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"New" Energy Melee Attack Chain


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What are y'all rolling with? Between the Stalker procs and the revamped EnM mechanic, it feels like it's not fully possible to just endlessly cycle one chain. I've got Moonbeam rattling around in here too, and right now I've been chaining:


(From Hide) TF > ET > AS > MB > ET (if first TF crits) / TF (if first TF doesn't crit)


I've run this through a few pylons and I'm sitting around 360 dps (T4 Agility, T3 Reactive, T3 Ageless), but it feels like I'm leaving some damage on the table.

Edited by Panache
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On my current EM/INV, I do TF -> ET -> PC -> AS -> MB, Hide proc in TF.


I wanted something simple with no conditionals.


Hide on TF gets my ET to heal me once every two cycles, which evens out the self-damage. Helpful for invul.


Power Crash adds AoE damage without me having to think about it, and is still OKish damage for ST (given Arma proc and Fury -res), plus a guaranteed Focus stack.

Probably not that great of a chain for pure DPS.

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Oh snap, DPS royalty.


I like that Hide Proc in TF idea, I think that ought to bump it a bit. My slotting is probably less than ideal because I can’t get Mids to work for s***, but I am soft capped all around, sitting at 172.5 global recharge before Ageless (perma DP and Hasten) and never have end issues, so it feels pretty decent.


(oh, and mine is also /Inv 🙂)

Edited by Panache
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I tried it with the Hide proc in TF, but I found myself accidentally firing off slow ASs (heh), no matter how not stoned I was. Sometimes there’s a rotation where AS happens to be what’s queued up after TF; I usually have my next attack queued before the current one is done animating, so it’s a bit of a bet on the Hide proc going off or not.


I’m not sure if/how much slow AS and/or slow ET drag DPS down over the course of a long fight, but it *feels* significant.

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What are the (theoretical) differences between EM and DB? 


My usual chain of EM is: From Hidden, TF(with hide proc), fast ET, Snipe, AS, fast ET again if it is up, Placate into Hide and start again. 

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On 7/14/2023 at 5:23 PM, SwitchFade said:

360 is fairly low, for most stalker builds that are mid tier. DB can hit 550+ dps reliably, with certain min/max builds at 600+. EM should be there if not a bit higher with the right attack chain.

550+ without Hybrid and still hitting soft caps? I would love to see that build!

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