr. Stribbling, Brickstown
    • Located NW of the basketball courts in the Crescent neighborhood of Brickstown.
      •  /thumbtack -1143.7 16.0 -1623.5  will place a map waypoint near Dr. Stribbling while in Brickstown.
    • The leader of the team must be of the Vigilante alignment to take on these missions.


New Power Set - Storm Blast [Focused Feedback] ⛈️




New primary for Blasters, Corruptors, and Sentinels. New secondary for Defenders.

Storm Blast conjures violent weather to attack your foes. The use of your storm attacks will empower your created storm cells.



  • stormblast_gust.png.7383b7d0e3b0f814ae305335548d4307.png  Gust  Ranged, DMG(Smash), Foe -Fly
    • You create a chaotic change in atmospheric pressure, causing a sudden gust of wind to deliver a small amount of Smashing damage and knock foes out of the sky. 

    • While in a Storm Cell, targets experience additional Smashing damage over time.

  • stormblast_hailstones.png.dc61f30c9fe0b7b0c525ff560b15ee3a.png  Hailstones  Ranged, DMG(Cold), Chance for KD
    • You cause the air around the foe to rapidly condense, causing hailstones to crash down, dealing Cold damage. There is a chance that an especially large chunk of hail will form, knocking the target down. 
    • While in a Storm Cell, targets are much more likely to get knocked down by large chunks of hail.

  • stormblast_jetstream.png.94e18321ca442346495114377c7e0ca8.png  Jet Stream  Ranged Cone, DMG(Smashing), Foe Repel or Knockdown
    • You call forth a cone of rapidly moving air that repels enemies, causing Smashing damage.
    • Enemies who are within a Storm Cell will not be repelled, but instead will be knocked down.

  • stormblast_stormcell.png.236371baff748215731bed5e12331321.png  Storm Cell  Ranged Location AoE, Foe -Recharge, -SPD, Special
    • You conjure a storm in the area that defines the boundaries of your stormy powers. Rain from this power will slightly lower a foe's movement and chance to hit. The use of your Storm Blast attacks may create high winds and lightning within the storm cell, delivering stronger debuffs and causing damage. Additionally, Storm Blast attacks will be enhanced when used against foes victimized by Storm Cell.

  • stormblast_aim.png.cc86f5b9f0826758a54e3ee7947aa9f9.png  Intensify  Self +To Hit, +DMG, +Special
    • Greatly increases the chance to hit of your attacks for a few seconds. Slightly increases damage and your storm strength.

  • stormblast_directstrike.png.617cbdde0ac83d10b6bb0bf112351c90.png  Direct Strike (non-Sentinel) Sniper, DMG(Energy), Foe -End, Special
    • You channel your storm powers into a direct hit, jolting the enemy with a bolt of lightning that deals Energy damage and saps some endurance. If fired outside of combat, it can be interrupted by enemies, but will do bonus damage. If you are engaged in battle, this attack becomes instant-cast.
    • While in a Storm Cell, targets have a chance to be stunned.
    • stormblast_lightningstrike.png.66a0bd59b691aaec0c7b6775a7755535.png  Lightning Strike (Sentinel only), Ranged, DMG(Energy), Foe -End, Special

      • You channel your storm powers into a lightning strike, jolting the enemy with Energy damage and sapping some endurance.

      • While in a Storm Cell, the target has a chance to be stunned.

  • stormblast_chainlightning.png.1670041d8bdc488e331bac7a85a48319.png  Chain Lightning  Ranged Chain, DoT(Energy), Foe -End
    • Hurls a ball of electricity into the air, which moments later returns as a bolt that strikes your target, then chains outward to additional enemies. Creatures unfortunate enough to be struck will be dealt Energy damage and be sapped of some endurance.
    • While in a Storm Cell, the main target of Chain Lightning will experience additional endurance drain over time.

  • stormblast_cloudburst.png.cad3e22ab66d1ab94735a88ff489d221.png  Cloudburst  Ranged, DoT(Cold), Special
    • Unleashes a cloud that drops a torrent of freezing rain on your target, causing Cold damage. 
    • While in a Storm Cell, targets experience Recharge, ToHit, and Movement Speed debuffs.

  • stormblast_categoryfive.png.77c831d8a3881de276efe8f5719f5492.png  Category Five  Ranged (Location AoE), DoT(Energy) Foe Knock
    • Summons a severe storm that begins light, but that grows in power until it becomes a raging engine of destruction. Left on its own, the Category Five storm is capable of delivering moderate damage over time, and as it grows in power, will eventually begin to fling foes through the air. In addition, each use of your Storm Blast powers builds its electrical power, rendering it capable of delivering lightning attacks that deal Energy damage.



"Pow! Wind, rain, AND lightning!"


Redraw Revamp [Focused Feedback]


  • Weapon powers now play a draw animation the first time you use a weapon after your character is has been in an idle / non-combat animation. With typical mission pacing, this should mean each weapon will only play its draw animation the first time you use it in combat on a mission map, unless you idle somewhere on the map for long enough for your character to return to the idle state.


Power Sets Impacted:

  • Beam Rifle
  • Dual Pistols
  • Dual Blades
  • Battle Axe
  • War Mace
  • Broadsword
  • Staff Fighting
  • Arachnos Soldiers
  • Arachnos Widows
  • Archery / Trick Arrow / Tactical Arrow
  • Claws
  • Spines
  • Thorny Assault
  • Plant Manipulation
  • Experimentation > Experimental Injection
  • Assault Rifle
  • Mastermind Pets


Powers & Gameplay Adjustments

Blast Power Set Updates [Focused Feedback]

Assault Rifle (non-Sentinel)


  • Cast time lowered from 1.67s to 1.4s.


  • Lowered cooldown to 10s.
  • Increased damage to scale 0.98.
  • Added PvP Damage (1.43 scale).

Sniper Rifle (Quick)

  • Cast time lowered from 1.67s to 1s.


  • Lowered cooldown to 12s.
  • Now does DoT over 5.5 seconds to a single target, for a total of 172.59 damage (Blaster values).
  • If target is on the ground, Ignite leaves a fire patch at the target's feet. Other foes standing on the patch take fire damage and will try to flee.
  • Can target flying enemies.


  • DoT now is applied over 4.7s, down from 7.1s (same damage).

Full Auto

  • Arc increased from 20 to 90 degrees. (Includes Sentinels)

Dark Blast


  • Cast time reduced from 1.67s to 1.1s. (Blasters only).

Abyssal Gaze

  • Cooldown lowered from 20s to 11s.
  • Damage increased from scale 0.472 to scale 0.707.
  • Hold Duration reduced from scale 8 to scale 4.4.

Dual Pistols

Suppressive Fire

  • Cast time reduced from 1.67s to 1.5s.
  • Recharge reduced from 20s to 8s.
  • Incendiary: Scale 2 duration Mag 3 hold (stacks). Damage increased to 1.64 scale.
  • Cryo: Scale 4 duration Mag 4 hold (replace). Damage increased to 1.64 scale.
  • Chemical: Scale 8 duration Mag 3 hold (stacks). Damage increased to 0.87 scale.
  • Standard: Scale 3.2 duration Mag 3 stun (stacks). Damage increased to 1.64 scale.

Piercing Rounds

  • Resistance debuff now is applied while using any round type, stacking changed to replace.


Fire Blast (Blaster and Sentinels only)

Fire Blast

  • Cast time lowered from 1.67s to 1.2s to match Defender/Corruptor version.

Psychic Blast

Will Domination (Blaster Only)

  • Renamed to Dominate Will.
  • Recharge lowered from 20s to 4s.
  • Cast time lowered from 1.1 seconds to 1 second.
  • Damage lowered from 1.24 scale to 1.0 scale.
  • Sleep duration reduced to scale 8.
  • Moved to T1.

Will Domination (Defender/Corruptor)

  • Recharge lowered from 14s to 10s (Damage unchanged).
  • Moved from T6 to T5.

Psionic Lance (Defender/Corruptor)

  • Moved from T3 to T6.

Psionic Dart (Blaster Only)

  • Renamed to Psionic Darts.
  • This power is now a 10 target cone (60', 30 degrees).
  • Recharge increased to 12s.
  • Damage lowered from 1.0 scale to 0.8321 scale.
  • Moved to T4

Telekinetic Blast (Defender/Corruptor)

  • Moved from T5 to T3.

Mental Blast (Defender/Corruptor)

  • Recharged increased from 4s to 6s.
  • Damage increased from scale 1.0 to scale 1.32.

Subdue (Defender/Corruptor)

  • Cast time reduced from 1.67s to 1s.
  • Recharged lowered from 6s to 4s.
  • Damage reduced from scale 1.32 to scale 1.0.

Psychic Scream (Defender/Corruptor/Sentinel)

  • Cast time lowered from 2.67s to 1.87s.

Psionic Tornado (Blaster/Defender/Corruptor)

  • Cast time lowered from 2.37s to 1.83s. (Applies to Sentinels as well)
  • Radius reduced from 20 feet to 15 feet.
  • Damage increased from scale 0.89 to scale 1.1.

Scramble Thoughts (Blaster/Defender/Corruptor)

  • Renamed to Scramble Minds.
  • Now a chain.
  • Cast time lowered from 3s to 2s.
  • Main target will be stunned, additional targets might get hit with a randomized status effect of either Sleep, Immobilize, Placate, Terrorize, or Hold.
  • Damage increased from 0.25 scale to 1.0 scale.

Seismic Blast

  • Timing adjustments in Seismic Stress buildup, players should be able to more quickly notice orange rings and decide what power to use next based on this visual information.

Water Blast

  • Powers should build up Tidal Force stacks even if they miss.

Enhanced Water Jet

  • This power no longer has a lockout window.

Tidal Forces

  • Tidal Forces should clear all existing stacks of Tidal Power before applying 3 stacks.


Vanguard MDC

  • The Vanguard MDC can no longer be summoned inside of missions or in Pocket D. This is now mentioned in the accolade's power description.


Power Bug Fixes

  • Mace Mastery/Summon Tarantula (Controller/Dominator): Added ability to slot Slow Sets.
  • Soul Mastery/Summon Widow (Brute/Tanker): Can no longer slot ToHit Debuff Sets.
  • Symphony Control/Impassioned Serenade: Removed Line-of-Sight (LoS) check on the executed confuse power. The power already checked LoS on cast, the double check caused loss of the effect if player or target moved outside of LoS during the delay in execution.
  • Brute/Radiation Melee/Taunt: Now hits 5 targets (was set to 10 before).
  • Scrapper/Fiery Melee/Confront: Scale duration on Taunt effect corrected.
  • Sentinels/Inherent/Vulnerability: Updated description to state the effects of Vulnerability to not stack with other Sentinels.
  • Hero Epic AT/Inherent/Dark Sustenance and Cosmic Balance: Updated description to include Sentinel's contribution.
  • Stone Armor/Brimstone Armor/Brimstone Proc: Fixed bug where the damage proc would not turn off when in Granite Armor.
  • Experimentation/Corrosive Vial: Fixed defense debuff effect applied from pseudopet. Duration now set to 5s.


Character Customization Improvements

Costumes [Focused Feedback]

New Costumes Parts

  • All Categories > Metallic 3 (cleaner version of Metallic 2)
  • Half & Full Helmet Detail(s) > Bot Shield 2 (Glow version)
  • Half & Full Helmet Detail(s) > Bunker Shield 2 (Glow version)
  • Half & Full Helmet Detail(s) > Tek Shield 2 (Glow version)
  • Detail(s) > Blast Goggles 2 (Glow version)
  • Detail 1 > 3-D Glasses (Standard, Low, High)
  • Detail 1 > Sporty 1 (Transparent: Standard, Low, High)
  • Detail 1 > Sporty 1S (Solid: Standard, Low, High)
  • Detail 1 > Sporty 2 (Transparent: Standard, Low, High)
  • Detail 1 > Sporty 2S (Solid: Standard, Low, High)
  • Detail 1 > Shield 1 (Transparent: Standard, Low, High)
  • Detail 1 > Shield 1S (Solid: Standard, Low, High)
  • Auras > Mycelium > Mushrooms
  • Auras > Mycelium > Mushrooms Tintable
  • Auras > Mycelium > Min Fx Tintable
  • Auras > Mycelium > Mushrooms - Combat
  • Auras > Mycelium > Mushrooms Tintable - Combat
  • Auras > Mycelium > Min Fx Tintable - Combat
  • VEAT: "Bane/Crab > Gloves > Custom Alt"
  • VEAT: "Bane/Crab > Gloves > Custom Long Alt"
  • VEAT: "Bane/Crab > Gloves > Custom Short Alt"
  • VEAT: "Bane/Crab > Pants > Custom Alt"
  • VEAT: "Bane/Crab > Boots > Custom Alt"

Male, Huge:

  • VEAT: "Bane/Crab > Pants > Custom Armored Alt" (Females will receive these at a later date)

Female, Huge:

  • All Categories > Metallic 2 (Female & Huge were missing them)

Female, Male:

  • VEAT: "Bane/Crab > Chest > Custom Alt" (Huge does not have the tricep spikes that utilize the swapped secondary color.)


  • Detail 1 > Sweetheart 1 (Transparent: Standard, Low, High)
  • Detail 1 > Sweetheart 1S (Solid: Standard, Low, High)


Costumes Bug Fixes:


  • Fixed "Asymmetric Shoulder Pads > Ascension Armor" 2 missing FX options.
  • Fixed "Full Helmets > Detail 2 > Tech Knight Faceplate" receiving incorrect ambient lighting.
  • Fixed "Lower Body > Boots > Piston" option not loading from saved .costume files.
  • Fixed "Lower Body > Boots > Rocket" option not loading from saved .costume files.
  • Fixed "Lower Body > Boots > Winged" option not loading from saved .costume files.
  • Fixed "Auras > Wealthy > Effect > Trail" aura not loading from saved .costume files.
  • Fixed "Auras > Wealthy > Effect > Trail" aura duplicate of "Body". It should now load properly and only leave behind a trail when moving.


  • Fixed "Male > Sleeveless Jackets > Chest > Tanker" missing costume option.
  • Fixed "Male > Lower Body > Boots > Victorian Steampunk" missing tint option.


  • Fixed "Female > Boots > Stilettos >" resetting to "Roman Sandal" upon entering "Lower Body" after loading a costume with Bio-Organic, Stone or Chiton patterns and masks.
  • Fixed "Female > Lower Body > Bottom > Omega" being reset after loading a costume file.
  • Fixed "Female > Upper Body > Shirts > Student Shirt" bad tangent vectors across the front.
  • Fixed "Female > Upper Body > Robotic Arm" compatibility with chest details when chest slider is set to max.
  • Fixed "Female > Upper Body > Chest Details > Talons" missing costume part names and categories (now known as Etched and Clean).
  • Fixed "Female > Upper Body > Sleeves > Retro" hole with no skin.
  • Alpha sorting re-enabled on "Female > Gunslinger Bow". *Report any obvious flickering and background windowing when out in the world, particularly when NPCs are obscured by the veil or bow's transparent layers.
  • QC Fix: Updated compression quality on base female skin.
  • Fixed "Female > Upper Body > Gloves > Tights Sleek" missing from some asymmetric categories.
  • Fixed "Female > Upper Body > Gloves > Defense" being reset after loading a costume file.
  • Fixed "Female > Lower Body > Bottoms > Defense" being reset after loading a costume file.
  • Fixed "Female > Lower Body > Boots > Defense" being reset after loading a costume file.


  • Fixed "Huge > Shoulders > Overguard" appearing twice with bulky tops.
  • Fixed "Huge > Upper Body > Chest > Omega" being reset after loading a costume file.
  • Fixed "Huge > Lower Body > Bottom > Omega" being reset after loading a costume file.
  • Fixed "Huge > Lower Body > Boots > Victorian Steampunk" missing tint option.
  • Fixed "Huge > Upper Body > Gloves > Tights Sleek" missing from some asymmetric categories.
  • Fixed "Huge > Upper Body > Gloves > Defense" being reset after loading a costume file.
  • Fixed "Huge > Lower Body > Bottoms > Defense" being reset after loading a costume file.
  • Fixed "Huge > Lower Body > Boots > Defense" being reset after loading a costume file.

These changes were supposed to be released previously but mistakenly were not at the time on 2020-12-03:

  • Fixed Huge : "Kitten" & "Panda" left/right alignment in Legacy & Asymmetry mode.
  • Fixed Huge : "Celestial Armor" left shoulder pad in Legacy & Asymmetry mode.
  • Fixed Huge : "Cyborg Shield" left shoulder pad in Asymmetry mode.


Custom Weapons:

New Custom Weapons

Arachnos Mace:

  • 'Scepter of Stheno' option added to custom weapon selection. Mace's eye glow FX are tintable.


  • 'Fang of Stheno' option added to custom weapon selection.

Dual Blades:

  • 'Fang of Stheno' option added to custom weapon selection.

Staff Fighting:

  • 'Staff of Stheno' option added to custom weapon selection. Staff's eye glow FX are tintable.

War Mace:

  • 'Scepter of Stheno' option added to custom weapon selection. Mace's eye glow FX are tintable.


Custom Weapons Fixes

Arachnos / Assault / Munitions Rifles:

  • Fixed an issue that was causing the DUST, Resistance, and Runesoldier rifles to render upside down.


  • Fixed an issue with legacy bow model's bowstrings that was causing them to not take transparency properly with certain attacks.

Dual Blades:

  • Fixed an issue that was causing the left-handed Vanguard Katana to render backwards on Female/Huge characters when sheathing was enabled.

Katana / Ninja Blade:

  • Fixed "Katana > Custom Weapon > Rularuu Blade" left eyeball not animating in combat stance.



Various Additions, Enhancements, & Fixes


New Badges

  • badge_anniversary_19.png.46404cf9230a3bcce69d73075a2be7f9.png - 'Unforgettable': Log-in during the month of City of Heroes' 19th anniversary.
  • badge_storyarc_houston_H.png.42d5fd808f5fdaaa2f7789a216acd4ff.png - 'Pollster': Complete the Hero-alignment ending of the John Houston story arc, 'Noble Intentions'.
  • badge_storyarc_houston_R.png.1e696a3c685082b4955541f487277c45.png - 'Underdog': Complete the Rogue-alignment ending of the John Houston story arc, 'Noble Intentions'.
  • badge_storyarc_stribbling.png.d712fb3d21430b9daf455dd81320bd57.png - 'Loop Hero': Reach and complete the conclusion of the Dr. Stribbling story arc, 'Troubled Times'.


Aether Rewards - Wave 3 [Focused Feedback]
Tier 3 Reward Additions

  • New cosmetic effects added to the Tier 3 Aether reward vendor offerings:
    • Effect: Flames
    • Effect: Chill
    • Effect: Earthen
    • Effect: Shocking
    • Effect: Psionic
    • Effect: Photosynthesis
  • The Tier 3 cosmetic effects category as a whole can no longer be used in PvP.

Tier 4 Reward Expansion

  • Undefined Mode and Undefined Mini Mode now have two additional customization options available:
    • Undefined Silver
    • Undefined Evil


Aether Reward Fixes

  • Fixed missing halo aura on Legacy Ruin Mage costume.
  • Fixed a few broken pointers in the meta costume accolade menu.

Supergroup Bases [Focused Feedback]

New Supergroup Base Themes

  • Open Sky (Passthrough)


New Supergroup Base Items

  • Editor Helpers:
    • Collision Wall 8x8
    • Collision Wall 32x32
    • Collision Wall 64x64
    • Collision Wall 16x16
    • Collision Wall 128x128
    • Collision Wall 512x512
    • Collision Wall 1024x1024
    • Axis Gizmo
    • Axis Gizmo (Z Up)
    • Surface Aligner
    • Axis Aligner
    • Surface Tower
    • Surface Tile 32x32
    • Surface Tile 64x64
    • Surface Tile 128x128
    • Surface Tile 512x512
    • Surface Tower (Collision)
    • Surface Tile 32x32 (Collision)
    • Surface Tile 64x64 (Collision)
    • Surface Tile 128x128 (Collision)
    • Surface Tile 512x512 (Collision)
    • Fit Gizmo
    • Collision Gizmo
    • Smooth Water Fill
    • Smooth Water Fill (No Sound)
    • Rough Water Fill
    • Rough Water Fill (No Sound)
  • Alphabet:
    • Paragon City Alphabet (Tiny, Small, Medium versions of 68 standard US keyboard characters. No lowercase.)
    • Motiva Sans Bold Alphabet (Tiny, Small, Medium versions of 94 standard US keyboard characters.)
  • Bath & Kitchen:
    • Coffee Mug (Arachnos)
    • Coffee Mug (Paragon)
    • Coffee Mug (Winter)
    • Coffee Mug (Winter Filled)
    • Coffee Mug (Tintable)
    • Coffee Mug (SG Logo 1)
    • Coffee Mug (SG Logo 2)
    • Mug Shelf 1
    • Mug Shelf 2
    • Mug Shelf 3
    • Gigantic Sign
    • Restroom Sign
    • Universal Sign
  • Casino:
    • Cue Ball
  • Lighting:
    • White Bunker Light
  • Slums & Wastes:
    • Junk Burnt Mattress 2
  • Tech:
    • Praetorian WarWorks (Tintable)
  • Wall Details:
    • Tech Console 1
    • Arcane Console 1
  • Skies:
    • Sky: Dimensional Ripple


Supergroup Base Item Notes:

  • Collision walls: Construction of a perfect cube corner or seam will still allow a determined player's camera to slip through (as it can and does anywhere else in the game). While this follows teleport rules (teleport check will work as intended), glitches and updates to teleport that may break this behavior are always a possibility and you should never rely on these to protect your base items (that's what item permissions are for) or to prevent determined individuals from viewing behind the "curtain" of your base. They are merely to deter visitors from traveling to off limit areas, such as outside the plot of a vertical building or behind a bank vault desk.


Supergroup Base Item Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed incorrect texture on "Short Ceiling Walls" > Industrial" for Supergroup Base themes
  • Fixed FX sticking on "Praetorian Reactor 3"
  • "Rock 7 (Tintable)" is now actually tintable.
  • Iron Gate Frame: Should now be more easily selectable.
  • Roman Sailboat: Should no longer leave behind its FX after moving or deleting the object.
  • Wet Floor Sign: Small and large should now be level with the floor.
  • Renamed "5th Door Bulb" to "Red Bunker Light"
  • QoL: The click volume of inspiration containers was lowered by -2 feet, making it clickable through the floor when turned upside down.
  • "Glass Wall (Tintable)" has had its alpha sorting adjusted once again. *Report any major breakage in existing bases as its use is widespread. As a reminder, alpha sorting between objects is always a compromise.
  • Corrected texture settings for 289 SG emblems. The windowing effect of the alpha should be fixed across those that had the issues, such as "Guns Crossed" or "Bar Code".
  • Fixed a number of typos in item names and descriptions.



New Emotes:

  • Added /e watermelon emote.
  • Added /e arachnosmug emote.
  • Added /e paragonmug emote.
  • Added /e wintermug emote.


Emote Bug Fixes:

  • /e drink: Females should no longer slide their legs across the ground when sipping.
  • /e hamburger: Flying while eating hamburgers will now properly cycle instead of constantly chowing down.


Tasks [Focused Feedback]

Task Adjustments & Fixes

Doc Buzzsaw - "The Freakish Lab of Dr. Vahzilok":

  • Arc split into two parts:
    • Arc 1 - Up to Lab
    • Arc 2 - Post-Lab to Prison
  • Stasis Tubes behave properly, not trapping subjects within.
  • Dr. Vahzilok's desk protected from bees and other mean things in the lab.
  • Souvenirs split across arcs as well.


Dr. Aeon - "Dr. Aeon's Strike Force":

  • Adjustments to prevent some reported exploits.

Mission 5:

  • The Vanguard leadership now require Apex to be defeated in order to spawn.
  • Added waypoints on the minimap for the third ripple in Mission 5 to help the Portal Corp section be more navigable.

Mission 7:

  • The Gold Bricker blockade lines for the first objective now scale with team size on default difficulty, instead of always spawning at maximum size.

Mayhem Missions:

  • Arson completes in Mayhem Missions now give everyone in the group badge credit upon completion.

Ms. Liberty - "Ms. Liberty's Task Force":

  • Adjustment to prevent a reported exploit.

Mission 1:

  • Arbiter Sands now drinks his cutscene coffee from an Arachnos mug instead of a generic white cup.

Spring Fling 2006 Event:

  • Scratch/Ganymede: These two contacts will no longer introduce any other contacts, including DJ Zero, who is now unlocked automatically by earning the required Handsome/Beautiful badge from completing the final mission of both contacts.
  • DJ Zero: If a player owns the Handsome/Beautiful badge for completing both Scratch & Ganymede's final missions, DJ Zero will now automatically be unlocked and added to the player's contact bar with a pop-up, no longer requiring an introduction from anybody else, and no longer potentially locking players out who qualified but didn't talk to Scratch or Ganymede before the Spring Fling event ended.

Weekly Strike Target:

  • The tool-tip info for the Weekly Strike Target in the LFG tab now mentions the Prismatic Aether currency reward for 50's who complete the Weekly Strike Target, as well as the amount being 1-2 depending on the length of the content you chose and completed for that week.


NPC Enemies & Factions

Enemy Adjustments

Cimeroran Traitors:

  • Added a couple spoken dialog lines to some attacks used by Romulus in the Advanced Difficulty Imperious Task Force:
    • Nictus Romulus Augustus' Barrier Nova Summon
    • Nictus Romulus Augustus' Shadow Slip
    • Nictus Romulus Augustus' Void Judgement
    • Emperor Romulus Augustus' Greater Lore Summon


Freedom Phalanx:

  • Manticore has been given a quiver and now holsters his bow on his back when not in-use.


Gold Brickers:

  • Added a couple spoken dialog lines to some attacks used by Gold Brickers:
    • Golden Brickernaut's Self Destruction
    • Princess Zoe's Burning Shatter
    • Princess Zoe's Absolute-Zero Cannon



  • Adjusted the boss-class Eidolons to not have an eternal menu of powers to choose from:
    • Females have Luminous powers, not Mire and Murk
    • Males have Murk powers, not Mire or Luminous.



  • Chimera has been given a quiver and now holsters his bow on this back when not in-use.
  • Chimera now uses a Ninja Blade which is more appropriate thematically, which sheathes to his back when not in-use.



  • Re-enabled some disabled units for the 35-54 range.



  • Added a couple spoken dialog lines to some attacks used by Vanguard heroes:
    • Incandescent's Lambent Flame
    • Hero 1's Cry of Despair
    • Hero 1's Rune of Protection

Enemy Fixes

  • Certain enemy AnimList behaviors that utilized custom rifles have been fixed those set custom rifles should now display during the animations when set with those specific AnimList behaviors.


  • Fixed a definition typo that was preventing certain non-combat models from appearing in specific Arachnos spawndefs.

Cimeroran Traitors:

  • Fixed a bug that was causing the Emperor Romulus Augustus' Crushing Gravity -Fly to apply to himself rather than his opponents in the finale room on Advanced Difficulty.

The Destroyers:

  • Fixed an issue that was causing Crusher enemies' Overhead Slam attacks to not render their bat weapon.

Fir Bolg:

  • The infinitely summoned enemies created by Eochai (both Croatoa and Halloween versions) no longer drop rewards, matching the standard for all infinitely summoned enemies.

Gold Brickers:

  • Removed unintentionally duplicated hold proc on the Bombardier's Ripple Resonator power.
  • Fixed an attribute error that was causing King Midas's damage siphoning Ripple Kinetic Melee attacks to not trigger and calculate properly. Players should now notice him properly stealing 7.5% +DMG buff on himself per hit he lands and inflicting a 7.5% -DMG debuff on the hit players for 10 seconds.


  • Longbow enemies who were using the base Assault Rifle model should no longer see their weapon go missing during combat.


  • Shadow Hunter has been talked out of committing seppuku due to his dishonor at failing Tyrant and he now handles his weapon properly again, sheathing it to his back when not in-use instead of inside of his ribcage.
  • Fixed an issue that would cause Chimera's sword to not render if he drew his bow too recently.
  • Fixed a texture error on the legacy Chimera enemies' back katanas.

Praetorian Resistance:

  • Fixed an issue that was causing the Heavy Barrel enemies to not animate their cannon attacks properly.


Tuatha de Dannan:

  • Fixed a typo with the enemy group's name incorrectly displaying as 'Tuatha de Dannon' in various instances.


  • Fixed a scaling issue with Hero 1's class that was causing his Rune of Protection to grant more resistance than was intended.



Zone Adjustments

  • Any enemy mobs involved in the Croatoa Vale War event where Eochai and Jack In Irons fight are now set to ignore combat mods, making them level-less and easier to identify which mobs must be defeated to progress or bring the event to its intended conclusion.
  • Eochai and Jack In Iron's solo spawn events now have a Zone Event message that will broadcast when they spawn by themselves.

Striga Island:

  • Vigilantes & Rogues are now able to access the Striga Isle hazard zone via the Smuggler's Submarine network.


Zone Fixes


  • Fixed a missing geometry tile on the beach near Castellum Quarter.

Echo Plaza,  SE2012, Arena Coliseum:

  • Lots of geometry and texture fixes to the Summer Event 2012 coliseum and Echo Plaza coliseum models.

Imperial City:

  • Properly found and removed the correct invisible power suppression mooks from the Imperial City Trade House. All alignments should now be able to activate powers while inside the building.

Mission Maps:

  • Spawnpoint issue fixed with map P_Tech_45_Layout_07_01 which was causing a Praetorian mission from Warrant's "Guns and Money" story arc to not be able to spawn all objectives and become soft-locked.

World Geometry:

  • Corrected positions of all ceiling mounted exit signs.
  • QC Fix on vet_techconsole_01
  • QC Fix on arcconsole_01
  • QC Fix on _P_CBlock_IMP_L_07_LOD (Missing Neutropolis and Imperial City LOD)
  • QC Fix on _OT_shotgun_roof_01_LOD01 (Missing Neutropolis LOD)
  • QC Fix on GEO_Hair_Mimee_01 (zero tangent/normals)



Candy Cane Vendor:

  • Fixed a display issue that was causing the Snow Beast costume in the Candy Cane vendor's shop to show the Fir Bolg costume text.



  • Added a hint for AMD & NVIDIA drivers to prefer the high-performance GPU on systems that have multiple GPUs.
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