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Ice Melee/EA and innocuous power that boost my dps and clears


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Funny thing I was testing Caltrops on my Ice/EA scrapper and funny thing happen my room clears became faster and it is a buff to my st dps on bosses oh and in big groups paired with ice patch keeps bad guys off you even more as they run in circles and fall down to their own demise

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FlashBack to old days: Pinnacle

Langar Thurs-Katana/SR 50; Hejtmane-DM/DA 50

Rogue Spear-Spines/DA 50; Hypnosis-Ill/Rad 50

Sir Thomas Theroux-DM/SR 50; Melted Copper-Fire/Shield 50; Byzantine Warrior-DB/ELA 50; Blade Tempo-50 DB/EA

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3 hours ago, nihilii said:

This makes me ponder an Ice/Fire/Weapon scrapper running Ice Patch, Burn and Caltrops, just for kicks.

Ice/Fire or Fire/ice (melee...not sure how the ranged options are for that...never done them) are a really good pairing from experience. I used to PL (before sets) with a Fire/Ice tanker and it was dumb effective. Ice/Fire scrapper seems like a really good way to alleviate the runner problem that comes with FA on scraps not having a taunt aura.  Ice patch, caltrops, BURN BABY BURN

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On 8/3/2023 at 4:57 AM, nihilii said:

This makes me ponder an Ice/Fire/Weapon scrapper running Ice Patch, Burn and Caltrops, just for kicks.

I haven’t fixed up my ice/fire scrapper after they upgraded fiery aura, but in theory the Ice Patch/Corrosive Vial/Burn is looking like a very nice combo.  

Who run Bartertown?


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