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- Gloxinia -

First king of the Fairy King's Forest




nearly perma pa (66s on 60), should be if i proc 1 or 2 disruptor rays.


!group focused!


!no kick! !no punch!


!can make you fly!


mids is being miserable crashing looking for a background image for the forum export thing... so attach


gloxinia - Controller (Illusion Control - Darkness Affinity).mbd

Edited by honoroit
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outstanding powers!




illusion control -


blind -

blind is the only controller hold with a built in mini aoe sleep (mag 2). it is not uncommon to see one or two minions near the primary target affected by this.


invisibilities -

I normally take superior invisibility  and skip group invis, but have done the reverse with gloxinia as its a boon for 'lets all run to clickwork king' (without risking death).  group invisibility becomes a buff drop along with the others in cycle.  if i swapped anything in the build, itd probably be this, but as of now like group invis. why not both? i need 5x lotg holders, no more.


phantom army -

it really is a strong control on controller vs dominator, as the phantoms taunt. use this to make an alpha harmless, and for its decent dps. all the time.


spectral terror -

slotting this for to-hit debuff starts making additive softening of inbound damage, the fear base duration is sufficient, as this pet keeps casting fear cones by itself throughout its duration.


phantasm -

i am actually slotting this guy with overwhelming force full set for its easy availability, and reasonable spread of set bonuses.  hes not too bad with dark backing you (dies less), /bind q powexec_location me:10 phantasm is your friend for quick resummons.



secondary - Dark Affinity

- pretty much everything about dark affinity, a controller unique secondary support set, is awesome.


the heal-

strong, same strength as the /kin one. a bit slow to execute, but you get used to it. pbaoe around you, so... find injured, get to them, patch them up.  6 slotted with preventative medicine.


tar patch -

a couple of recharges or 2x those fancy monster enh that do slow/recharge... i bet these cost an ASTRONOMICAL amount tho... anyway, useful for its slow, and moreso a res debuff. enough recharge to use this near every spawn of significance.


howling twilight -

the most amaze rez there is. ise it offensively.


shadowfall / fade -

def, exotics res. get.


soul absorbtion

mana battery, health regen, to hit debuff on the affected. essential power.  ive slotted it for end, as fun really stops if you go short in this department.


black hole -

yup, its not the gravity one thats a phase flip zone, its a regular mag 3 intangible for 30s.  ~1.2s cast - it is actual control, and wildly superior to flash in illusion, which i skip. 2m base recharge, which is half that of flash.  if you actually need damage to stop, this is a wonderful power, overlooked bc some people will immediately rage that 'i used my nuke on the half invisible mobs marked as intangible with clear animation, and i blame you!!!!' (these people tend to do that whenever given excuse, you just amaze your team with how the mystery adds became a non factor)


dark servant

- hes there to fling and layer to hit debuff, and for whatever cc and healing he achieves.

- wish you didnt have to keep summoning him every 4m...but it is what it is.


pools -

evasive maneuvers in flight. this power is amazing. i wont even type why.


group fly -

because gloxinia is a fairy king



disruptor blast and poison ray are procced up, and will contribute much to our generally lacking damage in this build. we take a kb to kd in disruptir blast, because were saving pissing people off with phase. and its slovenly to knock things about.




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  • Twilight Grasp requires accuracy. Slot an Accurate Healing set.
  • Shadow Fall is best slotted with a combination of defense and resist sets.
  • You're missing the two +def uniques, which can go in Shadow Fall or Fade. These would increase your defense by 6%.
  • Phantasm would be better with Expedient Reinforcement because of the recharge and ranged defense bonuses.
  • Dark Servant requires accuracy. Slot an Accurate To-Hit Debuff set.
  • The procs in Poisonous Ray and Disruptor Blast require accuracy.
  • Scorpion Shield should be slotted for more defense. You're not at the soft cap.
  • Unbreakable Constraint, Gladiator's Net or Basilisk's Gaze would be better than Superior Overpowering Presence in Flash because of the recharge bonuses.
  • Group Fly requires end reduction.
  • Focused Accuracy requires end reduction. There's no way you'll be able to run it in combat without it.

Uunderdog - Rad/Rad Scrapper | Uundertaker - Rad/Dark Corruptor | Uun - MA/Inv Scrapper | Uunison - Grav/Storm Controller | Uuncola - Ice/Temp Blaster | Uundergrowth - Plant/Martial Dominator | Uunstable - SR/Staff Tank

Uunreal - Fire/Time Corruptor | Uunrest - Dark/TA Blaster | Uunseen - Ill/Poison Controller | Uuncool - Cold/Beam Defender | Uunderground - Earth/Earth Dominator | Uunknown - Mind/Psi Dominator | Uunplugged - Stone/Elec Brute

Uunfair - Archery/TA Corruptor | Uunsung - DP/Ninja Blaster | Uunflammable - Fire/Nature Controller | Uunflappable - WM/WP Brute | Uundead - Dark/Dark Tank | Uunfit - Water/Martial Blaster  | Uunwrapped - Dark/Dark Dominator

Uunchill - Ice/Kinetics Corruptor | Uunpleasant - En/En Stalker | Uunbrella - Rad/Rad Sentinel | Uunsafari - Beasts/Traps MM | Uungnome - Nature/Seismic Defender | Uunsavory - Poson/Sonic Defender | Uunicycle - BS/Shield Scrapper

Uuntouchable - Ill/Time Controller | Uunferno - Fire/Fire Tank | Uunthinkable - Psi/SR Scrapper | Uuncivil - Thugs/Elec MM | Uunnatural - Ice/Savage Dominator | Uunshockable - Elec/Bio Sentinel | Uunfathomable - Elec/Dark Controller

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3 hours ago, Uun said:
  • Twilight Grasp requires accuracy. Slot an Accurate Healing set.
  • Shadow Fall is best slotted with a combination of defense and resist sets.
  • You're missing the two +def uniques, which can go in Shadow Fall or Fade. These would increase your defense by 6%.
  • Phantasm would be better with Expedient Reinforcement because of the recharge and ranged defense bonuses.
  • Dark Servant requires accuracy. Slot an Accurate To-Hit Debuff set.
  • The procs in Poisonous Ray and Disruptor Blast require accuracy.
  • Scorpion Shield should be slotted for more defense. You're not at the soft cap.
  • Unbreakable Constraint, Gladiator's Net or Basilisk's Gaze would be better than Superior Overpowering Presence in Flash because of the recharge bonuses.
  • Group Fly requires end reduction.
  • Focused Accuracy requires end reduction. There's no way you'll be able to run it in combat without it.


Twilight Grasp requires accuracy. Slot an Accurate Healing set

- i have sufficient accuracy from epic power pool focused accuracy in WORST of cases, and sufficient to-hit for the vast majority.


Focused Accuracy requires end reduction. There's no way you'll be able to run it in combat without it

- i find this to be untrue, the end consumption is not high on this char power cycle, and soul absorb puts much end recovery

- its not a full time toggle, rather (oh see that chance to hit combat stat you monitor, its rather low right now) turn on kind of thing.


i may well put end reduce in group fly. itd be fun to run it all the time.


figure ill leave this as is, and see how we do. still have 15 or so levels to do, and probably tuning from there.


to def numbers, ive found -tohit so effective on a dark/dark controller (which granted probably equates to more with spam of group immob etc.) that i functionally dont need to be at softcap, at all.  


as said, we'll see.


ty for feedback!

Edited by honoroit
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following up on end use.


soul absorbtion is exceptional.


in typical use, my (and allies within 20ft) end recovery goes to:

over 8.something/second in a dense mob with 15 hits, and 4.5 (at very low end, to 6.5) in lower.  it lasts 45s. has a 160s base recharge, which with hasten and recharge from 6 slotting it with an end recovery set, means its available regularly.


its noticible - people in teams near me (melee in particular) are pushed to cap of end, and this kind of removes the need to economize there.


so something like group fly at 0.65/s, and a consume for me at about 1/s base (at most) isnt tipping balance to a point where worry needs to occur.


focused accuracy is expensive, but again its cost becomes non issue, IF one can cycle soul absorb on a very reasonable pad.  its not like not having the buff for half a minute (which would be odd if your fighting) is going to crash your end and cause allies to fall from the sky, kupo.


soul absorb is that good.


so if youre dark affinity, as with elec affinity (less you need target ally and charges and more consumed power activation time to deliver) or kin (big refill, overheal potential) to a similar degree....


soul absorb puts a long lasting recovery buff on you.  this keeps filling you or the ally, who is free to run off for battles and further glories, along that duration.


the practical effect is a party window with end bars that stay near cap.


@Uun you may have insight i lack, but in several hours of assessment on this character, and much time on a dark dark controller prior - i do NOT need to optimize for end reduce on powers in this build at this time, for reasons described.

Edited by honoroit
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Soul Absorb also pairs obscenely well with Soul Drain from Soul Mastery. 
Soul Brothers FTW.

I haven't tried Ill/Dark either, but a ton of time on Dark/Dark and Fire/Dark (Highly recommended, my second most powerful Incarnate Controller ).

Fluffy (Dark Servant) works excellently with a 6 pack of Cloud Senses. The proc can trigger on almost every power Fluffy has and it does good damage both aoe and single target. The +Ranged Def is excellent which pairs very well with the Hover + Evasive maneuvers combo (and I agree, it's excellent! Gives you two LotG in the flight pool too.) 


Agree with pretty much everything above.


Thanks for the thought! I've been thinking about an Ill/ alt as a possible next project, hadn't thought about pairing it with /Dark probably because I've done a lot of /Dark recently, so I've been thinking about other secondaries. Could be one hell of a tough build when you pair the tank like nature of /Dark with PA as an unkillable tank solution. 🙂 🙂 

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