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Can't create additional character?


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Hey there. I started earlier this week, and I've probably spent more time in the character creation process than actually playing! Anyway, I have two so far, played them a little, and decided today to create another idea I had. For some reason though, when I click to create a new character, the "Next" button is greyed out no matter what I do. I tried selecting both City of Heroes and Going Rogue, plugging in a name. The button stays grey. Advice?

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If your choices cannot finish a character, the character creator will have various ways of stopping progress:

  • No Origin: can't pick a title to play. As 'antiquated' as the concept of origin is for Homecoming, it still determines shops, contacts, early enhancement offerings and mission choices available in certain arcs.
  • No Playstyle: This screen can be overridden by picking an Archetype by yourself.  Playstyle just groups the categories of ATs for you: Holy Trinity, Crowd Control, Pets, etc.
  • No Archetype: Power Selection stops and shows an interesting screen -- The Archetype icon in all its glory.
  • No Powers: Can't move past the costume screen.  The "Custom" tab will be blocked until you make power choices.  Oddly, "No Costume" is impossible: the character creator spins up a random template costume if you make no choices.
  • No Name: The final "Register" screen will have the name you picked earlier front and center with your Bio.  If the name field remains blank, the field will blink red and you can't continue until a unique name on the server is picked.  Your biography can be changed at will anytime by visiting Menu > I.D.


"...no explanation, no mix of words or music or memories can touch that sense of knowing that you were there and alive in that corner of time and the world. Whatever it meant..." - Hunter S. Thompson

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after almost 20 years, yes, i log into just make a character that may never see a hour of play



"She who lives by the cybernetic monstrosity powered by living coral, all too often dies by the cybernetic monstrosity powered by living coral."  -Doc Buzzsaw

Pineapple 🍍 Pizza 🍕 is my thumbs up. 

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