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Illusionist phase changed from passive to activable made fighting Carnies so much better


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Please explain. Not sure what you're referring to.

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It's still an auto power, per CoD.  But it is suppressed when stunned, held, or slept, so it kind of behaves like an active power or toggle in that respect. 


Maybe that's what they meant?  I suppose it makes them less annoying if a mez stops their phasing... but is that even a recent change or has it always worked that way?

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1 hour ago, ZemX said:

Maybe that's what they meant?  I suppose it makes them less annoying if a mez stops their phasing... but is that even a recent change or has it always worked that way?

If it has always worked that way then I'm certifiably nuts! Which is entirely possible, mind you. Especially as I tend to play hitters rather than mezzers.

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1 hour ago, ZemX said:

but is that even a recent change or has it always worked that way?

It's always worked this way on HC.  It did not in days of yore, but I'm not sure if it was a change made very late in the game's original lifespan, or very early in HC's (or in the intervening time when what became HC was hidden away).  Guess I could go fight some Carnies on Rebirth or something, and see what they're like there.  That'd maybe give some insight into the exact "when" of it all.

Edited by Lazarillo
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